Why Glenn Beck is so effective


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I was reading a book and quite randomly a thought came to me about why Glenn is so effective in getting his message across and why his opponents have such a difficult time distracting people from his message with their normal name calling attacks.

I think it's because the man has been through hell. He isn't perfect and he is one of the first ones to point out his flaws and imperfections. Much of the rest of the media is trying to pretend they are above it all or that they have this perfect image. But Glenn doesn't hide anything. Think of the worst thing you have seen him accused of. He freely admits he's done worse. He isn't trying to convert people over to him. He is trying to convince people to follow the principles that are important despite him.

I think people find that refreshing. They don't have to worry about someone lying about who they are. You can take him and what he says for what he says. He may be wrong, but he is speaking what he thinks and isn't just selling something.
I was reading a book and quite randomly a thought came to me about why Glenn is so effective in getting his message across and why his opponents have such a difficult time distracting people from his message with their normal name calling attacks.

I think it's because the man has been through hell. He isn't perfect and he is one of the first ones to point out his flaws and imperfections. Much of the rest of the media is trying to pretend they are above it all or that they have this perfect image. But Glenn doesn't hide anything. Think of the worst thing you have seen him accused of. He freely admits he's done worse. He isn't trying to convert people over to him. He is trying to convince people to follow the principles that are important despite him.

I think people find that refreshing. They don't have to worry about someone lying about who they are. You can take him and what he says for what he says. He may be wrong, but he is speaking what he thinks and isn't just selling something.

Hmmmmm.......he appeals to me because he backs up his assertions with facts, and is willing to correct those facts if proven wrong. His detractors are more into bashing and gotchas rather than presenting something worth knowing. I believe he just wants to get people to move out of their apathy and get involved.

I like it when he shows how all the dots connect between people and the organizations they are affiliated with/or work for. And, I love the chalk boards!
Oh, God....there are actually people who take him seriously???

Perhaps you'd like to name someone who you take seriously. Someone who has an audience as large as Glenn Beck's?

There are actually some of us that can watch/listen/read and sift through different sources of information to glean for ourselves what is pertinent or not. Glenn Beck is one of the sources I use. He likes to point out the flaws in the government and how the complicated spiderweb of connections play out.

I especially like his Friday shows - where he has a live audience in and has the members as guest speakers. It's good to hear what ordinary Americans have to say. I especially liked the one that had all the Black conversatives on. And the one with all the patriotic mothers. Very interesting.

Don't you feel a little left out knowing that he reaches twice as many views of personalities on other networks (in the 5:00 PM slot no less)? Perhaps if you sat and watched 2-3 of his shows, all the way through, rather than listening to the snipperts from other media outlets, you might take him seriously also.

But, I don't know you very well and it might be more than you are capable of.
I have met him, and he is the real McCoy.... He isnt perfect, and thats what I like about him.
I've been listening to him on the radio for about 10 years and he always admits when he is wrong about something. That takes a real man to admit you are wrong.
Lately though, he has been hitting on all 8 cylinders and I hope he keeps up the good work.
"The main hypothesis concerning group-think is this: the more amiability and espirt de corps among the members of an in-group of policymakers the greater the danger that independent critical thinking will be replaced by groupthink, which is likely to result in irrational and the dehumanizing actions directed at out-groups." Irving L. Janis

Personally I don't care what his life has been like, he made much of it through his drinking and poor choices, but if we are to fault him, it must be on what he says. And he says more stupidity in one show than anyone would have time to counter. The piece below demonstrates clearly his absurd commentary.


I also think he appeals to the negative in people, nothing he says about others is positive. Life for him is a paranoid world in which everything means something bad. Why do some see the world so ugly while others work and see it for both what it is and what it promises.

Philip Zimbardo shows how people become monsters ... or heroes | Video on TED.com

Describes him well.

Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"
Oh, God....there are actually people who take him seriously???

Oh that's right, there are neocon whackjobs in the US...my bad..

...carry on...........

You're proof that there are those that choose to bury their head in the sand and ignore the facts.

Carry on!
Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

I though this was pretty funny , so I decided to look for more ,
I found this doing a google search of Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!: Glenn Beck Scams Woman Out of $800
it includes the beck audio that proves everything the guy and another blogger wrote are flat out lies .
Nothing short of amazing
People enjoy Glenn Beck because he's entertaining. Just listening to the evening news is boring for too many people. When people get home at the end of the day, they want to relax and unwind. So how do you make it more interesting? Add visuals (chalkboards, video, etc..). And spice it up with some drama and conspiracy theories.

Then he adds his opinion to the news, which makes it easy for so many people because this means they don't have to think for themselves and form their own opinions. Glenn Beck puts it on a chalkboard, yells a little bit and then finishes it off with some crying. That's downright entertaining.
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Oh, God....there are actually people who take him seriously???

Oh that's right, there are neocon whackjobs in the US...my bad..

...carry on...........

