Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O’Reilly in book


Jul 13, 2009
Oklahoma City, OK
All of the political entertainers have such huge egos. They occasionally talk nice about one another, but they all see themsleves in competition with each other in the final analysis. There are only so many bucks to be spread between all of them. At least Rush has the nads to say he is better than the rest.......of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He isn't any better than the rest of them........and that isn't a commentary on conservatism. I'm conservative and I find all of these guys to be huge self promotoing gas bags who care more about making money than being true believers.

Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O?Reilly in book -

Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O’Reilly in book
By Christina Wilkie - 05/25/10 06:00 AM ET

In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

“Sorry but somebody’s gotta say it,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying in Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One by Zev Chafets. At press time, O’Reilly had yet to respond to the comment.

But it wasn’t just Bill-O who took grief from Big Rush. Limbaugh said he doesn’t consider any of his fellow conservative talk show hosts to be in his league.

“Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are protégés,” writes Chafets, “and [Limbaugh] has defended Glenn Beck.”

But Limbaugh “doesn’t really consider them, or anyone else, in his league.”....................
I'm guessing the lack of responses is due to people having a hard time figuring out how to blame something here on Obama. I have faith though that someone will come through.
All of the political entertainers have such huge egos.


In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman....................

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In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

“Sorry but somebody’s gotta say it,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying in Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One by Zev Chafets.
You have to remember that everything America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpTard the Sophist condemns in others is what he hates about HIMSELF!
Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O’Reilly


So be it.

One thing about the OP, you said you are a conservative and I take you at your word. Maybe your a center right social conservative to my center right capitalist thinking but the following statement is of some concern to a fellow "righty" voter. You said "There are only so many bucks to be spread between all of them.". Not the kind of thinking I expect to hear from someone I would otherwise tend to agree with more often than not.

Remember the market has no limits. Rush going after Bill or vice versa could very well be a boon for both of them. It could increase fan crossover, bring in interested left wing types with reason to dislike one or both parties and so on. Don't accept the goofy dogma of those who preach that Fox News and Rush (and talk radio) and all their ilk are some uniform ideological conspiracy. There is plenty of diversity of thought right of center and plenty of audience to be had, be they new ears and eye's or more folks leaving the dying MSM.

Remember the old Doritos ad when thinking about compitition and capitalism...

"Crunch all you want, we'll make more!"

As in any business, talkers are in competition with one another. If one does a better job than his competitior down the street, he gets your business and the other guy doesn't. You don't have unlimited funds. Let's say you make $100 every week and $20 is disposable cash not needed to pay your bills. You can split it up any way you want, but when it is spent, it is spent. If I'm Rush, I want you to spend your whole $20 on me and not O'Reilly. When you get a raise, I'll compete for your additional income as well. Surely in a capitalist society you are aware that business and the advertising they do is nothing more than competing against other businesses to trade their good or service for as much of your cash as they can.
Ted Baxter???? :lol::lol::lol: I have to admit that is really funny. Beck IS just like him!!
TFF. I wouldn't know O'Reilly had a new book nor that Limbaugh mocked it if it weren't for the left's obsession with them.
...I'm conservative and I find all of these guys to be huge self promotoing gas bags who care more about making money than being true believers.


Don't mind Si Modo, she tried to take the challenge and blame this on the left somehow. :eusa_shhh:
I'm guessing the lack of responses is due to people having a hard time figuring out how to blame something here on Obama. I have faith though that someone will come through.

I dunno, maybe.

Mehhh.... really not worth my time.

Plus, who really cares if they snipe at eachother. It still does'nt change the fact that liberalism is a mental disorder :lol:
As in any business, talkers are in competition with one another. If one does a better job than his competitior down the street, he gets your business and the other guy doesn't. You don't have unlimited funds. Let's say you make $100 every week and $20 is disposable cash not needed to pay your bills. You can split it up any way you want, but when it is spent, it is spent. If I'm Rush, I want you to spend your whole $20 on me and not O'Reilly. When you get a raise, I'll compete for your additional income as well. Surely in a capitalist society you are aware that business and the advertising they do is nothing more than competing against other businesses to trade their good or service for as much of your cash as they can.

I'd love to see Bill-o and Rush go at it. Might as well include Dick Morris and Glenn Beck. Watch them all go at one another. :lol:
All of the political entertainers have such huge egos. They occasionally talk nice about one another, but they all see themsleves in competition with each other in the final analysis. There are only so many bucks to be spread between all of them. At least Rush has the nads to say he is better than the rest.......of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He isn't any better than the rest of them........and that isn't a commentary on conservatism. I'm conservative and I find all of these guys to be huge self promotoing gas bags who care more about making money than being true believers.

Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O?Reilly in book -

Rush Limbaugh mocks Bill O’Reilly in book
By Christina Wilkie - 05/25/10 06:00 AM ET

In a new biography on sale Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh calls fellow conservative talk show host Bill O’Reilly a “Ted Baxter” — after the fictional character on the “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” who was portrayed as a vain, shallow, buffoonish TV newsman.

“Sorry but somebody’s gotta say it,” Limbaugh is quoted as saying in Rush Limbaugh: An Army of One by Zev Chafets. At press time, O’Reilly had yet to respond to the comment.

But it wasn’t just Bill-O who took grief from Big Rush. Limbaugh said he doesn’t consider any of his fellow conservative talk show hosts to be in his league.

“Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are protégés,” writes Chafets, “and [Limbaugh] has defended Glenn Beck.”

But Limbaugh “doesn’t really consider them, or anyone else, in his league.”....................

Seeing as Mr. O'Reilly spents many years on Entertainment Tonight?


I'd say Limabaugh's assessment is right on target.

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