Ryan onFox we need to cut healthcare subsidies and social entitlements


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Well if we do , we have to cut all subsidies to state and government employees and that includes him and his congress pals. This makes people like me not even want to pay taxes, because it goes to Congress and we foot their salaries and health ins. They are a drain on society. I have about had it with the GOP. I can't wait to see them smother.

Yet they did a humongous tax cut for the rich.
Do you pay taxes?

Actually its none of your business, I am saying no tax dollars should subsidise their health ins.
They just gave themselves a huge tax cut, and they still want us to help them pay for their
health ins.

Ryan is a pill. He married a rich wife who inherited lots of money.

He is in love with Ann Rand , wonder if he knows she was an atheist. She also collected SS and Medicare.
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No problem, Trump will fight that tooth and nail. I'm pretty sure he gave that promise in his campaign so you have no need to worry.
I do not care about your graft. The rich got huge tax cuts , so did the congressmen and do not need our subsidies and do not deserve our subsidies.
I post for those who are going to vote for Democrats, not for you trumpeters and gophers, to make sure they go out and vote and are aware of what is really happening, although most Democrats on here are more knowledgeable than most Republicans.
I am not trying to even change you Republican and Trump lovers mind, because its a waste of time, that is not why I'm here, I'm here to debate your posts and post about what the GOP is doing.
It was the Dems that shoved Obamacare down our throats while exempting themselves from that law and continuing their golden coverage for themselves.
Everyone that pays taxes got a tax cut. You are just spewing more of what you are fed. We already spend much more on the items you mentioned than we do on defense. Paychecks are higher, people are getting raises and many are getting bonuses. And families are getting double the tax credit, yet you still bitch and complain because it was passed by a Republican Congress. If it had been the Dems passing it, you would be rejoicing to the highest.
I do not care about your graft. The rich got huge tax cuts , so did the congressmen and do not need our subsidies and do not deserve our subsidies.
No problem, Trump will fight that tooth and nail. I'm pretty sure he gave that promise in his campaign so you have no need to worry.
As sure as Tramp's wedding vow to honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto her as long as you both shall live."
It was the Dems that shoved Obamacare down our throats while exempting themselves from that law and continuing their golden coverage for themselves.
A Russian lie parroted by useful idiots.
Just like Clinton did
No problem, Trump will fight that tooth and nail. I'm pretty sure he gave that promise in his campaign so you have no need to worry.
As sure as Tramp's wedding vow to honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others keep thee only unto her as long as you both shall live."
Everyone that pays taxes got a tax cut. You are just spewing more of what you are fed. We already spend much more on the items you mentioned than we do on defense. Paychecks are higher, people are getting raises and many are getting bonuses. And families are getting double the tax credit, yet you still bitch and complain because it was passed by a Republican Congress. If it had been the Dems passing it, you would be rejoicing to the highest.
I do not care about your graft. The rich got huge tax cuts , so did the congressmen and do not need our subsidies and do not deserve our subsidies.

This debate is about cutting social programs and cutting healthcare subsidizes, which Ryan says is the problem, they need to pay their full cost of insurance then. What is right for the many tax payers is right for the congress.

I have absolutely no respect at all for the GOP and their shenanigans. Most of them are the sickest people that are alive in my opinion.

Cutting Medicaid and Medicare, and having ins go back to before the ACA is just a travesty. If you do not understand how health ins use to be this conversation is null and void with you. Tell that to the people with pre-existing conditions before the ACA and you might get spitted upon if you do not think the ACA is something that needed to be done a long time ago as well as expanded Medicaid.

Many of the ignorant voted for Trump who are now and have lost their health insurance.

Then Ryan said the Baby Boomers, well why did they give tax cuts to all. We are only as good as we treat the seniors, disabled and those who need help and the GOP treats those like crap. Also the Vets got their help cut.
Hud had cuts under the GOP , everything and now trump wants to hand out food baskets instead food stamps. What a nightmare.
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It was the Dems that shoved Obamacare down our throats while exempting themselves from that law and continuing their golden coverage for themselves.

You had a choice, get a job with ins, or get on Medicaid or buy your own. Many got out of buying ins without a fine for many different reason. Just say it was against your religious belief and no fine. So NO, they did not shove it down you throat.

That was the only way they could get it passed as well.
I have no prob cutting into Congressional bennies.....needs to be restored to the public service realm its supposed to be

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