Russell Brand Discovers That Trump Was Right...Russian Collusion Was A Democrat Hoax....Hatched By Hillary

You sure don't know anything about Syria. They have been in dire straits since 2005.

Mubarak was hated because of his corruption. He took an ownership chunk out of every successful business in Egypt.

Gaddafi was an ignorant mess.. He never attended school as a boy.. He had a lot in common with Trump.. crude, arrogant, grandiose and lethal.

Always threatening to assassinate some other Arab leader over some slight he imagined. Too bad you didn't go to school.
Sure.....they were all bad.
We can agree on that....but it's either a bad tyrant or a bunch of turbin wearing warmongering religious leaders who believe you should get your hand cut off for stealing, or hung in the town center for being gay. Muslims living in the ME don't understand freedom and it's benefits.
Obama did them no favors....he got rid of the autocrats and caused a refugee crisis that has decimated Europe...with roaming Muslim rap-gangs subjecting women and children to rape and murder.
Everyone knows that Krebs is a tool of the Deep State. He's a spook.

Spook manipulate the system to their advantage, and thus, are not to be trusted. Either you know this and are one of them, or you don't give a damn.



Like anyone would believe a link to the guy that helped rig the elections. . . :rolleyes:
Like anyone would believe a liar like Trump who claimed the elections were rigged
Sure.....they were all bad.
We can agree on that....but it's either a bad tyrant or a bunch of turbin wearing warmongering religious leaders who believe you should get your hand cut off for stealing, or hung in the town center for being gay. Muslims living in the ME don't understand freedom and it's benefits.
Obama did them no favors....he got rid of the autocrats and caused a refugee crisis that has decimated Europe...with roaming Muslim rap-gangs subjecting women and children to rape and murder.

You haven't spent enough time in the ME to learn how to mind your own business.

Obama had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring... and you don't even know that much.

You can't force people to give up their religion, traditions and heritage to be like you.

That's the mark of the Ugly American...... ignorance and arrogance.

The only way to "save" Gaddafi would have been a massive occupation force.

Bashar Assad is weak and passive. His younger brother runs the show and he's as savage s his father Hafez was... Syria has always been a disaster of sectarian conflicts... They used to be heavy into assassinations. Now they are just a failed state since 2005.

Are you such a simpleton to claim Hillary and Obama are responsible for that?
Everyone knows that Krebs is a tool of the Deep State. He's a spook.

Spook manipulate the system to their advantage, and thus, are not to be trusted. Either you know this and are one of them, or you don't give a damn.



Like anyone would believe a link to the guy that helped rig the elections. . . :rolleyes:

Deep State is Trump's paranoia or just his latest gimmick. He plays you all for fools.
You haven't spent enough time in the ME to learn how to mind your own business.

Obama had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring... and you don't even know that much.

You can't force people to give up their religion, traditions and heritage to be like you.

That's the mark of the Ugly American...... ignorance and arrogance.

The only way to "save" Gaddafi would have been a massive occupation force.

Bashar Assad is weak and passive. His younger brother runs the show and he's as savage s his father Hafez was... Syria has always been a disaster of sectarian conflicts... They used to be heavy into assassinations. Now they are just a failed state since 2005.

Are you such a simpleton to claim Hillary and Obama are responsible for that?
  • You sound like one of those arrogant Muslims that thinks he knows everything and we Americans know Jack Squat.
  • Obama has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which deposed Mubarak....which started the Arab Spring.
  • I have no desire to force anyone to give up their traditions, their heritage, or their religion
  • Quaddaffi was a lousy little turd and I wasn't sorry he was deposed....but I can't get over Hillary celebrating his death...because she was acting like she helped with the process....Obama was bombing targets in Libya

  • Obama was providing arms and training to ISIS in Syria.....this is why he was blackmailed into trading Bo Bergdahl for 5 Taliban Generals....and is the primary cause of Benghazi because they were trying to make weapons deals
If the FBI wants to prove you lied to them.....they'll prove it no matter what.
Every former Trump associate was charged with a process crime including lying to the FBI.
They wanted every one of them to sign a false statement implicating Trump.
I think the FBI was in on Russian Collusion all along.
They not only helped with Russian Collusion but they also staged the Capital Riot along with the CIA on Jan 6th.
I do not know if they all provided false statements as only a couple were actually charged.

Yet they still have to prove it in a court of law.

IF you believe that the FBI was in on the collusion, and capital riots then that is your believe.
You haven't spent enough time in the ME to learn how to mind your own business.

Obama had NOTHING to do with the Arab Spring... and you don't even know that much.

You can't force people to give up their religion, traditions and heritage to be like you.

