Russia now claims Sanctions are a declaration of War!

Well it looks like the reason you don't hear anything is because the Russians are ruling with a iron fist.
Actually, you just heard the Russians are ruling with an iron fist. ;)
That and the dem-run state department always has their hair on fire if a country is not liberal.....
What an embarrassing, unintellectual attempt to sweep away factual information that completely undermines your fantasies you just invented.

Not exactly top shelf stuff, my man.
Actually, you just heard the Russians are ruling with an iron fist. ;)

What an embarrassing, unintellectual attempt to sweep away factual information that completely undermines your fantasies you just invented.

Not exactly top shelf stuff, my man.
Truth hurts you I guess.

I mean really, do you actually think the state dept would have anything good to say about the Russians or their puppet running either place?.....On the whole I think "hair on fire" was pretty darn accurate.
Truth hurts you I guess.

I mean really, do you actually think the state dept would have anything good to say about the Russians or their puppet running either place?.....On the whole I think "hair on fire" was pretty darn accurate.

Now instead of dropping g the unividenced fantasy you just pulled out of your ass, after facts completely undermined it, it's the experts that are all lying.

Fuckin pandemic of stupid....
Russia knows how many millions of people have been starved, tortured, maimed and murdered by USA. The current attempt to blockade Russia economically is a declaration of war. In fact, the USA hijack of Ukaine in 2014 was a declaration of war. Soon, USA's criminal habits are catching up with Americans.
The Russian Ruble is about 1 cent per dollar, and You Americans are prohibited from buying Russian Rubles, about to be backed by gold, thus making dollars equal to about zero. Once your communications, satellites, electric grid are dead, you stupid pride filled Americans be forced to confess and repent, unless you prefer to be dead.

Harsh but true.
He's been telling the West for ten damn years or better that NATO on his Western border was unacceptable but as part of the dem's money laundering scheme in Ukraine that possibility was ever growing with each passing year.....Paying to play was a real thing.

Now I'm not going to sit here and even try to justify Putin's actions as they were wrong-headed but at the same time I'm not going to gloss-over his reasoning behind it because by and by Ukraine would have been admitted into NATO, of that I'm certain.


Truth hurts you I guess.

I mean really, do you actually think the state dept would have anything good to say about the Russians or their puppet running either place?.....On the whole I think "hair on fire" was pretty darn accurate.
But seriously. It's gross to be so flip and dismissive of what Putin has and is doing in Crimea. And to be diverse backwards to maintain that posture in light of facts which undermine should feel ashamed of yourself.
It was USA that starved People of Iraq, poisoned them, destroyed their electricity, sewers, water supply, bombed bomb shelters, buried soldiers alive, murdered 60 miles of refugees leaving Kuwaite, blew up oil wells, pipelines, and oil docks and blamed it on Saddam, tortured them, terrorized them, disarmed them, robbed them, destroyed their money and much more wicked cruelty against Iraq people.
America is filled with arrogant shit heads, homosexuals, drug addicts & fat cat drug pushers & war profiteers.
Before USA's long war on Iraq, Iraq was most prosperous free country in that part of the Planet. Stupid, deluded Americans love torturing, maiming and murdering millions of people. Time for YahwehShua's appointed King to get to work on Yankeestan.
Everyone in the US always conveniently forgets about the roles we have played.

The dictators we have supported, the coups, the crashed economies, and civil wars we have supported.

Then, we will flip on a dime and choose the other side when it suits us.

When you look at the average American they wouldn't steal anything from their neighbor.

They wouldn't cheat on taxes or attack anyone.

However, they will cheer and brag about their government which does all of that.

It's madness.
So, if Saddam and the UN were responsible for sanctions.

No, just Saddam.

His actions led to the sanctions, and he could have ended them at any time by complying with the UN mandates.

Your insane claim is like blaming the EU and everybody else for what is going on in Iran, North Korea, and Russia. Their people are suffering because their governments do not care about their suffering. And will even use their suffering as an axe against everybody else justifying their further actions.

So tell me, is the EU and the rest of the world to blame for what the people in Russia are going through, or the Russian government?

And how is anybody responsible for the billions stolen from the program other than Saddam?
Everyone in the US always conveniently forgets about the roles we have played.

The dictators we have supported, the coups, the crashed economies, and civil wars we have supported.

Then, we will flip on a dime and choose the other side when it suits us.

When you look at the average American they wouldn't steal anything from their neighbor.

They wouldn't cheat on taxes or attack anyone.

However, they will cheer and brag about their government which does all of that.