Why are you shocked? Some people take you seriously too.
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I have met him, and he is the real McCoy.... He isnt perfect, and thats what I like about him.
I've been listening to him on the radio for about 10 years and he always admits when he is wrong about something. That takes a real man to admit you are wrong.
Lately though, he has been hitting on all 8 cylinders and I hope he keeps up the good work.

I knew him for a while when he lived here. It's why I like him. I know he isnt correct all the time. But he is sincere. And if he has something wrong, he says so.

He is geniune. And you can't fake that.
People are so used to lies from politicians that when they come across Beck they just don't know how to take him. He is honest and is NOT running for any office - NO need for him to lie. He parrots nobody and is true to himself - first and foremost. Refreshing!
He is honest and is NOT running for any office - NO need for him to lie.

Nope, he's after something even greater then political office......money. He has every reason in the world to bend the truth to make it more entertaining and attract an audience.
Right or wrong, Beck and his ilk will have their various detractors and supporters.

The one argument made about demagogues like Beck, Hannity, the addict Limbaugh et al is their audience is so big so they must be right! I can't see how that makes a lick of sense! A big audience, big numbers in the ratings game makes for credibility?

With logic like this, it could be argued that Beyonce makes better music than Mozart based on iTunes receipts.
Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

I though this was pretty funny , so I decided to look for more ,
I found this doing a google search of Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!: Glenn Beck Scams Woman Out of $800
it includes the beck audio that proves everything the guy and another blogger wrote are flat out lies .
Nothing short of amazing

Hes also hawking gold to his viewers at high prices.

The man is about money.
Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

I though this was pretty funny , so I decided to look for more ,
I found this doing a google search of Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!: Glenn Beck Scams Woman Out of $800
it includes the beck audio that proves everything the guy and another blogger wrote are flat out lies .
Nothing short of amazing

Hes also hawking gold to his viewers at high prices.

The man is about money.

It's only high for poor fucks like yourself. Fact is gold isn't fucking cheap! So yea in order to sell gold and make a profit, it has to be marked up. But I don't expect you to understand capitalism.

Who the hell in this world isn't out to make money?
Bob Cesca: Exposing Glenn Beck as a Dangerous Fraud

"As hard as it is to believe, most days I intentionally ignore Glenn Beck posts and videos on the blogs. My recurring reaction is generally twofold. One: he's exhausting to watch because just as I'm wrapping my head around one line of googly-eyed horseshit, he belts out another ridiculous, melodramatic or dangerous line, and before I know it, I'm faced with a log-jam of crazy, forcing me to scramble for either an oxygen mask or a stiff drink. And, two: why pay attention to the television equivalent of an escaped mental patient screaming gibberish on the median strip at a busy intersection?"

I though this was pretty funny , so I decided to look for more ,
I found this doing a google search of Bob Cesca

Bob Cesca's Awesome Blog! Go!: Glenn Beck Scams Woman Out of $800
it includes the beck audio that proves everything the guy and another blogger wrote are flat out lies .
Nothing short of amazing

Hes also hawking gold to his viewers at high prices.

The man is about money.

Goldline has several products some with a very high mark up :antique coins ,others with less mark up .
Goldline has a A + rating with the BBB.

Beck has been asking the "government" to be fiscally responsible for a long time.
If "they" listened to him, what do you think would happen to the price of gold?
He is honest and is NOT running for any office - NO need for him to lie.

Nope, he's after something even greater then political office......money. He has every reason in the world to bend the truth to make it more entertaining and attract an audience.

I have a thread for people like you. here are the sample videos ,
complete beck shows, not creatively edited clips .
Please explain what is wrong with what he says, note the time and
video that you have a problem with and bring your facts to refute
Beck statements and prove they are lies .
Take the http://www.usmessageboard.com/media/85916-beck-open-book-test.html#post1453602
I was reading a book and quite randomly a thought came to me about why Glenn is so effective in getting his message across and why his opponents have such a difficult time distracting people from his message with their normal name calling attacks.

I think it's because the man has been through hell. He isn't perfect and he is one of the first ones to point out his flaws and imperfections. Much of the rest of the media is trying to pretend they are above it all or that they have this perfect image. But Glenn doesn't hide anything. Think of the worst thing you have seen him accused of. He freely admits he's done worse. He isn't trying to convert people over to him. He is trying to convince people to follow the principles that are important despite him.

I think people find that refreshing. They don't have to worry about someone lying about who they are. You can take him and what he says for what he says. He may be wrong, but he is speaking what he thinks and isn't just selling something.

is there even 1 sane and rational conservative in America?

it is so amusing to see you say that the people glenn beck constantly refers to as NAZIS attack HIM with NAMECALLING....

I'd say that referring to some relatively decent America who isn't a deranged lunatic as a "nazi" is a pretty good example of "name calling"

I've seen beck
I've heard beck
I've read beck

the man should be rubber roomed

and anyone who thinks beck makes sense has an extremely defective brain

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