
  1. Litwin


    That has been the key from the beginning . Stop Moscow barbaric ULUS once and for all! THE WEST HAS FINALLY BEGUN TO THINK LIKE UKRAINIANS: The Golden HORDE MUST BE STOPPED HERE
  2. Litwin

    Moscow Deploys Commandos to Belarus as Migrant Crisis, Ukraine Tensions Spark Western Fears. time to return to US President We Must Fight doctrine!

    Obviously, a natural distraction for Ukrainian intervention that had been so much planned by tsar Putin, time to return to US President and The Liberal Order leader Ronald Reagan We Must Fight doctrine! "A deployment of special operations forces appears tied to what Western leaders believe...
  3. Litwin

    US charges six "russian" military (GRU) officers over cyberattacks

    Great News!I say bomb Nigeria in snow with Iranian oil- gas sanctions! question: which side will take D. Trump this time, FBI or Ozero&KGB? "US charges six Russian military (GRU) officers over cyberattacks Six Russian military officers sought to disrupt through computer hacking the French...
  4. EvilEyeFleegle

    Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon by Trump if he cleared Russia

    And here we go again! Not illegal, i don't think..just...corrupt and manipulative..if true: Lawyer: Assange was offered US pardon if he cleared Russia A lawyer for Julian Assange said Wednesday that the WikiLeaks founder plans to claim during his extradition hearing that he was offered a...
  5. Litwin

    Bad news for Vovka Putler & his gas - station "Dutch Prosecution Serves Charges on 4 MH17 Defendants

    Bad news for Vovka Putler & his gas - station "Dutch Prosecution Serves Charges on 4 MH17 Defendants" LOL, Nuremberg N2 is closer and closer )) "The prosecutor's office of the Netherlands has brought in an indictment against four persons involved in the crash of the Malaysian Boeing MH17...
  6. Litwin

    Will Turkey attack Muscovite- Iranian - Alawite forces in Idlib ("Syria ") ?

    Will Turkey attack Muscovite- Iranian - Alawite forces in Idlib ("Syria ") ? and which side will take trump this time? Turkey-Syria conflict in Idlib escalates
  7. Litwin

    Swiss police arrested "Russian" plumbers - spies in Davos

    Swiss police arrested Muscovite plumbers - spies in Davos . A typical Muscovite spy look like this nowadays : Subscribe to read | Financial Times SUCH degradation of juchi prject ...
  8. Litwin

    so It´ll be Kazakh style transition of czar tron in Muscovite empire, No occupation of Belarus scen

    so It ll be Kazakh style transition of czar tron in Muscovite empire, No occupation of Belarus scenario no 3 term . as i predicted "Putin proposed Wednesday to tweak the Russian Constitution to increase the powers of parliament and the Cabinet - a move that could herald his intention to shift...
  9. Litwin

    Fiona Hill Pushes Back on Theory of Ukraine Election Interference Former national-security official

    only an idiot or a traitor - spy can believe that Ukraine, not "Russia", interfered in the 2016 elections. so who is Mr. trump? "Fiona Hill Pushes Back on Theory of Ukraine Election Interference Former national-security official, U.S. diplomat round out two weeks of public impeaching...
  10. Litwin

    UK journalist Confronting the Muscovite KGB poisoner of Litvinenko . why all putler killers are suc

    UK journalist Confronting the Muscovite KGB poisoner of Litvinenko . why all putler killers are such simpletons?
  11. Litwin

    N1 world terrorist head of Wagner aka Putins chef Prigozhin dead in airplane crash in DR Congo

    N1 world terrorist head of Wagner aka Putins chef Prigozhin dead in airplane crash in DR Congo 3 versions 1) killed in DR Congo by own men (GRU) 2) Died in airplane crash 3) preparing himself to USA election, hiding so what do you think? N1 world terrorist head of Wagner aka Putins chef...
  12. Litwin

    Trump calls for cease-fire in northern Syria and imposes sanctions on Turkey

    does this man understand what he is doing ? its just mess , pure mess or this what putin is telling him to do ? related Trump: Let Napoleon Bonaparte rescue Kurds
  13. Litwin

    Turkey ready for operation in Syria as Trump defends US pullout

    2 questions, 1) will Turkey move in? how far ? 2) if turkey attacks USA allies in "Syria" , what trump is gonna do? i am not asking about his tweets , military , economically "What's Turkey saying? ... If Turkey takes over areas controlled by Kurdish-led forces, the White House said Turkey...
  14. Litwin

