Russia : collapse of the United States and the Pan-African State , starting a racial war in America

does this putler´s plan have a chance ?

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    Votes: 1 33.3%
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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think?

"The collapse of the United States and the "Pan-African State": how the staff of Prigogine dreamed of starting a racial war in America
Africa will become a stronghold of anti-American "Negroid" racism, on the continent there will be bases of black activists preparing for a racial war in America. Recruitment of African Americans associated with organized crime will begin in the states of the American South. The US will fall apart, a new “Pan-African State” will emerge in several states.

This is not a dystopia, not a work in the genre of "alternative history", not a horror story from marginal racist newspapers. These are the work plans that are at the disposal of the Dossier Center , which are developed and even appear to be sent to high-ranking army generals by the staff of Yevgeny Prigogine. And people who have big stars on their shoulder straps, and in their hands are questions of war and peace, do not drive away these scammers with insane concepts. Prigozhintsy continue to be partners of the Russian state.

“According to the strategy of the American division of the company, it is planned to create a Pan-African state in the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana. The creation of this state will undermine the territorial unity, the military and economic potential of the United States, ”says one of the documents from Prigazha, transmitted by the Dossier Center of the MBH Media.

As part of the “strategy” for the collapse of the United States, it is proposed to carry out activities in a number of areas listed in the letter:

Creating a network of training camps for black activists in Africa, where ideological training and courses on the basics of combat training can be held.
The recruitment of African Americans living in the poorest cities of the United States who have experience of participation in organized criminal groups, as well as serving sentences in prisons.
Attracting members of the black radical movements to participate in acts of disobedience in the territory of major cities to destabilize the situation within the United States.
Information support and public relations of political parties and movements that seek to create a separate Pan-African state in the United States.
Creation of a non-profit human rights organization defending the rights of the black population of the United States . "

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future pan - African state in USA, according putler´s scenario
the problem with that is barrio bums and hood rats only attack when the odds are at least 3 to 1 in their favor, and the average police officer can take out at least 10 of them at any given time, as well as any armed citizen who practices their shooting once in a while. It will just be the Russians wasting their time and money; blacks and illegal aliens will starve to death within days along with killing each other first before they ever got around to trying to make it out to the burbs if white money and goods suddenly stopped flowing to them. It's just more of a public health issue with all those bloated stinking bodies lying around.
question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think?

"The collapse of the United States and the "Pan-African State": how the staff of Prigogine dreamed of starting a racial war in America
Africa will become a stronghold of anti-American "Negroid" racism, on the continent there will be bases of black activists preparing for a racial war in America. Recruitment of African Americans associated with organized crime will begin in the states of the American South. The US will fall apart, a new “Pan-African State” will emerge in several states.

This is not a dystopia, not a work in the genre of "alternative history", not a horror story from marginal racist newspapers. These are the work plans that are at the disposal of the Dossier Center , which are developed and even appear to be sent to high-ranking army generals by the staff of Yevgeny Prigogine. And people who have big stars on their shoulder straps, and in their hands are questions of war and peace, do not drive away these scammers with insane concepts. Prigozhintsy continue to be partners of the Russian state.

“According to the strategy of the American division of the company, it is planned to create a Pan-African state in the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana. The creation of this state will undermine the territorial unity, the military and economic potential of the United States, ”says one of the documents from Prigazha, transmitted by the Dossier Center of the MBH Media.

As part of the “strategy” for the collapse of the United States, it is proposed to carry out activities in a number of areas listed in the letter:

Creating a network of training camps for black activists in Africa, where ideological training and courses on the basics of combat training can be held.
The recruitment of African Americans living in the poorest cities of the United States who have experience of participation in organized criminal groups, as well as serving sentences in prisons.
Attracting members of the black radical movements to participate in acts of disobedience in the territory of major cities to destabilize the situation within the United States.
Information support and public relations of political parties and movements that seek to create a separate Pan-African state in the United States.
Creation of a non-profit human rights organization defending the rights of the black population of the United States . "

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It doesn't seem to be working as well now as it was during Oblama.....
Is this like the pan american games?
more lie pan - "russian" games in USA and Africa

Political technologists and other “effective managers” of Prigogine call a conglomerate of their structures specializing in foreign policy adventures “the Company”. Quite a lot is known about the “African division” of this “Company”. It was within the framework of the “African Unit” that the people of Prigogine took part in the elections in Madagascar and in South Africa , trying to save the regime of the Sudanese dictator Omar al-Bashir from collapse .

As part of the "Company" there is a "American division." Here, as well as in the “African division”, “experts” and “analysts” sit on the cash flows of Prigogine, practicing in the construction of sophisticated schemes.

The provocation of racial war and the territorial disintegration of the USA is a favorite journalistic plot for marginal fanatics of all stripes, for white and black racists, for conspiracy therapists and urban madmen. Racial war and the collapse of the United States - the plot of the cult of the ultra-right book of William Pierce 's Turner Diaries , which inspired the terrorist Timothy McVeigh . And the collapse of the United States is the “strategy” of Prigogine’s employees.

Only prigozhintsy do not bet on white racists, not on the "Ku Klux Klan", and on the African American radicals. A number of southern states, which formed the backbone of the slave-owning Confederation in 1861-1865, are considered to be the main focus of black separatism. This former stronghold of white racists is seen as a territory of black separatism because of the fact that it is in the southern states that African Americans are a large racial group. In general, in the US, African Americans make up less than 13% of the population (however, their number is growing). But it is in the states of the South (formerly slave-owning, plantation) that African Americans are larger than the national average. For example, in Louisiana they are 32%, and in the state of Mississippi - almost 37%. And in the administrative capitals of the states, African-Americans live even more - 80% of them in the capital of Mississippi Jackson, 60% in the capital of Louisiana Baton Rouge.

