Russians attack train station with missile killing 30 people that were trying to flee

And the train station massacre is just another example of their inhumanity.
This is another example of the bestial meanness of the Western political elite and the boundless stupidity of their electorate...
it is known that any crime begins to be investigated with the question: "Who benefits from it?" A person with a single brain cell will answer that the killing of civilians in Ukraine is beneficial to the ukrainian nazis and their Western masters. And this is clear even without investigating the physical evidence. But the scoundrels do not need proof, they have their own dirty and bloody purpose and they will not investigate their own crimes.
But these crimes will be investigated and the nazi criminals will not be left without punishment.
This is another example of the bestial meanness of the Western political elite and the boundless stupidity of their electorate...
it is known that any crime begins to be investigated with the question: "Who benefits from it?" A person with a single brain cell will answer that the killing of civilians in Ukraine is beneficial to the ukrainian nazis and their Western masters. And this is clear even without investigating the physical evidence. But the scoundrels do not need proof, they have their own dirty and bloody purpose and they will not investigate their own crimes.
But these crimes will be investigated and the nazi criminals will not be left without punishment.
Yes, and Zelenskiy and his advisor may both be cocaine addicts, judging the speed of the latter tripping over himself, first mouthing off about Bucha by blaming a certain Omurbekov, then adding Russian. Paratroopers. Arestovych then mouths off from Kramatorsk like he's on speed, and not a peep about the serial number of the Tochka, which can be traced.
This is another example of the bestial meanness of the Western political elite and the boundless stupidity of their electorate...
it is known that any crime begins to be investigated with the question: "Who benefits from it?" A person with a single brain cell will answer that the killing of civilians in Ukraine is beneficial to the ukrainian nazis and their Western masters. And this is clear even without investigating the physical evidence. But the scoundrels do not need proof, they have their own dirty and bloody purpose and they will not investigate their own crimes.
But these crimes will be investigated and the nazi criminals will not be left without punishment.
Producing indignance is a theological technique from the Neolithic. That's why effeminates of CIA-MI6 hang around churches: to learn Theo's techniques.
In one photo, a Tochka-U missile shot down over Debaltsevo in Donbass in 2015. On the other photo, the missile, that hit Kramatorsk yesterday. The serial number differs by one. This means they are from the same party, and from the same ukrainian military unit.

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In Germany in 1945, the closer the Soviet troops approached Berlin and the less it was possible to talk about the military successes of the Wehrmacht, the more trumpeted about some incredible atrocities of the Red Army and the more, according to Goebbels' department, women were raped

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