Zone1 *Sacrifice's Of Animals Again On The Jewish Mount!*

easy----both hebrew and aramaic are MYSTERY
LANGUAGES----the english translations are a

Simply, Aramic is the sub-conscious of Hebrew,
and Hebrew thought is not about any mystic experience,
i.e the movement "up" from earth towards 'the Heavens', rather
the meeting between creation, humanity, and the G-dly in this place.

It's a set date,
with intimate table manners,
as the dance moves, a royal feast.
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Simply, Aramic is the sub-conscious of Hebrew,
and Hebrew thought is not about any mystic experience,
i.e the movement "up" from earth towards 'the Heavens', rather
the meeting between creation, humanity, and the G-dly in this place.

It's a set date,
with intimate table manners,
as the dance moves, a royal feast.
oh THE TABLE MANNERS-----all that handwashing----don't make
HOBIE laugh
Go on,

continue with that thought....

self determination is the challenge for WHOM?

the post flood laws - blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, - are they as heavenly as the etched tablets claimed by moses from the heavens, also ... not just made up, and only after the flood.
the post flood laws - blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, - are they as heavenly as the etched tablets claimed by moses from the heavens, also ... not just made up, and only after the flood.

Of course, it was a collective standard, they recur in various cultures.

Hebrews don't claim to hear or receive anything from 'heavens',
and it wasn't just Mosheh Rabbenu, all Israel heard G-d.
All Israel speak to G-d.

Question rather what you mean by 'heavenly'?
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Of course, it was a collective standard, they recur in various cultures.

Hebrews don't claim to hear or receive anything from 'heavens',
and it wasn't just Mosheh Rabbenu, all Israel heard G-d.
All Israel speak to G-d.

Question rather what you mean by 'heavenly'?
the post flood laws - blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, bloodshed, theft, - are they as heavenly as the etched tablets claimed by moses from the heavens, also ... not just made up, and only after the flood.
Question rather what you mean by 'heavenly'?

my question was left unanswered - there never existed etched tablets from the heavens - monotheism - claimed by moses their claim is without merit ... from where life came is the heavens irregardless the superficial.

your laws do not include the 1st century exemplars - so much so you murdered them, the desert religions they fear liberation theology, self determination ... no plaque on the wall "legally" bound. blasphemy, idolatry, adultery et all ...
If The Temple goes up, best advance your doomsday clock to seconds before the end
Agreed. Any time now, the Rapture of the Church will occur. Once that happens, the Holy Spirit will be removed in his current capacity. Those who become saved during the seven year (or Great) Tribulation will be persecuted to such a degree it would make Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, and other regimes look like a Boy Scout Jamboree.
my question was left unanswered - there never existed etched tablets from the heavens - monotheism - claimed by moses their claim is without merit ... from where life came is the heavens irregardless the superficial.

your laws do not include the 1st century exemplars - so much so you murdered them, the desert religions they fear liberation theology, self determination ... no plaque on the wall "legally" bound. blasphemy, idolatry, adultery et all ...

Yes, of course, the Noahide Law is Prophecy,
its source is the source of life, the Creator.

And today, I can't think of a more significant expression
of self-determination and liberation in humanity than
collective Prophecy and construction of the Temple.

Although Israel are commanded with additional laws,
declared Noahides can, and usually want to join in those as well.
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That's why religious people are so dangerous. Starting wars, over their mythology and delusions.
I'm here debating the issues, that's not an act of violence. You may not like having your cherished assertions challenged by communists, but that in and of itself doesn't equate to violence. Your false propaganda against communism isn't violence, it's just dishonest and stupid. I can tell the difference between violence and debating topics on an internet forum, apparently, you can't.

Of course, religions are dangerous,
but the war in humanity preceded
long before the rise of religions,
and mythology.

And Communism is not different in that sense,
after all, it is another Messianic movement.
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Yes, of course, the Noahide Law is Prophecy,
its source is the source of life, the Creator.

And today, I can't think of a more significant expression
of self-determination and liberation in humanity than
collective Prophecy and construction of the Temple.