It's madness.
You're equivocation and false equivalence is embarrassing.
Russia knows how many millions of people have been starved, tortured, maimed and murdered by USA. The current attempt to blockade Russia economically is a declaration of war. In fact, the USA hijack of Ukaine in 2014 was a declaration of war. Soon, USA's criminal habits are catching up with Americans.
The Russian Ruble is about 1 cent per dollar, and You Americans are prohibited from buying Russian Rubles, about to be backed by gold, thus making dollars equal to about zero. Once your communications, satellites, electric grid are dead, you stupid pride filled Americans be forced to confess and repent, unless you prefer to be dead.

We can do that war if Russia likes. I’m cool with it. Because Russia would lose even more than we would.

Russia imports 12.8% of their food. That means they do not produce sufficient food to feed their population. So for Russia to break even, 12.8% of their population will have to die. The technical term for that is decimated.

With the Economic Sanctions, parts for equipment that Russia needs are unavailable. Your aircraft will stop flying before long, because you can’t get parts to keep the birds flying. But that is the tip of the iceberg.

Half the planes used by Aeroflot are leased, and those leases are coming up for renewal. Without SWIFT, Aeroflot can’t pay the Leases, and even if they could pay the lease, Aeroflot can’t fly the planes anywhere. They can’t do maintenance, they can’t do anything really. The Airline will go bankrupt in what? Sixty days? Ninety?

But let’s continue dealing in reality, instead of vague fantasies of somehow magic man Putin waving his hand and destroying America.

Oh he could launch Nukes. But so can others, and they equal at least the number that Russia has. Britain, France, and others have nukes to fire at Russia. So while we would die in great numbers, so would your friends in Moscow Comrade.

It is called Mutually Assured Destruction. The first person to pull the trigger, sets into motion automatic responses, and is himself wiped out in bright flashes of Nuclear death.

By Invading Ukraine, he showed the world that NATO was not an anachronism. NATO did have a good purpose in this day and age.

The Cold War 2.0 has started. And Russia lost the first one, and will lose this one. Because unless Russia holds the “allies” at gunpoint, they’ll switch sides. Western freedoms and opportunity is just too great to ignore. Another truth from the first Cold War.
I don't know. Why don't you research the 350 year old conflict between those two which is the fuel behind this conflict now? Just remember this: Putin means business and isn't fucking around and if he drops a nuke somewhere, a dirty bomb, takes out our electric grid with an EMP, assassinates some people, takes down the network controlling our utilities or sends out a bio-weapon attack, etc., dealing the USA a HUGE DEVASTATING blow, just ask yourself why Biddum dragged us in getting us right in the middle of it? What was OUR national interest? What threat to our security was Ukraine? And had the democrats not stolen the 2020 election, there likely would BE no war now.

So many conspiracy theories, so many unfounded assertions, in so few words. Well done. It’s rare to see such idiocy coupled with admirable brevity.
If the free press can somehow make the average Rusky realize that their leader unilaterally attacked and is wiping out innocent civilians in another country the media could possibly initiate an uprising.
His actions led to the sanctions, and he could have ended them at any time by complying with the UN mandates.
READ what I wrote.

Saddam was empowered, and ENABLED by the west...particularly the US for YEARS.

Your insane claim is like blaming the EU and everybody else for what is going on in Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

I am gonna be honest...worst comparison of the fucking year.

So tell me, is the EU and the rest of the world to blame for what the people in Russia are going through, or the Russian government?
So, I provide proof that the US played a key role in the empowerment of the Ba'athist and Saddam.

You pick two random land masses and attempt to draw an equal comparison...all while completely ignoring any of my points.


But you are off the island...'shove'...smooth fuck off.
Well, if the Putin War against the world is already started, I guess he won't be that much more upset about a 200 mile into Russia NO-Fly Zone, Eliminating Russian warships within 100 miles of the former Ukaraine border, direct drone strikes from Kansas based US soldiers, a massive airlift of war materials to Poland and adding Finland and Sweden to NATO.

Seriously, Putin has been given enough time to wise up. Time to bring him down.
You should take that comedy routine on the road!

Kansas-based soldiers?

The Air Forces drones are operated from Nellis AFB near Las Vegas. Navy drones are operated from their ships.
So many conspiracy theories, so many unfounded assertions, in so few words. Well done. It’s rare to see such idiocy coupled with admirable brevity.
So where is the "conspiracy theory," shithead?
  1. You don't understand the 350 year issue between Russia and Ukraine behind this war or just too stupid to understabnd it?
  2. That Putin never warned us of retaliation beyond our imagination?
  3. Which could be a nuke, an EMP, a bio attack, a chemical attack, a cyber attack, or any combination?
  4. That had Trump not been forced from office, we'd still have world peace, a strong economy, no Covid, cheap gas, bountiful food, and no inflation?

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