RUSSIA narrative go BOOM


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Two Fusion GPS cracker jacks have penned a curious editorial for The New York Times to try and repair their business image (honestly, who would hire these guys? Clients aren't keen on hiring firms at the center of a federal criminal investigations) and to re-calibrate the RUSSIA collusion investigation yarn, which is in tatters.

No matter what spin these dervishes are spitting out in the Times, here's what you need to know: Fusion GPS, paid by a cut out for the Clinton campaign and the DNC, hired a former British spook to get dirt on President Trump. The Ex-spook got his information from RUSSIAN government operators and then the Trump hating spooksuits at the FBI and DOJ used this RUSSIAN propaganda to trick the FISA court into permission to spy on the Trump campaign. It's that simple.

The garbage editorial tries to make the case that there are mountains of evidence of Trump's relationship with the RUSSIANS and how their garbage dossier merely corroborated "credible allegations" of a Trump-RUSSIA partnership to win the election for Trump. BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Such evidence is only ominously hinted at in the op-ed but never provided and based on the information leaked by Trump-foes like Rep. Adam Schiff and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, there was no "collusion" or partnership. And even holier-that-thou former FBI director Comey has admitted the details in the dossier remain “salacious and unverified.”

But the Times set up this partisan stinkbomb op-ed with a sad attempt at narrative shift the day before. The narrative is that obscure Trump team advisor George Papadopoulos, not Carter Page as the media has been barking for over a year, was the impetus for the RUSSIA collusion investigation.

Opinion | The Republicans’ Fake Investigations

Word is that some Trump folks are already admitting to lying to FBI and some have even pleaded guilty to crimes.
Two Fusion GPS cracker jacks have penned a curious editorial for The New York Times to try and repair their business image (honestly, who would hire these guys? Clients aren't keen on hiring firms at the center of a federal criminal investigations) and to re-calibrate the RUSSIA collusion investigation yarn, which is in tatters.

No matter what spin these dervishes are spitting out in the Times, here's what you need to know: Fusion GPS, paid by a cut out for the Clinton campaign and the DNC, hired a former British spook to get dirt on President Trump. The Ex-spook got his information from RUSSIAN government operators and then the Trump hating spooksuits at the FBI and DOJ used this RUSSIAN propaganda to trick the FISA court into permission to spy on the Trump campaign. It's that simple.

The garbage editorial tries to make the case that there are mountains of evidence of Trump's relationship with the RUSSIANS and how their garbage dossier merely corroborated "credible allegations" of a Trump-RUSSIA partnership to win the election for Trump. BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Such evidence is only ominously hinted at in the op-ed but never provided and based on the information leaked by Trump-foes like Rep. Adam Schiff and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, there was no "collusion" or partnership. And even holier-that-thou former FBI director Comey has admitted the details in the dossier remain “salacious and unverified.”

But the Times set up this partisan stinkbomb op-ed with a sad attempt at narrative shift the day before. The narrative is that obscure Trump team advisor George Papadopoulos, not Carter Page as the media has been barking for over a year, was the impetus for the RUSSIA collusion investigation.

Opinion | The Republicans’ Fake Investigations

"Clients aren't keen on hiring firms at the center of a federal criminal investigations"

Unless the client is Trump. LOL
The Fusion GPS guys testified to Nunes in front of Congress. Fusion GPS has asked Nunes to have all of their testimony made fully public.

Opinion | The Republicans’ Fake Investigations

Nunes is refusing. Instead he's hiding all the testimony, and only leaking out fake stories about it, such as the OP.

That is, Nunes is acting like a criminal with something to hide, while Fusion GPS has been completely honest and open.

Weatherman, why won't your hero release the actual testimony? What is he hiding?

Face it. Nunes is the one who should be under investigation, not leading an investigation.
They are so fucking busted, they are trying to change the narrative.

This DEM HOUSE OF CARDS is going to crumble worse than KEVIN SPACEY'S CAREER.
Word is that some Trump folks are already admitting to lying to FBI and some have even pleaded guilty to crimes.
great. lets make sure that if lying to the FBI is a crime, ALL WHO DID IT GO TO JAIL.

otherwise this bullshit continues.
Two Fusion GPS cracker jacks have penned a curious editorial for The New York Times to try and repair their business image (honestly, who would hire these guys? Clients aren't keen on hiring firms at the center of a federal criminal investigations) and to re-calibrate the RUSSIA collusion investigation yarn, which is in tatters.

No matter what spin these dervishes are spitting out in the Times, here's what you need to know: Fusion GPS, paid by a cut out for the Clinton campaign and the DNC, hired a former British spook to get dirt on President Trump. The Ex-spook got his information from RUSSIAN government operators and then the Trump hating spooksuits at the FBI and DOJ used this RUSSIAN propaganda to trick the FISA court into permission to spy on the Trump campaign. It's that simple.

The garbage editorial tries to make the case that there are mountains of evidence of Trump's relationship with the RUSSIANS and how their garbage dossier merely corroborated "credible allegations" of a Trump-RUSSIA partnership to win the election for Trump. BUT WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Such evidence is only ominously hinted at in the op-ed but never provided and based on the information leaked by Trump-foes like Rep. Adam Schiff and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, there was no "collusion" or partnership. And even holier-that-thou former FBI director Comey has admitted the details in the dossier remain “salacious and unverified.”

But the Times set up this partisan stinkbomb op-ed with a sad attempt at narrative shift the day before. The narrative is that obscure Trump team advisor George Papadopoulos, not Carter Page as the media has been barking for over a year, was the impetus for the RUSSIA collusion investigation.

Opinion | The Republicans’ Fake Investigations


Why not make the transcripts of their testimony public. What are you afraid of? The fact is that Fusion GPS has become a political pawn for Republicans trying to cover up the fact that their crazy conspiracy theories are CRAZY.

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