Sacha Baron Cohen Trolls Right Wing Event in Olympia, Washington

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
"Sacha Baron Cohen apparently crashed an event being held by the right-wing group The Three Percenters, according to witnesses and video of the event. The Three Percenters — described as an anti-government extremist group by the Anti-Defamation League — held the rally-style "March for Our Rights" event on Saturday in Olympia, Washington."

Someone seems a little bored and restless. Not sure why he's in Olympia, a hot bed of far left kookery or the "Three Percenters" for that matter, who I'd never heard of before. All in good fun, perhaps.
I saw this story a few days back. The song he had those bigots singing was HILARIOUS!

My report was that people were singing along but only up to a point and the crowd became hostile towards
Baron Cohen after that.

Subtlety isn't exactly his strong suit.
My report was that people were singing along but only up to a point and the crowd became hostile towards
Baron Cohen after that.

Subtlety isn't exactly his strong suit.

My report was that SOME people ignorantly sang along, you can hear them on the video, and organizers of the event claim NO ONE was signing along. Simply not true, SOME ignorant people sang along. FACT

My report also says that there were some in attendance that were yelling back at Cohen, one guy with a megaphone, it's on the video I watched of the local news. So, SOME people were upset with Cohen, calling him a racist. This is also FACT, it's on video.

What we don't know is the political stance of the signers and the people upset with Cohen.
He sh
"Sacha Baron Cohen apparently crashed an event being held by the right-wing group The Three Percenters, according to witnesses and video of the event. The Three Percenters — described as an anti-government extremist group by the Anti-Defamation League — held the rally-style "March for Our Rights" event on Saturday in Olympia, Washington."

Someone seems a little bored and restless. Not sure why he's in Olympia, a hot bed of far left kookery or the "Three Percenters" for that matter, who I'd never heard of before. All in good fun, perhaps.
He should have gotten his ass kicked off the stage, same as the Alisnky Taliban who bring Nazi flags to our rallies
I saw this story a few days back. The song he had those bigots singing was HILARIOUS!
If conservatives were what libs claim tou would not have to invent bad stuff about them

this story confirms that libs are liars
What we don't know is the political stance of the signers and the people upset with Cohen.
It's safe to assume people at a Three Percenters gathering would be very conservative and not likely
to find Baron Cohen's trolling funny.

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