Zone1 Russia/Europe feedback

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
The forum section Europe, Russia is to Europe as Mexico is to North America.

When I go to the Europe section, the inbreds from Russia are there.

Russia is as European as Biden is in charge of his brain cells and bowel movements. Is there anyone around here, mod up wise, that can put Russia in their own sub section?
You are embarrassing God's favourite country with your absurd nonsense.
Tell us how many times you have visited Russia and exactly where .
Then tell us in what ways Russia is not European but that Finland , Austria and Latvia are , for example .

Have you even ever been abroad ?
You are embarrassing God's favourite country with your absurd nonsense.
Tell us how many times you have visited Russia and exactly where .
Then tell us in what ways Russia is not European but that Finland , Austria and Latvia are , for example .

Have you even ever been abroad ?
Have I been abroad? Well, born in England, I've been to America many times mainly to NC, Canary Islands , Spain, France, Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey, Germany, Netherlands and Italy. Been invited by a friend to go to Poland, looking forward to that.

Russia is probably more Asia, not European.

Have you ever been to those countries too?
Russia needs its own section, especially with all the Russian trolls who frequent this forum. I'd love to see it get its own sub and can be a great place for all the Russian threads to be deposited.
You are embarrassing God's favourite country with your absurd nonsense.
Tell us how many times you have visited Russia and exactly where .
Then tell us in what ways Russia is not European but that Finland , Austria and Latvia are , for example .

Have you even ever been abroad ?
Actually, Russia is unique in that, culturally, it straddles both East and West. It isn’t really Europe.
The ruling classes have been Slavs for the most part, the Mongols were assimilated into the local culture, same as they were in China. Royalty in most European countries are a special case, even in Russia, but nearly always European.

Peter's westernizing efforts became more radical after 1698 when he returned from his expedition through Europe known as the Grand Embassy. Upon arriving Peter summoned the nobility to his court and personally shaved almost every beard in the room. In 1705 he decreed a beard tax on all men of rank in Moscow and ordered certain officers to seek out noble beards and shave them on sight. He only allowed peasants, priests, and serfs to retain the ingrained and religious Russian tradition of wearing beards, which the Orthodox populace considered an essential aspect of their duty to convey the image of God. He also reformed the clothing of the nobility, replacing the long-sleeved traditional Muscovite robes with European clothing. Beginning in 1699 the tsar decreed strict dress requirements borrowing from German, Hungarian, French and British styles, fining any noblemen who failed to obey. Peter himself, who usually wore German dress and had a trimmed mustache, acted as a prime example. While the nobility universally followed Peter's fashion preferences at court, they greatly resented these styles, which they saw as blasphemous. Away from St. Petersburg, very few noblemen followed Peter's guidelines and enforcement was lax.

Peter also demanded changes in mannerisms and language among nobles. To supply Russians with a basic set of “proper” morals and habits, he ordered publication of manuals on Western etiquette. The most popular of these was The Honourable Mirror of Youth or A Guide to Social Conduct Gathered from Various Authors, a compilation of rules of conduct from numerous European sources, initially published in St. Petersburg in 1717. He also encouraged the learning of foreign languages especially French, which was the foremost political and intellectual language of Europe at the time. For the nobility, these changes felt even more forced than fashion regulations. As with clothing, there was uniform acceptance of Western mannerisms at court but general disregard for them outside of St. Petersburg. Furthermore, when Westerners visited Peter's court they found the image and personality of the courtiers to appear forced and awkward. Friedrich Christian Weber, a representative of Britain, commented in 1716 that the nobles “wear the German Dress; but it is easy to observe on many, that they have not been long used to it”.[6]

'Royalty' and 'nobility' are not always synonymous with nationality, even in England. Take a look at the Hapsburgs and their reach; good and bad, one influential family. Their history is the history of Europe, at least since the 1200's.
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Not a good idea. The European section is somewhat a boring place already. Without the Russian matters it will turn into another 'Asia' or 'Africa' sections. Except of that, Russia is hardly deserves its own branch.

What idea was good is revealing a poster's country. I think there are a number of Russian trolls posing as Americans here.
Actually, Russia is unique in that, culturally, it straddles both East and West. It isn’t really Europe.
Correct , and I have straddled the notional divide line between Asia and Europe at Yekaterinburg.
But what is there in/on the Asian side of the Federation ? In terms of anything hugely consequential and as a percent of total GDP ?
Very little . Novosibirsk (Siberia) for its University and research facilities and Vladivostok .
But trillions in natural resources.
Correct , and I have straddled the notional divide line between Asia and Europe at Yekaterinburg.
But what is there in/on the Asian side of the Federation ? In terms of anything hugely consequential and as a percent of total GDP ?
Very little . Novosibirsk (Siberia) for its University and research facilities and Vladivostok .
But trillions in natural resources.
I’m thinking in terms of culture. Russia is unique really, a place where “east meets west”.
The forum section Europe, Russia is to Europe as Mexico is to North America.

When I go to the Europe section, the inbreds from Russia are there.

Russia is as European as Biden is in charge of his brain cells and bowel movements. Is there anyone around here, mod up wise, that can put Russia in their own sub section?
Cap'n caveman, my favorite country is my own, but I have been to Russia, and I have one gift God gave me about reading people I run into. When I was there, I visited a museum in St. Petersburg that carried treasures collected by Catherine the Great. There, I observed a woman telling a man to please not take any more flash pictures because it could deteriorate colors on objects of beauty, of which there were thousands of the finest art and curiosity pieces one would ever hope to see. Her mannerisms showed respect for the offender who was just an uneducated-in-art guy who wasn't aware of the care of objects anywhere from thousands of years old to recent gifts to the museum that were deigned interesting enough to light people's imaginations, and yet she was protective of what brings joy to people who've never witnessed such treasures. How much better can human beings be than being as graceful and informative as that dear defender of arts woman was? Another person I noticed at the airport was a no-nonsense, almost paranoid information dispenser/guide who acted suspicious of all foreigners travelling home. I wasn't surprised when we boarded our home-flying airplane that our first class tickets were turned into back seat bumpy riders. My husband was very unhappy when we got home because he paid for comfort for me, since I had painful condition known as fibromyalgia, that turns everyday activities into screaming-out-loud pain. lol. To tell you the truth, I didn't mind because I was in the company of the best man who ever lived, and my heart was happy because of him every day for 44 years, when he passed away from the symptoms and harsh consequences of dementia, which is why you will not see me in the cheerleaders' seat of making fun of President Biden's illness. There is absolutely nothing funny about losing bladder and bowel control, saying an unfinished sentence, taking a wrong turn when going to a nearby store, church, or ball game that you used to drive there on a daily or weekly basis, or forgetting how to walk and falling even when someone has their arm around their shoulder and forgets to step that results in hitting one's head on the floor. And the family of someone having those kinds of physical problems loves that person, and is willing to tolerate every slipped step, word search, and inappropriate nothings 24/7, as if that person's brain was still functioning a hundred percent. All the family sees is love for that person and the joy they brought to themselves and their friends throughout their productive lives.

So Russian people have all kinds, good, thoughtful, and/or misunderstood, mean or loving. We have the same over here in America.

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