S.T.Y.X. Humanhive


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there
Combine post-apocalyptic dystopia, madmax-esque scavengers, with a dash of video-game zombies, and you get the book 1 of this interesting new universe from russia's independent writing scene. The only detriment is that, of course, the hero is The Hero, with all the advantages at his disposal if he manages to use them. But apart from that, it's a fun romp thru an horrific situation that leaves you wanting for book 2.
Si Fi. Classic. Great read
When Maxim Kammerer, a young space explorer from twenty-second-century Earth, crash-lands on an uncharted world, he thinks of himself as a latter-day Robinson Crusoe. Eager to establish first contact with the planet’s humanlike inhabitants, he finds himself increasingly entangled in their primitive way of life. After his experiences in their nightmarish military, criminal justice, and mental health systems, Maxim begins to realize that his sojourn on this radioactive and war-scarred world will not be a walk in the park.

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