Russia negotiating with Taliban for US weapons left behind after withdrawal


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Remember the $7 billion dollars worth of weapons and equipment we gifted the Taliban? Apparently Putin is negotiating with the Taliban to trade them oil and food in exchange for what President Biden left behind, most likely to be used in their war against Ukraine.

Putin plotting to ‘grab US weapons left behind during Afghan evacuation and seized by Taliban’, Kremlin insider claims​

Published: 14:50 ET, Jan 24 2023

"The Russian tyrant is reportedly in the midst of negotiations with the terror group to recognise the Taliban government.

In return, Putin wants US equipment snatched from Afghanistan by the Taliban to be handed over, according to Telegram channel General SVR, which claims to be fed information by a Kremlin insider...

US troops scrambled to withdraw from Afghanistan in August 2021 as the Taliban surged across the war-torn nation in a matter of weeks.

At the same time as seizing regions, militants plundered stocks of Western artillery.

It is thought Taliban fighters may have stolen as many as half a million US weapons and up to 50,000 vehicles.

The US spent an estimated £62billion on weapons and equipment to arm the Afghan army as they propped up the government after toppling the Taliban in 2001.

US documents reveal staggering numbers of guns, vehicles and military gear were handed over to Kabul - only for the Afghan forces to be washed away against the tide of Taliban advance.

Estimates state 22,174 Humvees, 634 M1117s armoured cars, 115 Maxx Pros trucks, and 549,118 machine guns, assault rifles and pistols were given over by the US.

Some 33 Black Hawk helicopters, 23 Super Tucano fighter planes and 4 C-130 transport planes were also given to the Afghan Air Force."

Putin plotting to 'grab US weapons left in Afghan evacuation', says insider

Russia started negotiating with the Taliban back in October, 2022:

Taliban-Russia Deal A Drop In The Bucket That Could Fuel Future Trade​

"The Taliban, struggling to navigate Afghanistan through an economic and humanitarian crisis as its rule over the country remains unrecognized by the world, has found willing partners in two countries whose trade is severely restricted by international sanctions -- Russia and Iran....

Afghanistan will get 1 million tons of gasoline, 1 million tons of diesel fuel, 500,000 tons of liquefied petroleum gas, and 2 million tons of wheat a year, Taliban Commerce and Industry Minister Nooruddin Azizi announced last week...

What Russia will get in return from its cash-strapped partner is much less clear, but it appears that agricultural goods and the prospect of future access to Afghanistan's natural-resource wealth could be on the table."

Taliban-Russia Deal A Drop In The Bucket That Could Fuel Future Trade
The Sun is not a newspaper anyone with a brain ever reads for news .
It's more a comic based on sensationalism and sex stories .
Therefore, the story is almost certainly what we can sensibly call Creative Writing .
See its position when you follow the link -- it smells immediately.

However , if dear Uncle P can buy these weapons and munitions at silly prices , he would be a clown not to do so .
He might be able to jump to the head of the queue but I imagine that most of the goods have moved around the globe already .
The US military has some wise soldiers

Remember the $7 billion dollars worth of weapons and equipment we gifted the Taliban? Apparently Putin is negotiating with the Taliban to trade them oil and food in exchange for what President Biden left behind, most likely to be used in their war against Ukraine.

Putin plotting to ‘grab US weapons left behind during Afghan evacuation and seized by Taliban’, Kremlin insider claims​

Published: 14:50 ET, Jan 24 2023

"The Russian tyrant is reportedly in the midst of negotiations with the terror group to recognise the Taliban government.

In return, Putin wants US equipment snatched from Afghanistan by the Taliban to be handed over, according to Telegram channel General SVR, which claims to be fed information by a Kremlin insider...

US troops scrambled to withdraw from Afghanistan in August 2021 as the Taliban surged across the war-torn nation in a matter of weeks.

At the same time as seizing regions, militants plundered stocks of Western artillery.

It is thought Taliban fighters may have stolen as many as half a million US weapons and up to 50,000 vehicles.

The US spent an estimated £62billion on weapons and equipment to arm the Afghan army as they propped up the government after toppling the Taliban in 2001.

US documents reveal staggering numbers of guns, vehicles and military gear were handed over to Kabul - only for the Afghan forces to be washed away against the tide of Taliban advance.

Estimates state 22,174 Humvees, 634 M1117s armoured cars, 115 Maxx Pros trucks, and 549,118 machine guns, assault rifles and pistols were given over by the US.

Some 33 Black Hawk helicopters, 23 Super Tucano fighter planes and 4 C-130 transport planes were also given to the Afghan Air Force."

