Ruble slides to new low

Does Putin still have the Crimea? Is he still causing trouble in Ukraine?

And tough guy and Conservative idol Putin is feeling the consequences of his actions

Conservatives celebrated Putins annexation of Crimea and incursions into the Ukraine. They pointed out how ineffective and weak our President was with his economic sanctions.

Today, Putin is struggling to keep his economy from collapsing while Obama presides over a surging economy
I'm going to ignore the majority of your talking points and just point out that no Putin has not returned Crimea or left Ukraine.
Granny says, "Dat's good - dey can take the whole stinkin' ship down with `em...

Ruble's Problems Spread to Other Ex-Soviet Currencies
January 07, 2015 — Falling energy prices and the plunge in the Russian ruble are hitting currencies across the former Soviet states, with Belarus and Turkmenistan having already devalued this week and markets betting that Kazakhstan will follow soon.
Countries of the former Soviet Union have had their own currencies for two decades, but many still depend on Russia, both for trade and for money sent home from workers living there. Those with their own energy exports that are least dependent on Moscow, like Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, are seeing revenues hit by the same falling oil prices that wrecked the ruble after the Ukraine crisis threw Russia's economy into reverse. Financial markets are betting on a near 20 percent devaluation in the next three to six months in Kazakhstan's pegged tenge currency, which was already devalued by 19 percent last year.

Others that float more freely, like Armenia's dram and Georgia's lari, are also expected to tumble further, along with bond and stock markets in the region. "Obviously this sharp fall in the ruble and oil is putting heavy pressure on all of these countries," said Piotr Matys, an emerging-markets strategist at Rabobank. A devaluation can be helpful in rebalancing an out-of-kilter economy, but it also creates problems by pushing up the value and interest costs of any debt borrowed in international currencies like the dollar, and hiking inflation.

Eyes on Kazakhstan

As the second biggest of the ex-Soviet economies, Kazakhstan is being most closely watched, along with its currency. The benefits of last year's devaluation have been more than wiped out by the ruble's recent slump, and though the central bank has said there will be no repeat, oil's 50 percent price drop now means it may have no choice. "If you look across the universe of oil producers, those that haven't adjusted yet will. It's as simple as that," said Jan Dehn of emerging-markets specialist fund manager Ashmore. "The ostrich solution of sticking your head in the sand and pretending it hasn't happened really doesn't work for very long."


An employee counts Russian ruble bank notes at a private company's office in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia

Half of Kazakhstan's revenues last year came in one way or another from oil, so the state budget is likely to fall heavily into the red. And with the year-end cutoff for many of the government's key performance metrics now passed, Kazakh watchers think a devaluation could come at any time. "The NBK (Kazakh central bank) is trying to make a brave face of it and hold the line, but this line is really not credible," said Demetrios Efstathiou, head of Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa strategy at Standard Bank. "We think they will eventually want to move. The only question is timing."

Azerbaijan, the other big oil producer among former Soviet states, has a more robust balance sheet, having been one of the fastest-growing economies in the world over the last decade. But it is bound to be hurt as oil and gas projects are shelved. The Azeri currency, the manat, may fare better than the tenge. It has fallen only fractionally in recent months, and authorities have a decent arsenal of reserves. But the pressure remains. "They haven't devalued before, so the question is whether they will devalue now," said Efstathiou. "There is a small chance, but I think Kazakhstan is much more likely."

States without oil
Russia s ruble currency slides to new dollar low

The Russian ruble currency declined sharply against the dollar on Tuesday despite an aggressive intervention just hours earlier by Russia's Central Bank to halt the slide by hiking its benchmark interest rate to 17%.
The ruble fell to a new low of 73 against the dollar on Tuesday.
When is Putin announcing his withdrawal from Ukraine?
Russia s ruble currency slides to new dollar low

The Russian ruble currency declined sharply against the dollar on Tuesday despite an aggressive intervention just hours earlier by Russia's Central Bank to halt the slide by hiking its benchmark interest rate to 17%.
The ruble fell to a new low of 73 against the dollar on Tuesday.

It's interesting how some of the greatest political hate in the world is between competing Marxist regimes.
But I doubt Putin's popularity will take much of a hit at home. He will blame America and his admiring millions will fall in line.

Ah, the Obama template using Republicans, you're probably right.
Let's see...Obama orchestrates a coup in Ukraine, then places sanctions on Russia for responding in Crimea, his newly installed gov in Ukraine shoot down a civilian jetliner, and now oil prices have magically been cut 50%...but that damn Putin is a warmongering dictator akin to Hitler...

Let's see...Obama orchestrates a coup in Ukraine,
Gross exaggeration that can't be proven. Whole theory based on a phone conversation where US Ambassador expressed a preference during government crisis. Three elections legitimate, recognized elections have been held giving overwhelming support to the Ukraine government.
then places sanctions on Russia for responding in Crimea
along with European nations which actually have a far greater effect than American sanctions. Russia invaded Crimea and held a scam election that was rejected by the international community as being illegal and fraudulent. Even the UN rejected it, including China.
his newly installed gov in Ukraine shoot down a civilian jetliner
The only newly installed gov in Ukraine was and is the sham Russian puppets who began the separatist government with military and KGB officers as the publicly named leaders of the so called separatist. Evidence is overwhelming that the airliner was shot down by Russian controlled missiles deployed in Russian controlled territory.
and now oil prices have magically been cut 50%...but that damn Putin is a warmongering dictator akin to Hitler...
He is compared to Hitler because he has brought back an old rejected idea that a country has the right to invade another sovereign nation because the sovereign nation has ethnic citizens contained in the sovereign nation. This was the excuse Hitler used and it the excuse Putin has used. Hitler invaded his neighbors with the excuse that he was offering protection to ethnic Germans in neighboring countries. That is exactly what Putin is doing.
Yes, your hatred of your President to the point of supporting Putin is crazy. We can agree on that. Crazy and treasonous.
Let's see...Obama orchestrates a coup in Ukraine, then places sanctions on Russia for responding in Crimea, his newly installed gov in Ukraine shoot down a civilian jetliner, and now oil prices have magically been cut 50%...but that damn Putin is a warmongering dictator akin to Hitler...