Although Israel are commanded with additional laws,
declared Noahides can, and usually want to join in those as well.

they, blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, are not heavenly and when brought to justice the criminals who use them to persecute and victimize the innocent - scream injustice - for themselves than acknowledge the evil they perpetrate and readily repeat when again their deception is shadowed by false claims - moses the liar. rylah the messenger.

the 1st century exemplar - blasphemy, idolatry, adultery - guilty and put to death ...

by noahide laws ... in direct contravention to the true intent and meaning the prescribed religion of antiquity their namesake deliberately misconstrues.
they, blasphemy, idolatry, adultery, are not heavenly and when brought to justice the criminals who use them to persecute and victimize the innocent - scream injustice - for themselves than acknowledge the evil they perpetrate and readily repeat when again their deception is shadowed by false claims - moses the liar. rylah the messenger.

the 1st century exemplar - blasphemy, idolatry, adultery - guilty and put to death ...

by noahide laws ... in direct contravention to the true intent and meaning the prescribed religion of antiquity their namesake deliberately misconstrues.

Is it a lie, or you must it be a lie?

So that you can keep pretending
to cannibalize on a Jew, while telling us
that consuming sheep and bread is primitive evil....
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Is it a lie, or you must it be a lie?

So that you can keep pretending
to cannibalize on a Jew, while telling us
that consuming sheep and bread is primitive evil....

cannibalize - the desert religions by their selective renderings being heavenly ordained.

a lie, who's - their claim of tablets - etched in heaven - with commandments, given to them - they destroyed.

moses muhammad the apostles - were murderers for their "religions". why not persecute them.

moses lied, the heavenly tablets - included in the desert religions - are draconian, proven by recorded history for their application to persecute and victimize the innocent including the1st century events - for which were guilt ascribed would be the religions themselves.
cannibalize - the desert religions by their selective renderings being heavenly ordained.

a lie, who's - their claim of tablets - etched in heaven - with commandments, given to them - they destroyed.

moses muhammad the apostles - were murderers for their "religions". why not persecute them.

moses lied, the heavenly tablets - included in the desert religions - are draconian, proven by recorded history for their application to persecute and victimize the innocent including the1st century events - for which were guilt ascribed would be the religions themselves.

Again, do you must it be a lie, or want to hide from responsibility?

Want to see the Tablets - they're in the Temple.

So, if you're so sure they're fake,
you should be the first to suggest we build the Temple.

The laws are not draconian in any way,
in fact, the Human Rights declaration
is based on Noahide Laws.

And tell me, where did Rabbi Moses ever speak about religion?
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Again, do you must it be a lie, or want to hide from responsibility?

Want to see the Tablets - they're in the Temple.

So, if you're so sure they're fake,
you should be the first to suggest we build the Temple.

The laws are not draconian in any way,
in fact, the Human Rights declaration
is based on Noahide Laws.

And tell me, where did Rabbi Moses ever speak about religion?

"Want to see the Tablets - they're in the Temple" - liar, tablets etched in the heavens never existed. in the name of judaism.

- is the temple in the name of judaism as well - sorry, if its from your book the forgeries and fallacies would be similarly prohibitive for its attendance. in adherence to the heavenly religion of antiquity.

blasphemy, idolatry, adultery -


oh, how better to keep the peace - that you beany, guy sitting in judgement.
Why is some guy in Texas worried about what (won't happen) in Israel?
Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews will be restored fully, its not happened yet, there is a way to go.
2. Wait for it.
3. Why you ask?
4. Only a question G-d can answer, he has a reason I'm sure.
5. You feeling lucky enough, to ask a question of G-d?

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Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews will be restored fully, its not happened yet, there is a way to go.
2. Wait for it.
3. Why you ask?
4. Only a question G-d can answer, he has a reason I'm sure.
5. You feeling lucky enough, to ask a question of G-d?


Wouldn't the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 fulfill what was spoken through the prophets?

And yes, through prayer, I ask God questions quite frequently. God is a loving God, who cares deeply for people.
Wouldn't the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 fulfill what was spoken through the prophets?

And yes, through prayer, I ask God questions quite frequently. God is a loving God, who cares deeply for people.
Sorry bout that,

1. The optimal word in your statement is, *State*.
2. Who's, *State*?
3. The Jews, *State*?
4. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
5. Do other countries live in a, *State*?
6. Like the, *State 0f Spain*?
7. Or part of, *The United States* hummmm.
8. From which we protect them, breath life into them, make them safe.
9. Or is Israel, *A State, of Mind*?

Sorry bout that,

1. The optimal word in your statement is, *State*.
2. Who's, *State*?
3. The Jews, *State*?
4. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
5. Do other countries live in a, *State*?
6. Like the, *State 0f Spain*?
7. Or part of, *The United States* hummmm.
8. From which we protect them, breath life into them, make them safe.
9. Or is Israel, *A State, of Mind*?

Yes, actually, most countries can be referred to as states or countries - they are interchangeable synonyms.

You live in the United STATES of America.

Israel is definitely a real country, with boarders. It's also a "House" of people, according to the Bible.

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