Ryan- help the poor by slashing programs that help the poor

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Paul Ryan Poverty Speech Proposes Reforming Programs For The Poor

In his first policy speech since becoming the Republican vice presidential nominee, Paul Ryan said he and Mitt Romney will restore upward mobility and fight poverty in part by limiting the federal government's commitment to safety net programs.

Fight poverty by causing poverty. A novel approach but pretty much what we've come to expect from these two pricks.

Ryan noted that Americans born into poor families are more likely to stay poor as adults than Americans born into wealthy families.

Boy, nothing gets past this bag of slime.

So when do they get to the part about forcing women to bear children? That has been SliminRyan's position for as long as he's been in office and now Mitten's has endorsed a fundie nutter who says god wants raped women to be pregnant. but, I just bet they'll wait until after the election to tell us any more than that. WHY? Because they're both lying sneaks.
Be sure to check out the slide show. Scroll down a bit.

To say the least, its educational
Yeah, far better to let them starve in the streets, right?

In point of fact, you are wrong.
Better to invoke hyperbole than face the facts, huh?

Point of fact is that the rates of "poverty" haven't been reduced one iota since 1965.

As though that's supposed to be evidence of the success of socialistic wealth redistribution? :lol:
Yeah, far better to let them starve in the streets, right?

In point of fact, you are wrong.

The percentage of people living in "poverty" in this country is roughly the same as it was when the Great Society programs were instituted. It's nothing but a giant waste of money in order to buy votes for politicians.
rw's really get their kicks watching kids starve ... And forcing women to bear children.

SliminRyan is definitely your guy.
Gubmint programs for the sainted poooooor haven't helped them.

If they did, there would be no poor, after the trillions upon trillions that have been thrown at "poverty".

Why is it that in countries that do less for their poor the poor do not do better?
Oh, so countries that have done nothing for the pooooor are no better off than America, which has thrown trillions at "poverty".

Thanks for inadvertently helping to make my point. :lol:

Maybe you can 'splain it

How does removing assistance to the poor make them wealthier?
Oh, so countries that have done nothing for the pooooor are no better off than America, which has thrown trillions at "poverty".

Thanks for inadvertently helping to make my point. :lol:

Maybe you can 'splain it

How does removing assistance to the poor make them wealthier?
We know that redistributing trillions of dollars hasn't made them wealthier, as evidenced by the lack of decline in poverty rate, so how does removing the "assistance" harm them?
Oh, so countries that have done nothing for the pooooor are no better off than America, which has thrown trillions at "poverty".

Thanks for inadvertently helping to make my point. :lol:

Maybe you can 'splain it

How does removing assistance to the poor make them wealthier?

It forces them to go out and get one of those many high-paying jobs.
Oh, so countries that have done nothing for the pooooor are no better off than America, which has thrown trillions at "poverty".

Thanks for inadvertently helping to make my point. :lol:

Maybe you can 'splain it

How does removing assistance to the poor make them wealthier?
We know that redistributing trillions of dollars hasn't made them wealthier, as evidenced by the lack of decline in poverty rate, so how does removing the "assistance" harm them?

It makes them wealthier than they would be if they received no aid at all.

You have yet to explain how removing aid makes them better off

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