Putin plotting to 'grab US weapons left in Afghan evacuation', says insider

Russia started negotiating with the Taliban back in October, 2022:

Taliban-Russia Deal A Drop In The Bucket That Could Fuel Future Trade​

"The Taliban, struggling to navigate Afghanistan through an economic and humanitarian crisis as its rule over the country remains unrecognized by the world, has found willing partners in two countries whose trade is severely restricted by international sanctions -- Russia and Iran....

Afghanistan will get 1 million tons of gasoline, 1 million tons of diesel fuel, 500,000 tons of liquefied petroleum gas, and 2 million tons of wheat a year, Taliban Commerce and Industry Minister Nooruddin Azizi announced last week...

What Russia will get in return from its cash-strapped partner is much less clear, but it appears that agricultural goods and the prospect of future access to Afghanistan's natural-resource wealth could be on the table."

Taliban-Russia Deal A Drop In The Bucket That Could Fuel Future Trade

The Sun? Is this a joke?
Remember the $7 billion dollars worth of weapons and equipment we gifted the Taliban?

No. I thought it was more like 28 billion with billions more previously already given them?

I mean, add it up! Do you think you could make all that for just 7 billion? Won't it be something now if Russia starts killing Ukrainians and other people, maybe some Americans, possibly wins the war,

Remember the $7 billion dollars worth of weapons and equipment we gifted the Taliban? Apparently Putin is negotiating with the Taliban to trade them oil and food in exchange for what President Biden left behind, most likely to be used in their war against Ukraine.

Putin plotting to ‘grab US weapons left behind during Afghan evacuation and seized by Taliban’, Kremlin insider claims​

SO what? Most of what we gave the Quislings in Afghanistan (that dropped their weapons without a fight) is obsolete and they probably can't maintain them without spare parts and trained personnel.

If Russia is THAT desperate for equipment, Putin should probably start negotiating now.
It's getting harder to find anything government does well since this administration took over. The failures are piling up.


Frankly, I remember in 2020, sitting at home waiting for the ax while I couldn't go out for basic groceries and services between the Plague and the Riots.

That's what I remember.

I think that's a lot worse than a bunch of broken down equipment trading hands because Biden had the courage to end a 20 year folly in Afghanistan.
I mean, add it up! Do you think you could make all that for just 7 billion? Won't it be something now if Russia starts killing Ukrainians and other people, maybe some Americans, possibly wins the war,


You mean weapons we gave the Afghan Tribal Leaders to fight our war for us, because we didn't want to have a draft and send a million men over there like you do when you really fight a war?

Those weapons.

Seems the person who fucked this up was Geo. W. Bush, compounded by Obama and Trump unwilling to pull the plug on this shit-show.
You mean weapons we gave the Afghan Tribal Leaders to fight our war for us, because we didn't want to have a draft and send a million men over there like you do when you really fight a war?

Those weapons.

Seems the person who fucked this up was Geo. W. Bush, compounded by Obama and Trump unwilling to pull the plug on this shit-show.

Yep. ENRON needed a pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol power plant.
Yep. ENRON needed a pipeline across Afghanistan to Dabhol power plant.
The whole point of Afghanistan was the minimum $6 trillion under ground plus pipe lines .

The Demented One's cowardice sacrificed that plus a bonus load of free munitions when the military ran away.
The whole point of Afghanistan was the minimum $6 trillion under ground plus pipe lines .

The Demented One's cowardice sacrificed that plus a bonus load of free munitions when the military ran away.

ENRON needed gas from the Stans to run their white elephant power plant. The Chinese always had the upper hand. While we were screwing around they built a railroad, mining operations and power plants in Afghanistan... and they didn't try to change their culture, traditions and religion.
The Sun is not a newspaper anyone with a brain ever reads for news .
It's more a comic based on sensationalism and sex stories .
Therefore, the story is almost certainly what we can sensibly call Creative Writing .
See its position when you follow the link -- it smells immediately.

However , if dear Uncle P can buy these weapons and munitions at silly prices , he would be a clown not to do so .
He might be able to jump to the head of the queue but I imagine that most of the goods have moved around the globe already .

What else does Afghanistan have to trade Russia, besides opium? :laughing0301:
Afghanistan is a prize of rare ores.

What? Russia doesn't have enough ores of their own?

I'm sure you could see one standing on every street corner in Moscow.
What? Russia doesn't have enough ores of their own?

I'm sure you could see one standing on every street corner in Moscow.

Mining in Afghanistan and Balochistan is worth trillions and China has opened them up to markets. See Port Gwadar.
Mining in Afghanistan and Balochistan is worth trillions and China has opened them up to markets. See Port Gwadar.

Russia couldn't possibly compete with China for Afghanistan's resources. In case you forgot, Russia is being bled dry right now with an expensive war.

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