That's the mark of the Ugly American...... ignorance and arrogance.

The only way to "save" Gaddafi would have been a massive occupation force.

Bashar Assad is weak and passive. His younger brother runs the show and he's as savage s his father Hafez was... Syria has always been a disaster of sectarian conflicts... They used to be heavy into assassinations. Now they are just a failed state since 2005.

Are you such a simpleton to claim Hillary and Obama are responsible for that?
Yes, you can't force people to give up their religion, traditions and heritage like the far left in this country today are trying to do.
The Clintons? Now that is what derangement syndrome looks like.

The only thing you left out was UFO's, Big Foot, and Jewish bankers. Most people that make those kinds of posts are reflections of their fathers. Your father was one of those Joe McCarthy, John Birch Society nutjobs, wasn't he?
It must be nice to be as care-free, clueless and ignorant as you.
I do not know if they all provided false statements as only a couple were actually charged.

Yet they still have to prove it in a court of law.

IF you believe that the FBI was in on the collusion, and capital riots then that is your believe.
According to the left a mere accusation is an indictment.
Course the left requires an conviction and even then they'll claim it wasn't proof enough.
  • You sound like one of those arrogant Muslims that thinks he knows everything and we Americans know Jack Squat.
  • Obama has known ties to the Muslim Brotherhood which deposed Mubarak....which started the Arab Spring.
  • I have no desire to force anyone to give up their traditions, their heritage, or their religion
  • Quaddaffi was a lousy little turd and I wasn't sorry he was deposed....but I can't get over Hillary celebrating his death...because she was acting like she helped with the process....Obama was bombing targets in Libya

  • Obama was providing arms and training to ISIS in Syria.....this is why he was blackmailed into trading Bo Bergdahl for 5 Taliban Generals....and is the primary cause of Benghazi because they were trying to make weapons deals

According to the left a mere accusation is an indictment.
Course the left requires an conviction and even then they'll claim it wasn't proof enough.

So that is the reason for the right to jump on this bandwagon of false statement to the FBI!

Is it really justice or payback.

Still no conviction is no conviction but there was one notable conviction and he even admitted he lying to the FBI.

Fact - Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
Fact - Lying to the FBI is a crime.
Fact - Flynn’s lies to the FBI were material.

Papadopoulos - plead guilty and served 14 days in jail.

Gates plead guilty and cooperated with investigators

attorney Zwann plead guilty and served 30 days in jail

Sussman - has not pleaded guilty
- lying to the FBI is a crime if he clear stated a lie to the FBI. While passing information to the FBI thru an attorney who works for the FBI is some what questionable as it was not an interview by FBI agents. It may be relevant if the attorney asked who was the client and received an answer.

- There is no materiality it is not a crime for Clinton to hire a law firm to find dirt on Trump. The same thing that Republican did. The Steele dossier was research funded first by Republicans, then by Democrats.”
So that is the reason for the right to jump on this bandwagon of false statement to the FBI!

Is it really justice or payback.

Still no conviction is no conviction but there was one notable conviction and he even admitted he lying to the FBI.

Fact - Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI.
Fact - Lying to the FBI is a crime.
Fact - Flynn’s lies to the FBI were material.

Papadopoulos - plead guilty and served 14 days in jail.

Gates plead guilty and cooperated with investigators

attorney Zwann plead guilty and served 30 days in jail

Sussman - has not pleaded guilty
- lying to the FBI is a crime if he clear stated a lie to the FBI. While passing information to the FBI thru an attorney who works for the FBI is some what questionable as it was not an interview by FBI agents. It may be relevant if the attorney asked who was the client and received an answer.

- There is no materiality it is not a crime for Clinton to hire a law firm to find dirt on Trump. The same thing that Republican did. The Steele dossier was research funded first by Republicans, then by Democrats.”
Initially ...The FBI claimed that they weren't conducting an investigation. They said they were just doing an interview with members of the incoming administration. The FBI lied to them in other words to get them to relax and maybe slip-up and spill their guts. Comey said he couldn't believe that this trick actually worked. Those Trump people were such suckers when they first started doing the transition of power, he said.

So if any of the above changed or misremembered a detail, they threatened them with arrest and a number of years in prison. This is an FBI tactic called "A Perjury Trap*. They were given a choice of pleading guilty to lying to agents or face incarceration waiting for trial on other charges. Some of them were offered an opportunity to get off completely if they just signed a statement implicating Trump in fake charges. This is what Michael Cohen eventually did. Little did he know they also planned on charging him with other charges to keep him spilling his guts while in prison.