You left out the part where Obama is responsible for Ebola
LOL. Sounds like ol' Gipper is completely around the corner.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

You like many, have chose to believe fiction and the power elite love you for it.

Truth in America, as it applies to our government, is nonexistent and has been for a long time...yet amazingly many Americans still don't see the deception.
Let's see...Obama orchestrates a coup in Ukraine, then places sanctions on Russia for responding in Crimea, his newly installed gov in Ukraine shoot down a civilian jetliner, and now oil prices have magically been cut 50%...but that damn Putin is a warmongering dictator akin to Hitler...

Worst case of ODS (Obama Deranged Syndrome) we have seen.

This guy for actual reason hates Obama so much that he is willing to back a warmongering, corrupt, war criminal of his own President.

By the way if Reagan was alive today he would bitch slap you.
It's a deception. The Russians have never been in a stronger position than they are in right now. Both militarily and financially. Do not believe everything you are told.

I got to admit I don't see that, do you have a link?
Let's see...Obama orchestrates a coup in Ukraine, then places sanctions on Russia for responding in Crimea, his newly installed gov in Ukraine shoot down a civilian jetliner, and now oil prices have magically been cut 50%...but that damn Putin is a warmongering dictator akin to Hitler...

Worst case of ODS (Obama Deranged Syndrome) we have seen.

This guy for actual reason hates Obama so much that he is willing to back a warmongering, corrupt, war criminal of his own President.

By the way if Reagan was alive today he would bitch slap you.
You clearly do not understand.

Obama is no different that most of his predecessors.
This is good news. But I doubt Putin's popularity will take much of a hit at home. He will blame America and his admiring millions will fall in line.

Nonetheless, this will make his "foreign adventures" more difficult to fund and perpetuate.

In my opinion this is not good. What means does Russia have for changing the situation? Oil has hit below 50 dollars that has to be putting a crimp on the Russians. So as happened when FDR caused Japan to attack Pearl harbor by cutting off their oil, the same may happen in this situation.

I was trying to think of what "foreign adventures" you are talking about? Russia hasn't, as far as i can remember attacked another country since Afghanistan. Yes they rolled tanks into the Ukraine but that was pretty much not a war.
LOL. Sounds like ol' Gipper is completely around the corner.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

You like many, have chose to believe fiction and the power elite love you for it.

Truth in America, as it applies to our government, is nonexistent and has been for a long time...yet amazingly many Americans still don't see the deception.
Shaping "truth" to fit an agenda and support an opinion is not real truth. Implying everyone who disagree's with your opinion is somehow less intelligent or knowledgeable is just a sign of overconfidence in ones self and a huge ego.
This is good news. But I doubt Putin's popularity will take much of a hit at home. He will blame America and his admiring millions will fall in line.

Nonetheless, this will make his "foreign adventures" more difficult to fund and perpetuate.

Wrong as usual..

China has his back!
This is good news. But I doubt Putin's popularity will take much of a hit at home. He will blame America and his admiring millions will fall in line.

Nonetheless, this will make his "foreign adventures" more difficult to fund and perpetuate.

In my opinion this is not good. What means does Russia have for changing the situation? Oil has hit below 50 dollars that has to be putting a crimp on the Russians. So as happened when FDR caused Japan to attack Pearl harbor by cutting off their oil, the same may happen in this situation.

I was trying to think of what "foreign adventures" you are talking about? Russia hasn't, as far as i can remember attacked another country since Afghanistan. Yes they rolled tanks into the Ukraine but that was pretty much not a war.
The people of Abhazia, Ossetia, Georgia and Chechnia want you to start paying attention.
This is good news. But I doubt Putin's popularity will take much of a hit at home. He will blame America and his admiring millions will fall in line.

Nonetheless, this will make his "foreign adventures" more difficult to fund and perpetuate.

In my opinion this is not good. What means does Russia have for changing the situation? Oil has hit below 50 dollars that has to be putting a crimp on the Russians. So as happened when FDR caused Japan to attack Pearl harbor by cutting off their oil, the same may happen in this situation.

I was trying to think of what "foreign adventures" you are talking about? Russia hasn't, as far as i can remember attacked another country since Afghanistan. Yes they rolled tanks into the Ukraine but that was pretty much not a war.
The people of Abhazia, Ossetia, Georgia and Chechnia want you to start paying attention.

Yes we have weak leadership in the white house now, are you (a far left drone) finally admitting to that?
It's a deception. The Russians have never been in a stronger position than they are in right now. Both militarily and financially. Do not believe everything you are told.

I got to admit I don't see that, do you have a link?

Are you serious? How is it that you cannot see that? Putin spent 60 Billion on Sochi. They have a half trillion sitting in the bank which means that Russia doesn't have a 17 Trillion dollar Deficit like we do. They are a half trillion UP, Freewill. (that is the official statement for news sources - I have to believe that it is much, much more!)

Pride has always been Putin's weak point - he cannot help but boast and let it out in some way - in this story we see an example of it -
Russia gives all its gold medalists 120 000 a new Mercedes Fourth-Place Medal - Yahoo Sports
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