According to the "specialists" of Mr. Prigogine, such statistics are sufficient grounds for developing a strategy for the collapse of the United States.

Texas is of particular interest to the people of the “Kremlin cook” - but not because of the African-American factor (blacks in the state are about 11%), but because of the popularity (in the opinion of Prigogine people) of the idea of an independent republic.

The document was sent in January 2018 to Mikhail Potapkin, the regional director of one of the Prigozhin companies, M Invest (MBH Media already wrote about this employee Prigogine, a former member of the Nashi movement, Potepkin gave Sudanese officials advice on how to organize a trolley factory and suppress popular protests)."
question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think?

"The collapse of the United States and the "Pan-African State": how the staff of Prigogine dreamed of starting a racial war in America
Africa will become a stronghold of anti-American "Negroid" racism, on the continent there will be bases of black activists preparing for a racial war in America. Recruitment of African Americans associated with organized crime will begin in the states of the American South. The US will fall apart, a new “Pan-African State” will emerge in several states.

This is not a dystopia, not a work in the genre of "alternative history", not a horror story from marginal racist newspapers. These are the work plans that are at the disposal of the Dossier Center , which are developed and even appear to be sent to high-ranking army generals by the staff of Yevgeny Prigogine. And people who have big stars on their shoulder straps, and in their hands are questions of war and peace, do not drive away these scammers with insane concepts. Prigozhintsy continue to be partners of the Russian state.

“According to the strategy of the American division of the company, it is planned to create a Pan-African state in the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana. The creation of this state will undermine the territorial unity, the military and economic potential of the United States, ”says one of the documents from Prigazha, transmitted by the Dossier Center of the MBH Media.

As part of the “strategy” for the collapse of the United States, it is proposed to carry out activities in a number of areas listed in the letter:

Creating a network of training camps for black activists in Africa, where ideological training and courses on the basics of combat training can be held.
The recruitment of African Americans living in the poorest cities of the United States who have experience of participation in organized criminal groups, as well as serving sentences in prisons.
Attracting members of the black radical movements to participate in acts of disobedience in the territory of major cities to destabilize the situation within the United States.
Information support and public relations of political parties and movements that seek to create a separate Pan-African state in the United States.
Creation of a non-profit human rights organization defending the rights of the black population of the United States . "

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It doesn't seem to be working as well now as it was during Oblama.....

"It doesn't seem to be working as well now as it was during Oblama"
are you saying that Obama dreamed of starting a racial war in America?
question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think?

what is a "putler"?
Muscovite czar thug


His name is Putin, not Putler.
no, his the real name is vovka putler

you seem to have some mental issues. I wish you well and hope you get some help
i see, you are one of these putlerists (useful idiot) , and traitor
question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think?

"The collapse of the United States and the "Pan-African State": how the staff of Prigogine dreamed of starting a racial war in America
Africa will become a stronghold of anti-American "Negroid" racism, on the continent there will be bases of black activists preparing for a racial war in America. Recruitment of African Americans associated with organized crime will begin in the states of the American South. The US will fall apart, a new “Pan-African State” will emerge in several states.

This is not a dystopia, not a work in the genre of "alternative history", not a horror story from marginal racist newspapers. These are the work plans that are at the disposal of the Dossier Center , which are developed and even appear to be sent to high-ranking army generals by the staff of Yevgeny Prigogine. And people who have big stars on their shoulder straps, and in their hands are questions of war and peace, do not drive away these scammers with insane concepts. Prigozhintsy continue to be partners of the Russian state.

“According to the strategy of the American division of the company, it is planned to create a Pan-African state in the states of Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana. The creation of this state will undermine the territorial unity, the military and economic potential of the United States, ”says one of the documents from Prigazha, transmitted by the Dossier Center of the MBH Media.

As part of the “strategy” for the collapse of the United States, it is proposed to carry out activities in a number of areas listed in the letter:

Creating a network of training camps for black activists in Africa, where ideological training and courses on the basics of combat training can be held.
The recruitment of African Americans living in the poorest cities of the United States who have experience of participation in organized criminal groups, as well as serving sentences in prisons.
Attracting members of the black radical movements to participate in acts of disobedience in the territory of major cities to destabilize the situation within the United States.
Information support and public relations of political parties and movements that seek to create a separate Pan-African state in the United States.
Creation of a non-profit human rights organization defending the rights of the black population of the United States . "

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It doesn't seem to be working as well now as it was during Oblama.....

"It doesn't seem to be working as well now as it was during Oblama"
are you saying that Obama dreamed of starting a racial war in America?
You could tell there were professional rioters and agitators in the mass protest over violence against blacks by police..
Oh and anybody that sees past the nonsense is a traitor of some sort. To what is anybodies guess. Of late he has abandoned arguing for WWIII in support of the resurrection of the Nazi dream in Ukraine.
Louis Farrakhan has been calling for an African state carved from the United States for as long as i can remember. The blacks already have a national anthem and a flag.

They can fight with the Mexicans that will form Aztlan out of the South West United States.
Louis Farrakhan has been calling for an African state carved from the United States for as long as i can remember. The blacks already have a national anthem and a flag.

They can fight with the Mexicans that will form Aztlan out of the South West United States.
how is realistic this putler´s plan? can he fool the blacks i big numbers ?

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