Rudy is presenting his evidence, legal arguments to the people.

Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

So show us your evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently he has evidence to prove his case, and is going to court with it.

You on the other hand, are just some asshole with an opinion.
Andrew C. McCarthy
Wed, November 18, 2020, 4:54 PM CST


Realistically speaking, the legal battle over the 2020 election is over. As I explained over the weekend, from President Trump’s perspective, that battle is beset by a fatal mismatch between (a) what his campaign is in a position to allege and prove, and (b) the remedy — i.e., the potential number of votes that could swing from Biden to Trump. That problem was already apparent last week, when the campaign filed its original complaint in the Williamsport federal court. It became insurmountable Sunday, when the campaign amended its complaint, stripping out the main fraud claims.
What is left of the lawsuit cannot conceivably change the result in Pennsylvania. For that reason, the court will probably not even rule on it — even if we assume for argument’s sake that the campaign and its two co-plaintiffs (voters residing in the Commonwealth) have standing to sue, which is doubtful. And, to repeat what I laid out over the weekend, without reversing the election result in Pennsylvania, the president has no chance to reverse the nationwide result (which would minimally require winning Pennsylvania plus two other states).
To some extent, the campaign has gotten a bad rap for dropping its main counts, which alleged that there were gross improprieties, amounting to fraud, in Pennsylvania’s tabulation of the vote. Abandoning these counts seemed inexplicable Sunday, given that the campaign was simultaneously alleging massive fraud on television.
In fact, there is an explanation. On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued a ruling that destroys the viability of those counts (and probably the remaining counts, too — I’ll come to that). In scrambling to respond to that ruling — which is binding on the federal district court where the campaign’s lawsuit is filed — the campaign shed the fraud-related counts. The lawyers should not be faulted for doing that. The fault lies in pressing ahead with a narrower suit that could not change the outcome of the race in Pennsylvania, even in the unlikely event that the campaign prevailed.

To cut to the chase, all that remains of the Trump campaign’s complaint is the claim that voters in pro-Trump counties were denied equal protection of law because mail-in voters in pro-Biden counties — mainly Philadelphia and Allegheny counties (Pittsburgh is in the latter) — were invited by election boards to cure defects in their ballots. Even if there were arguably merit to this claim (doubtful), it may only involve a few hundred votes, and certainly not more than a few thousand. That’s not enough. By current count, presumptive president-elect Biden leads President Trump by 83,000 votes. Since I’ve already made this point several times (see, e.g., here and here), perhaps it’s best to quote what the Third Circuit said just last Friday (my italics): For a party
to have standing to enjoin the counting of ballots . . . such votes would have to be sufficient in number to change the outcome of the election. . . . See, e.g., Sibley v. Alexander (“Even if the Court granted the requested relief, plaintiff would still fail to satisfy the redressability element of standing because enjoining defendants from casting the votes . . . would not change the outcome of the election”).
Election is invalid---dems cheated all over the place...I knew eventually the cheating bastards would get called out--and if we keep trump in----I see some prison time coming. Yahoo.
Pretty much sums it up.

That argument actually makes it a stronger case for him. It's evidence that it was about overthrowing the president alone. It's also MUCH easier to impact one election than multiple ones.

Just as we say Biden get 140,000 votes all at the same time, why didn't we see the same of Senate races?

As always unintended consequences, at a time when the West HAS to be stronger against China or we are all in for a world of hurt. Four more years of Trump is much better than anyone messing with the election. Once the mail-out occurred, it was almost certainly headed for this. I hope it was on the level, but the damage was done on Election Night itself. It's impossible not to at least suspect that.
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Golly, Rudy is having a drippy and spittle flecked meltdown. Hilarious. Can't wait to see what he brings to the courts.
When the media is telling lie after lie to you in front of your face.let’s see how long it is before you have a meltdown,it wouldn’t be so funny to you if the shoe was on your foot and you had to listen to lie after lie.:uhoh3:

if your lawyers were getting death threats and their family’s as well,you would be going into meltdown mode as well when asked why lawyers have quit the case.:uhoh3:

that was right around the time those coward media people cut him off just for giving an honest answer to some questions he was being asked. But oh,I guess you missed that part. :abgg2q.jpg:
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Pretty much sums it up.

Easily explained by realizing that the stuffed ballots were for Biden only with nothing indicated on the down ballot. Whereas the legitimate ballots cast by actual voters DID have votes on the down ballot for house and Senate candidates.

Funny that you missed one of the major indications of Fraud and you choose to embrace it and take reassurance from it. . . Rather than to see it as suspicious at all.
Sidney Powell - ANTIFA is also involved with Dominion and SmartMatics in this turrible election fix!! :laughing0301:
Of course they are------just like the Brown Shirts for the Nazis were directed by their socialist overlords (the Nazis) to create havoc and terrorize people and stuff ballot boxes to allow the nazis to take over....the anti-fa/blm are todays modern version of violent thugs doing whatever dirty work for the socialists and their leaders

Fucking Soros----learned all sorts of bad tricks while being a nazi.
Now he's claiming Maduro and Chavez are manipulating our voting machines. Rudy is even more nuts than I thought.

So show us your evidence to prove otherwise. Apparently he has evidence to prove his case, and is going to court with it.

You on the other hand, are just some asshole with an opinion.

Not my job to do that. Rudy and Trump are making serious accusations, but all they have to back it up is a bunch of statements. I can get tons of statements that Pepsi tastes better than Coke, but that is not proof.
I'll go with zero.
But I'm thinking if this stuff is true... Then we've been meddling in other countries elections. Wouldn't you like to prove that otherwise?