Let's not forget.....the reason the FBI supposedly was investigating the Trump campaign was based off of fabricated testimony by one of Hillary's lawyers who failed to identify himself as her lawyer. He claimed to be an unbiased civilian whistleblower. Total BS.
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Initially ...The FBI claimed that they weren't conducting an investigation. They said they were just doing an interview with members of the incoming administration. The FBI lied to them in other words to get them to relax and maybe slip-up and spill their guts.

So if any of the above changed or misremembered a detail, they threatened them with arrest and a number of years in prison. They were given a choice of pleading guilty to lying to agents or face incarceration waiting for trial on other charges. Some of them was offered an opportunity to get off completely if they just signed a statement implicating Trump in fake charges. This is what Michael Cohen eventually did.

Let's not forget.....the reason the FBI supposedly was investigating the Trump campaign was based off of fabricated testimony by one of Hillary's lawyers who failed to identify himself as her lawyer. He claimed to be an unbiased civilian whistleblower. Total BS.
The beginning of the FBI investigation into Trump began in 2016
In July 2016, the FBI began investigating the Russian government’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, including whether President Donald Trump’s campaign associates were involved in those efforts.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in july 2016 aimed at the US presidential election” between Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to a U.S. intelligence community report released Jan. 6, 2017. Russian intelligence services gained access to the computer network of Democratic Party officials and released the hacked material to WikiLeaks and others “to help President-elect Trump’s election chances,” the IC said in its report.


Baker meet the lawyer in September of 2016. So for a few months there was an investigation going on and this was just additional information that might shed light on Trumps Russian connection. These are verifiable facts. The meeting had nothing to do with the start of the Russian investigation. It was just part of an ongoing investigation. The FBI had a job to investigate all leads.
Well some things like the ALFA bank was investigated and nothing found that would result in charges.

others like the Russians who hacked servers were charged but will never be prosecuted for obvious reason. That was a serious crime that the Russians did by hacking political parties computers on both sides. Yet only released what they found concerning Hillary. The Russian are still at it with the recent hacking of government agencies. Which is a problem that needs to be corrected.

How can anyone forget Trumps saying, I hope the Russians find those missing emails. Later that day the Russians hack into DNC computers.

coincidence or quid pro quo

Why did the Putin hate Hillary because she and Obama put sanctions on Russia for there Ukraine invasion and supporting Crimea

So pointing to the Baker story is focusing on one aspect and really ignoring the rest of the story.
The Hollywood left is finally starting to wake up about our Democrat Party and their deep corruption.

Oh my God, you Maga minions are so desperate to shore up the lies of your Cheeto Jeezus that you're taking the blather of a (IMHO) B-list British comedian/actor at face value?

Man, are you guys going to suffer come the mid-term elections. Carry on.
Of course. As Trump said "they are not after me. They are after you and I was in the way". So he will be hounded until he is dead and even then they won't stop because if he is NOT dead, he has a chance of getting in the way again.

Clinton and most of the lame stream media "reporters" need to be in jail on Treason charges.



Eric Trump in 2014: 'We have all the funding we need out of Russia'​

Funding isn't illegal.... Like any party or candidate wants, otherwise it is to get along with other civilized super powers, while also keeping a sharp eye on them at the same time. Saw Hillary with some kind of reset button, and Obama saying we can do more after the election ?? You are truly the opportunist aren't you ???

Any party or candidate can pull what the Hillary Democrat's pulled on Trump, because we are a global community according to the parties, and that's where any politician can get set up by his or her own if not careful.
Trump said there was no collusion. Vladimir Putin said there was no collusion. Julian Assange said there was no collusion. The only ones claiming collusion were Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters.

Lincoln, Kennedy, Garfield and McKinley were all assassinated. I think that qualifies as worse treatment than Trump. Serious attempts were made on the lives of more than a half dozen other Presidents, which failed. Those include the shootings of Presidents Reagan and Roosevelt, attempted poisoning of President Obama, a car bomb in Kuwait for George H. W. Bush.

How was Trump "mistreated"? Trump is a whiny little bitch who complains he doesn't get enough respect. When you're a lying, cheating, bullying asshole, nobody respects you at all. I don't think Trump was treated nearly as badly as he deserved.

In any other country in the world, he'd have been executed for his corrupt and criminal behaviour, both before and after he became President. He would have been summarily shot after January 6th, and seeing how much damage he continues to inflict on the country, I'm thinking he should have been shot on January 7th.
Clever, but you forget that generation's change, and people aren't as obvious or messy as they once were.... Now it's death by a thousand cuts, because most would rather order out than cook their own food these days. Technology has changed, and the old method's of doing things has changed with it, but you knew that didn't you ? Nuclear weapons changed conventional warfare, but you knew that didn't you ?

I stand by my earlier statement.

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