    Yemen war: Houthi rebels claim mass capture of Saudi troops

    wahhabites are such terrible solders. its clear that Muscovy is behind of Yemen mess as well , will trump do something with it? or he is 4ever under putler´s thumb ? " Houthi rebels in Yemen say they have captured a large number of Saudi troops after a major attack near the border between...
  15. Litwin

    Europe’s Putin problem

    do we have any clear solution ? yes we do , we have to finish off knan Juchi project once and for all ,. do you agree? " There’s an old saying about dealing with just about any problem, that first you have to admit that you have a problem. This is true whether you’re dealing with something...
  16. Litwin

    U.S. Senators Blacklisted In russia Say They’ll Visit Ukraine, The Balkans

    i have 1 qestion, which side will take trump and his fans ? KGB/ozero/putler or U.S. Senators/USA state ? "The Kremlin granted Senator Mike Lee (R/UT) a visa to to Russia in September. Kremlin favorite Sen. Rand Paul (R/KY) is also allowed to visit Russia whenever he wants. A large group of...
  17. Litwin

    US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for P

    so what do you think , who is mr trump ? i vote for the first option " US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin" US spies say Trump's G7 performance suggests he's either a 'Russian asset' or a 'useful idiot' for Putin
  18. Litwin

    Ornella Muti faces jail threat after attending Putin gala. Should Kevin Costner be punished as well?

    Ornella Muti faces jail threat after attending Putin gala. Ozero money not just smells bad it bates , so the loser Costner and this witch this all what putler got in the west ? should Kevin Costner be punished as well? "Italian actress Ornella Muti has been told she could go to jail if she...
  19. Litwin

    Muscovite ("russian") Navy slams USS for almost provoking collision in East China Sea

    East China Sea ... i see ozero´s big game here. ozero wants to drag the red Hans into its confrontations (war) with NATO/USA .... On which side is Trump this time ? USA navy or KGB /Ozero /Putler ? " An incident almost occurred in the East China Sea, as Russian and American ships almost...
  20. Litwin

    Secret documents show Russian plot to stoke racial violence in America

    is there any chance for putler & Prigozhin to reach Zionists resultants in USA´s south ? which side will Trump support this time ? Zionist political violence - Wikipedia "The Russians who interfered in the 2016 US presidential election are still at it — and this time, they’re trying to...
  21. Litwin

    Russia : collapse of the United States and the Pan-African State , starting a racial war in America

    question : does this putler´s plan have a chance ? what do you think? "The collapse of the United States and the "Pan-African State": how the staff of Prigogine dreamed of starting a racial war in America Africa will become a stronghold of anti-American "Negroid" racism, on the continent there...
  22. Litwin

    Global tribunal tells Moscow to free Ukrainian sailors immediately

    whats putler gonna do? which side takes trump? "An international tribunal on Saturday urged Russia to release "immediately" 24 Ukrainian sailors seized last November off the Crimea peninsula. "The Russian Federation must proceed immediately to release the Ukrainian soldiers and allow them...
  23. Litwin

    "russia"’s Crony Capitalism: The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy

    can you write role which pays of criminal cartel ozero in your country ? "Please join the Atlantic Council for the launch of Anders Åslund’s book Russia’s Crony Capitalism: The Path from Market Economy to Kleptocracy on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Atlantic Council...
  24. Litwin

    Strache, the head of Austria's right-wing populist FPO party, met with a purported "Russian" multi

    this is how putler´s kleptocracy works, its in Your country for sure , so are you ready to stop it once and forever? " Caught in the Trap Heinz-Christian Strache, the head of Austria's right-wing populist FPÖ party, met with a purported Russian multimillionaire on Ibiza in July 2017. She...
  25. Litwin

    Czech hotels forced Muscovites to recognize in writing Republic of Crimea as Ukrainian

    Czech hotels force Muscovites to recognize in writing Republic of Crimea as part of Ukraine . great news from center of Europe, more solidarity and Mongols will run as usual "The owner of Czech hotels forced Russians to recognize in writing Republic of Crimea as Ukrainian " The owner of...
  26. Litwin

    U.S. Calls On Countries to Deny Airspace to "russian" (Muscovy ) Planes Destined for Venezuela

    great news, a step up in exaction , soon everything bad will be over for Muscovy and for Venezuela "U.S. Calls On Countries to Deny Airspace to Russian Planes Destined for Venezuela " U.S. Calls On Countries to Deny Airspace to Russian Planes Destined for Venezuela
  27. Litwin

    Vovka Putler's games with the West | The Economist

    Great points . do you agree with Garry Kasparov?
  28. Litwin

    Lukašenka allowed to close for repairs pipelines with "Russian" oil

    Great news, oil its blood of evil juchi empire, i am sure USA will provide 100% support to this action @"If you want to put on the repair of pipelines and oil products pipelines that go through Belarus, place and repair. After all the good that we do for the Russian Federation, it returns us...
  29. Litwin

    Putler Vovka pushes Trump around again, "russian" and Haftar forces march on Libyan capital

    Putler Vovka pushes Trump around again, "russian" and Haftar forces march on Libyan capital . Vovka does it again ana again, "Syria", Venezuela, new Libya . What Putler has on Trump ? " "Russia" denies supporting Khalifa Haftar and his forces in Libya" Russia denies supporting Khalifa Haftar...
  30. Litwin

    Battisti: Italian ex-militant admits to murders. Will Putler give him (and other like him) asylum?