Well, Zin, that is EXACTLY what the legal team is moving towards proving-- -- that the USA HAS been in the business of changing elections the world over to install people favorable to the USA and now they have dared to use the same foreign (Canadian) software to change an election here.

The question is: is this the first time? And what other races have been affected?

Trump's people are not stopping until they bust this rotten, stinking bug nest wide open.

DEMOCRATS: The party of every vote must count now the party where no vote must be counted!
And don't get it. You, the dems. Another country counts our votes. There has been fraud taking place via machines backed and paid for by Soros. Yet you want to laugh at Rudy's hair dye dripping down his face as he stands in very hot lights and ignore what he trying to tell you while youtube or whomever it was filming this CUT HIM OFF as soon as he talks about Hillary and FBI plots.

Again, this is not about Trump any more. Its about powerful people doing all they can to steal your votes. YOURS. Your voice. Your wants. Your opinions. Your choices. Dem, Repub, Indie, Green Party.....ALL your voices. And if this is not nipped in the bud...Trump or no Trump, it will continue to happen. What are y'all gonna do when the Repubs build a better machine to twist the votes? Or the Independents find a smart guy to fix machines to do what is being done now? Or Independents who get a weathy donor and make even better cheating machines and it goes against YOUR choices? This isn't about Trump. This is about YOU and the rest of us regardless of party.

Will you be ok with Russia counting your vote? China?

Wake up.
Andrew C. McCarthy
Wed, November 18, 2020, 4:54 PM CST


Realistically speaking, the legal battle over the 2020 election is over. As I explained over the weekend, from President Trump’s perspective, that battle is beset by a fatal mismatch between (a) what his campaign is in a position to allege and prove, and (b) the remedy — i.e., the potential number of votes that could swing from Biden to Trump. That problem was already apparent last week, when the campaign filed its original complaint in the Williamsport federal court. It became insurmountable Sunday, when the campaign amended its complaint, stripping out the main fraud claims.
What is left of the lawsuit cannot conceivably change the result in Pennsylvania. For that reason, the court will probably not even rule on it — even if we assume for argument’s sake that the campaign and its two co-plaintiffs (voters residing in the Commonwealth) have standing to sue, which is doubtful. And, to repeat what I laid out over the weekend, without reversing the election result in Pennsylvania, the president has no chance to reverse the nationwide result (which would minimally require winning Pennsylvania plus two other states).
To some extent, the campaign has gotten a bad rap for dropping its main counts, which alleged that there were gross improprieties, amounting to fraud, in Pennsylvania’s tabulation of the vote. Abandoning these counts seemed inexplicable Sunday, given that the campaign was simultaneously alleging massive fraud on television.
In fact, there is an explanation. On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued a ruling that destroys the viability of those counts (and probably the remaining counts, too — I’ll come to that). In scrambling to respond to that ruling — which is binding on the federal district court where the campaign’s lawsuit is filed — the campaign shed the fraud-related counts. The lawyers should not be faulted for doing that. The fault lies in pressing ahead with a narrower suit that could not change the outcome of the race in Pennsylvania, even in the unlikely event that the campaign prevailed.

To cut to the chase, all that remains of the Trump campaign’s complaint is the claim that voters in pro-Trump counties were denied equal protection of law because mail-in voters in pro-Biden counties — mainly Philadelphia and Allegheny counties (Pittsburgh is in the latter) — were invited by election boards to cure defects in their ballots. Even if there were arguably merit to this claim (doubtful), it may only involve a few hundred votes, and certainly not more than a few thousand. That’s not enough. By current count, presumptive president-elect Biden leads President Trump by 83,000 votes. Since I’ve already made this point several times (see, e.g., here and here), perhaps it’s best to quote what the Third Circuit said just last Friday (my italics): For a party
to have standing to enjoin the counting of ballots . . . such votes would have to be sufficient in number to change the outcome of the election. . . . See, e.g., Sibley v. Alexander (“Even if the Court granted the requested relief, plaintiff would still fail to satisfy the redressability element of standing because enjoining defendants from casting the votes . . . would not change the outcome of the election”).
Election is invalid---dems cheated all over the place...I knew eventually the cheating bastards would get called out--and if we keep trump in----I see some prison time coming. Yahoo.

Any day now?
Those who laugh, if it's true that ballots are collected and housed in Germany, how do you feel about that?
Those who laugh, if it’s true that all trump supporters want to fuck 9 year old boys, how do you feel about that?

Karl Marx's rule: “Accuse your enemy of what you are doing, as you are doing it to create confusion."

Your own pedophile fantasies are showing, Bub.
Those who laugh, if it's true that ballots are collected and housed in Germany, how do you feel about that?
Those who laugh, if it’s true that all trump supporters want to fuck 9 year old boys, how do you feel about that?
You should shut up while you are behind.....given that you supported the PEDOPHILE BIDEN family raping little girls including those in the family-you have no room to try to smear any other group as pedo supporters. If you really had a problem with pedophiles--biden would make you feel sick.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Incredible that one of these paid shills thought this post was funny,just proves what sick a holes they are.

And your comment has NOTHING TO DO with the election Fraud--just a simple attempt at redirecting by smearing the messenger. Not going to work dear----you are underestimating the ANGER that is growing in America against the lying cheating MANIPULATIVE socialists.......

You LOST - Get the fuck over it please.
Pretty much sums it up.

Easily explained by realizing that the stuffed ballots were for Biden only with nothing indicated on the down ballot. Whereas the legitimate ballots cast by actual voters DID have votes on the down ballot for house and Senate candidates.

Funny that you missed one of the major indications of Fraud and you choose to embrace it and take reassurance from it. . . Rather than to see it as suspicious at all.

For you:

View attachment 418467

That’s all you America haters did for four years.:auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:

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