Russian apologist need to read this

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". . . Sometimes we hear the opinion that since the Russian people has been silent for ages, it does not know or need freedom and for this reason our citizens are said to need constant supervision from above. I would like to return those who think so to reality, to the real world.

Let me remind you again of how modern Russian history began. First of all, it should be acknowledged, and I have spoken of this before, that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. And for the Russian people, it was a real drama. Tens of millions of our citizens and fellow-countrymen found themselves outside the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the epidemic of disintegration spread to Russia itself. Citizens' savings lost their value. The old ideals were destroyed. Many institutions were disbanded or simply hastily reformed. The country's integrity was disturbed by a terrorist intervention and the ensuing capitulation of Khasavyurt [Chechen peace deal of mid-1990s brokered by the late Aleksandr Lebed and the late Aslan Maskhadov].

With unrestricted control over information flows, groups of oligarchs served exclusively their own corporate interests. Mass poverty started to be accepted as the norm. All this evolved against a background of the most severe economic recession, unstable finances and paralysis in the social sphere.

It seemed to many at the time that our young democracy was not the continuation of Russian statehood, but its final collapse, the prolonged death throes of the Soviet system. Those who thought so were mistaken.. . . "

Just as it is true, I loath the global American empire? It is also true, that its eventual collapse, will definitely be a tragedy for many millions of stranded Americans, and mean mass death and poverty for many millions more. This cannot be logically argued.

If you want to just read mass media war propaganda out of context? And not actually GIVE ME, what I asked for? To read it, IN CONTEXT? That is on you.

It seems you NEED an enemy, just like these lefty lunatics need to twist Trump into something he is clearly not. YOU HAVE BEEN DUPED!

If you can't trust the cabal media to tell you the truth about Trump, why in the hell would you trust them to tell you the truth about Putin or this war? You do know, that the editorializing on this speech you linked? IS part of a consortium that owns GE, which is one of the largest war manufacturers, right?

Do you still shed a tear for the USSR?
I’m very conservative and I’d happily tie a noose on Putin and pull the lever on the trap door. Of course that would be after a scrupulously fair trial. He’s guilty of so many illegal aggressions, actions and war crimes that any even remotely fair jury would convict him in a heartbeat.
You’d also have to pull the lever for W and O, who have killed far more people than Putin ever did.
You’d also have to pull the lever for W and O, who have killed far more people than Putin ever did.
Neither one has committed war crimes, stolen from their citizens, sold their freedom to corrupt, criminal oligarchs or launched any unprovoked invasions of ALLIED countries like Putin has. I’m no fan of W and actively despise Obama, but their actions in office were legal and mostly moral.
And what does that have to do with Russia invading Ukraine twice?

Come on now, did Russia attack them twice, or not?

YOu are the one over and over that insists that there was no invasion, now back up your claims and stop spinning in circles.
If you can't follow along, I can't help you.

At this point? I believe you are just playing dumb.

Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine - Preparing for a proxy war with Russia (2016)​

I have already posted, several times, what were Russia's strategic interests, and how they were willing to negotiate. Over and over again. It is the US that demanded war. I have proved it with wikileaked cables. YOU ARE IN DENIAL.

If China were funding a group of communist/socialists in Mexico, and doing this same type of shit on the Texas border, the US would not hesitate to invade.

In fact, if I am not correct, the US is already lobbying the UN to invade Haiti, b/c political groups it defines as, "gangs," or insurgents, are seizing control, once again, and it wants someone to go in and invade for them. If it can't, the US will probably, once again, do just what Russia had.

IDGAF about your dumb ass warmongering hypocrisy.
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Do you still shed a tear for the USSR?
Neither one has committed war crimes, stolen from their citizens, sold their freedom to corrupt, criminal oligarchs or launched any unprovoked invasions of ALLIED countries like Putin has. I’m no fan of W and actively despise Obama, but their actions in office were legal and mostly moral.

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