    Will Putler give to this commie terrorist (and other like him) asylum? Ex-leftist militant Cesare Battisti admits murders
  31. Litwin

    is Trump capable to challenge putler even in USA´s backyard? "Russia" sends more than 100 troops to

    question: is Trump capable to challenge grandpa putler ? even in USA´s backyard ? "Russia" sends more than 100 troops to Venezuela CARACAS – The Russian Defense Ministry has sent An-124 military transport aircraft, IL-62M jet airliner and more than 100 troops to Caracas, against the backdrop...
  32. Litwin

    Ex-Putler Aide's Death in U.S. May Have Been Murder, Reports Say

    3/22/19 The mysterious death of former Russian presidential aide and media tycoon Mikhail Lesin in Washington may have been a murder, the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) news outlet has reported. Lesin was found dead in a Washington hotel room in November 2015, from what was ruled to be...
  33. Litwin

    Putin And Mafia Danish Documentary/U.S. move to probe Putin's wealth

    great news from USA, soon we will see putler in USA prison in he same sell with Haiti dictator, and grandad Botox will be his personal bitch . comments ? "A group of U.S. lawmakers have proposed sanctions legislation targeting Russia that, among other things, would require the director of U.S...
  34. Litwin

    BREAKING On the "Russian" television called five goals "Zircons" in the United States in the event o

    BREAKING On the "Russian" television called five goals "Zircons" in the United States in the event of a conflict. SO MY American brothers in arms , do you want still to make the deals with cooperative OZERO? or lets just fuc& ( split up) putler´s dying empire in 6 -9 month? "The TV channel...
  35. Litwin

    BREAKING Ukraine puts "Russian" agent suspected of MH17 downing on wanted list. What Holland will do

    Ukraine puts "Russian" agent suspected of MH17 downing on wanted list. What Holland will do? Holland has a great past of commando operations , will Holland (and UK) help Ukraine to drug this terrorist from his hiding &hitt hole? "Ukraine’s SBU security service has put on its wanted list a...
  36. Litwin

    Trump dumped Putler and his gas-station (cancel scheduled meeting) ships and sailors have´t been

    Donald Trump dumped Putler and his gas-station (cancel scheduled meeting),"ships and sailors have´t been returned to Ukraine from "Russia". its show real place of putlerstan on political and economical world map . Great news , by the way " Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump · 41 мин Based on...
  37. Litwin

    BREAKING: near the Kerch Strait JUCHI ATTACK Ukrainian territory (vessels ) again (1 step from the b

    BREAKING: near the Kerch Strait JUCHI ATTACK Ukrainian territory (vessels ) again (1 step from the big war). so whats new? new war , can ulus afford a new war (Georgia, CAR, Libya, Syria, Eastern Ukraine , etc. ) , with thoughts about going down OIL prices (oil- gas 99% of Muscovy ) " the...
  38. Litwin

    "Russian" military intelligence (GRU) chief Igor Korobov dies aged 62

    he knew to much...what we know , the national Kremlin tower fights the imperial one, on which side was Korobov? as far as i know FSB is on the nationalist side, whats about GRU? comments "head of Russian military intelligence agency GRU, General Igor Korobov, has died at the age of 62...
  39. Litwin

    "Russian" vets seek to bring the Kremlin's mercenaries in from the cold (appeal to The Hague-based c

    look like even traditional loyal to putler group (vatniks) of people are revolting against pynia and his cooperative ozero, comments? "Russian" vets seek to bring the Kremlin's mercenaries in from the cold (appeal to The Hague-based court) Moscow (CNN)A forum representing Russian military...
  40. Litwin

    "Russia" sends troops and missiles into Libya in bid to enforce stranglehold on the West

    Will Trump to do something or he will just swallow as usual , when his pal vova putler has been involved? "Russia is moving troops and missiles into Libya in a bid to enforce a new stranglehold on the West, British prime minister Theresa May has been warned. Intelligence chiefs have told Mrs...

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