Russia marches on uninhibited in eastern Ukraine


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!
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Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!
FUCK YEAH!!! Storm some beachheads! Fight some commies!!! 'MURICAAAAAAA!!!!
Who gives a fuck what Putin is doing. It is just a convenient excuse for partisan hacks to attack a negro President. Fuck Ukraine...they are Nazis and this is a Euromite problem. Let them kill each other...who really cares. If Europe won't take action...why should we?
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
No, I'm with you.
A missile defence system would stop Putin from lobbing all those missiles into Ukraine.
obumble betrayed eastern Europe by denying that missile shield. Now the results are creeping in. Good. Let Russia take Ukraine they want to go anyway. President Putin will always out maneuver the dunce in the oval office.
  • Thread starter
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Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
No, I'm with you.
A missile defence system would stop Putin from lobbing all those missiles into Ukraine.

Ukraine is gone, but what about the NEXT target on Ukraine border?
the lessons of history ignored. Imperialist Russia-----NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN Nazi Iran---NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. Imperialist Islam---

The adage "there is nothing new under the sun" is attributed
to Solomon the wise guy king ------it is the smartest thing he
authored. The song of songs is more fun----a nice counter-balance

"vainity of vainity----all is futile" (actually another translation
could be "useless stuff"----garbage??) <<also from
Solomon-----keep in mind ---he was the guy with 1000
wives and he also wrote "who can find a woman of
virtue..."? (more like ---virtue and competence and valor)
He was quite a disappointed person----and on an oath
he had to kill one of his own cousins------watta mess---and
had only one son -----who turned out to be a dud---the worst
king Israel/Judea had
Until the paramilitary fighters with Right Sector and the Ukrainian regulars surrender, the rebels will continue to fight. Yarosh has declared that he will not abide by the cease fire.

They were offered safe passage by the Doneskt People's Republic army. But alas we are witnessing a stalemate.

By the way that Washington Post article is so full of shit on so many levels my eyes got browner reading it.

Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
No, I'm with you.
A missile defence system would stop Putin from lobbing all those missiles into Ukraine.

Ukraine is gone, but what about the NEXT target on Ukraine border?

Only eastern Ukrainians want to secede Vigilante. They want nothing to do with the assholes in Kiev who unconstitutionally removed THEIR President from office.
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia! Don't worry though, Russia's aggression is 10,000 miles away, it will never bother Barry....until he's out of office, nothing will be done....shades of the 1930's as history starts to repeat itself.

Washington Post ^
VLADIMIR PUTIN’S latest victory in Ukraine is turning into a rout. Having already induced Western leaders to endorse a peace plan that virtually guarantees continued Russian control over parts of two provinces, the Russian ruler ordered a large Ukrainian force holding Debaltseve, a key crossroads in the region, to surrender. His forces, including regular Russian army troops, then assaulted the city in brazen violation of a cease-fire. On Wednesday morning, Ukrainian forces withdrew from Debaltseve under fire, suffering a devastating defeat that will further destabilize the shaky Kiev government of Petro Poroshenko. Mr. Putin was so pleased that he indulged...
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
No, I'm with you.
A missile defence system would stop Putin from lobbing all those missiles into Ukraine.

Ukraine is gone, but what about the NEXT target on Ukraine border?

Only eastern Ukrainians want to secede Vigilante. They want nothing to do with the assholes in Kiev who unconstitutionally removed THEIR President from office.
You follow this much closer than I TD, Keep the info flowing!
Just a heads up for anyone wondering why this area of the Ukraine is so valuable.

Remember Hunter Biden who was placed on the board of Ukraine's largest gas company Burisma?

The largest shale deposit is in this region of Donest /Dneiper and Hunter Biden's company has the rights to it. 90 % of Ukraine's production if I remember correctly.

Follow the money. Follow the Vice President's son. :) Follow the energy. You get your answers to why we have this proxy war. You get your answers to why America has been involved in the coup, instigating regime change and involved in the overthrow of a duly elected President of the Ukraine

Well that's one of the main reasons.
Dead right!!
America should be in there with all guns blazing at those Russky bastards!
Just like in that movie!

Yes, you antiwar guys are good at watching shit happening and doing nothing but MARCH, as doing something might accomplish something.... That missile defense system that the Russians were so upset about in Europe MIGHT be a start to getting Putin thinking, but with the poser in the White House, that precaution is a NO START!
No, I'm with you.
A missile defence system would stop Putin from lobbing all those missiles into Ukraine.

Ukraine is gone, but what about the NEXT target on Ukraine border?

Only eastern Ukrainians want to secede Vigilante. They want nothing to do with the assholes in Kiev who unconstitutionally removed THEIR President from office.
You follow this much closer than I TD, Keep the info flowing!

Calling it a night for now but I'm monitoring the events closely. Poroshenko is threatening martial law across the whole country. He has stated this several times now.

It's not giving me a warm and fuzzy. He's not just talking about only in the east where the rebels are. He's talking border to border of the whole of Ukraine.

And there is more than one source reporting that the Right Sector is very very unhappy with him. These are the paramilitary muscle men that helped overthrow the former government.
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia!
Regime change in Kiev seems to be running in to some unintended consequences since Barry and Victoria shoved Yanukovych into Russia and Russia into Crimea. Putin is another corporate tool cut from the same cloth as Obama or Bush, but Russian nationalists inside the military will not accept a western puppet on their border anymore than US generals would tolerate Moscow's puppet in Mexico or Canada.
The largest shale deposit is in this region of Donest /Dneiper and Hunter Biden's company has the rights to it. 90 % of Ukraine's production if I remember correctly.
On Biden and Bursima...
"According to a survey done for the US Department of Energy two years ago, Ukraine could have 42 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of shale gas resources technically recoverable from 197 tcf of total shale gas in place.

"Annually, to put that into perspective, Ukraine is transit (or was until a few weeks ago) to 3 Tcf of Russian natural gas destined for Germany, Austria and other countries. Ukraine itself consumes some 1.8 Tcf annually of natural gas.

"So some shrewd Ukrainian businessmen along with the ever-politically engaged Royal Dutch Shell—the Dutch-UK energy giant, decided they would drill that shale and frack it like they are doing in Texas today. Here is where it gets really interesting..."

BFP Exclusive-Stench of Corruption a Ukraine Oligarch Shale Gas Civil War Baby Biden

The Biden family is one more in a long list that includes names like Bush and Clinton, Kennedy and Koch, Cheney and Gore who find ways to profit from enterprises that require the blood of others to succeed.

At some point, Americans across the political spectrum need to reject the values of rich parasites before the wars they breed come home to roost.
What a lot of hot air from the right. How many of these internet tough guys will put their money where their mouth is and volunteer for the Ukrainian Army? That's what Americans did in WWs I & II. They joined the English and French Armed Forces.
Obama BushII no difference. We've now had two puteses who though Putin would buy into free markets. It's a long term game. Putin will collapse if he can't sell the spice because he has no real economy or even society beyond the one Dostoyevsky wrote about.
Yes, Barry, those SANCTIONS certainly did the job you intended them to do to Russia!
Regime change in Kiev seems to be running in to some unintended consequences since Barry and Victoria shoved Yanukovych into Russia and Russia into Crimea. Putin is another corporate tool cut from the same cloth as Obama or Bush, but Russian nationalists inside the military will not accept a western puppet on their border anymore than US generals would tolerate Moscow's puppet in Mexico or Canada.
I think you'll find it's the other way around.
Moscow and the corporates are Putin's playthings.

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