"Russia" Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
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Finally, we begin to get some real information from the Primary source , from the very heart of Muscovite Kleptocracy - TV.ru and its most famous (N1) propagandacondom - Vladimir Solovyov.

so Whats new?

"A "Russian" politician claimed on TV that "Russian" intelligence “stole” the U.S. presidential election under the nose of U.S. intelligence.

Vyacheslav Nikonov, a member of Russia’s lower house of parliament, the Duma, appeared Sunday night on a show hosted by presenter Vladimir Solovyov that focused on whether U.S. global influence was in decline.....

“U.S. intelligence missed it when "Russian" intelligence stole the president of the United States," said Nikonov, before going on to extol the superior ability of Russian versus U.S. intelligence.

Nikonov is not the first Russian lawmaker who appears convinced of Russia’s role in influencing the election. During an interview on state TV earlier in September, the leader of the far-right New Russia Movement, Nikita Isaev, called for compromising information about Trump to be released.


A member of President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, Nikonov is the grandson of Stalin’s foreign minister, Vyacheslav Molotov, and is regarded as an expert on the GOP and U.S. politics.

Russia Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV
there are all well know facts, whats funny here, that's Muscovites thugs have never hided it, but western "useful idiots" (Putler-Koba-Lenins) simply dont want to believe , even today LOL
Oliver Stone: an attempt to find Russian interference in US elections is true witch hunting: a lot of smoke but no fire. You better look at Israel and Mr. Netanyahu who comes to USA and talks to the Congress just before the elections. Or look at our billionaires like Soros who donate millions to certain candidates. Or look at Israeli Lobby who works with our Congressmen so close. This is the real interference. Don’t talk about Russian interference: Russians are not pouring their money into US political processes.
Interview to a Russian TV channel

Looks like Soros&Co are "warming up" the public opinion in case traitor Merkel loses to blame Russia for stealing its elections.
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"I was all set to vote for Hillary when this truck ^ drove past me, next thing I know I'm voting Trump" -- Jake "Reactionary and his Ilk" Starkey
Liberals are always bitching about 'fake news sources' yet are willing to 'swallow' when a Russian spews something that supports their fake news conspiracy theories...

Liberals are always bitching about 'fake news sources' yet are willing to 'swallow' when a Russian spews something that supports their fake news conspiracy theories...

straight from FOX news

Thank you Uncle Vlad!!

Can't wait for Vlad to destroy the Dems in the midterms!
do you what to live in "Zimbabwe in snow"? the democracy is the best thing which you have , believe me
The Threat of Kleptocracy"
Sorry, I don't watch fox news...but your post no way invalidates what I initially pointed out.

MSNBC used a white supremacist web site as a 'legitimate news source' with which to try to attack Trump...and now desperate snowflakes are trying to use an unverified claim by some Russian politician as a legitimate news source to support their conspiracy theory claim that Russians 'stole the election' that to this day still has not been supported by any shred of evidence.


Sounds like snowflakes could use this advice from Barry more than Trump or Conservatives...

Just sayin'...

from the Timothy Snyder is one of the world’s foremost scholars of Central , Eastern Europe and Putler´s Muscovy

"In Russia's invasion of Ukraine, history was presented as justification for war. Is there any resemblance between Russian justifications and historical consensus? What does it mean when ethnic claims trump international law? And should hate propaganda be seen simply as an instrument in one war, or an element of a larger strategy to destabilize the West? Timothy Snyder is one of the world’s foremost scholars of Central and Eastern Europe, and the author of numerous critically acclaimed works of history, including Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (2010), and The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (2003). During the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, he has been a visible public intellectual, addressing questions of historical memory, narrative, and reconciliation both in his writing and through his public activism."

"Russia" Stole U.S. Presidency, Pro-Kremlin Politician Claims on Live TV

Who was the Pro-Kremlin politician? Hillary? Obama? Teddy Kennedy? Schumer?
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