Rush, "Liberalism is Gutless"


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.
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The left is composed of gutless pansies!! Oh get out of here, Rush. They're 2200 mosques in the US whose Koran teaches queers should be tortured, tossed from rooftops, or beheaded, and the protests by American queers against those mosques have just been choking the streets adjacent. Honest, they really have! "Links" you demand? Well ummm...errr...uhhh.......
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.

Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like.
So the perfect a-hole who used his butt to avoid military service is listened to, while Williams at the very least, was in a dangerous war area. The right wing conservatives in America are so lost in their ideology reality has no place. Draft dodgers of the right are plentiful, Bush Jr, Cheney, and Limbaugh among lots of others. Takes real guts to speak to a mic, but avoid military service to the nation that supports you.

"The same conservatives, however, go on idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, both of whom much more egregiously made stuff up about their military service than Williams (who never claimed to be more than a hapless civilian). The same voices that allege that Williams has been deprived of credibility by the incidents would never dream of impugning the credibility of the lying GOP presidents."
Williams Affair Reagan and Bush Lied about Military Records but Get a Pass Informed Comment

5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty Holytaco
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.

Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like.
Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like
So the perfect a-hole who used his butt to avoid military service is listened to, while Williams at the very least, was in a dangerous war area. The right wing conservatives in America are so lost in their ideology reality has no place. Draft dodgers of the right are plentiful, Bush Jr, Cheney, and Limbaugh among lots of others. Takes real guts to speak to a mic, but avoid military service to the nation that supports you.

"The same conservatives, however, go on idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, both of whom much more egregiously made stuff up about their military service than Williams (who never claimed to be more than a hapless civilian). The same voices that allege that Williams has been deprived of credibility by the incidents would never dream of impugning the credibility of the lying GOP presidents."
Williams Affair Reagan and Bush Lied about Military Records but Get a Pass Informed Comment

5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty Holytaco
And as I stated, someone would literally attack when Rush confronts them with their hypocrisy.

Williams? This is about you, not Williams, not Rush.

Liberals are Gutless, I will add, Liberals are Confused.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

Explain how this isn't part of an obvious pattern, please.
And as I stated, someone would literally attack when Rush confronts them with their hypocrisy.

Williams? This is about you, not Williams, not Rush.

Liberals are Gutless, I will add, Liberals are Confused.


Liberals aren't gutless, they're liberals. Some of them are as good as any Conservative.... Or better.

In fact, I'd wager that you and I are very liberal on many things. Many more than we think about.

dimocraps? dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

They are NOT liberals. No way, no how. They attach themselves to liberal ideology but they are NOT liberals.....

dimocrap scum steal liberal ideas and radicalize them. They turn them into hateful, destructive racialism/radicalism and push that on America like it's true liberalism.

They are RADICALS. They are scum.

Think about it..... The Occupy (bowel) Movement.... Not a bad idea, actually. But dimocrap scum took it over and radicalized it. Turned into just another radical communist movement.

"Black Lives Matter"....? Yes, they do. The Staten Island Cops should be locked up. The Ferguson Cop did what any Cop would do.

But does it matter to the scum of the earth dimocraps? Nope. All that matters is that dimocrap scum have another excuse to radicalize something, make a fuss, destroy, loot, pillage, burn.

But I do understand what Rush, and you are saying. The generic term 'liberal' is how the scum of the earth dimocraps identify themselves.

They are not liberals. They are scum.

Liberals? I love 'em.

dimocraps? It just doesn't get any lower than that.

the scum of the earth dimocraps are going to destroy themselves. That much is certain.

But we should not let them take liberalism to their graves with them.

I am a liberal. Whether you think you are or not, so are you.

obama and his cronies are scum of the earth dimocrap filth
Pretty funny coming from fat, alcoholic, drug addict, draft dodger, professional liar Lushbo.

It was liberals who fought the Revolution while conservatives spied for the king. But then, its Lushbo who lied about the Revolution, going so far as to steal the name of a true American hero and put his own lying name there instead. If a liberal did that, RWs would screech their heads off, and rightly so.

What a gutless wonder he is. It doesn't take courage to sit in a radio studio, telling lies about his country. No wonder RWs love him.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

Explain how this isn't part of an obvious pattern, please.
How what is not part of a pattern? Liberalism, Socialism is failing the World. Zero Success. Politically speaking what is there to like about Liberal Policies?

Just to say, Rush dislikes the left is to deflect or distract others from the criticism. Liberals do not like being exposed.
And as I stated, someone would literally attack when Rush confronts them with their hypocrisy.

Williams? This is about you, not Williams, not Rush.

Liberals are Gutless, I will add, Liberals are Confused.


Liberals aren't gutless, they're liberals. Some of them are as good as any Conservative.... Or better.

In fact, I'd wager that you and I are very liberal on many things. Many more than we think about.

dimocraps? dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

They are NOT liberals. No way, no how. They attach themselves to liberal ideology but they are NOT liberals.....

dimocrap scum steal liberal ideas and radicalize them. They turn them into hateful, destructive racialism/radicalism and push that on America like it's true liberalism.

They are RADICALS. They are scum.

Think about it..... The Occupy (bowel) Movement.... Not a bad idea, actually. But dimocrap scum took it over and radicalized it. Turned into just another radical communist movement.

"Black Lives Matter"....? Yes, they do. The Staten Island Cops should be locked up. The Ferguson Cop did what any Cop would do.

But does it matter to the scum of the earth dimocraps? Nope. All that matters is that dimocrap scum have another excuse to radicalize something, make a fuss, destroy, loot, pillage, burn.

But I do understand what Rush, and you are saying. The generic term 'liberal' is how the scum of the earth dimocraps identify themselves.

They are not liberals. They are scum.

Liberals? I love 'em.

dimocraps? It just doesn't get any lower than that.

the scum of the earth dimocraps are going to destroy themselves. That much is certain.

But we should not let them take liberalism to their graves with them.

I am a liberal. Whether you think you are or not, so are you.

obama and his cronies are scum of the earth dimocrap filth
Than I do not know what Liberal, is. What is liberalism?
It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

You mention Rush 6 times in your title and OP then whine when other people bring up Rush. Too funny.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

You mention Rush 6 times in your title and OP then whine when other people bring up Rush. Too funny.
Wow, that hurt, maybe I will never post again, your flame is that good.
Pretty funny coming from fat, alcoholic, drug addict, draft dodger, professional liar Lushbo.

It was liberals who fought the Revolution while conservatives spied for the king. But then, its Lushbo who lied about the Revolution, going so far as to steal the name of a true American hero and put his own lying name there instead. If a liberal did that, RWs would screech their heads off, and rightly so.

What a gutless wonder he is. It doesn't take courage to sit in a radio studio, telling lies about his country. No wonder RWs love him.
The Puritans were Liberals? How so?

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