'Rubbing America's Nose In It'

You guys just make shit up to sling as you go along. Obviously a woman is a human that comes with a baby factory as standard operating equipment. Prove me wrong.

Benedict Donald's unconditional troop reductions throughout 2020 was the main reason why the Taliban was in such a advantageous position to take over the country when we finally left in 2021. He even bragged about the position he left the Military in.

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you.
that doesnt tell me why you lied??
you forgot to provide proof he didnt intend to bring them back or destroy them,,,

What he intended is irrelevant, all that matters is what he did. And what he did was not leave enough troops to do either in the time frame of his surrender agreement.
What he intended is irrelevant, all that matters is what he did. And what he did was not leave enough troops to do either in the time frame of his surrender agreement.
he obviously left enough troops since the terrorist didnt get the weapons until after biden pulled the troops out and left the weapons intact for them to get,,
these were stock piles not arms held by the locals,,

nice try but a huge fail,,, HUGE!!
False. Our military planned our withdrawal and either took their equipment or destroyed everything else.

You’re ignoring that we’ve been supporting the Afghan military for decades and doing so by giving them billions of dollars worth of our equipment and weapons.

Just total ignorance.
he obviously left enough troops since the terrorist didnt get the weapons until after biden pulled the troops out and left the weapons intact for them to get,,

Yes, he left enough troops to watch over it, not to move/destroy it.
Well, he botched the withdraw but thanks to your lord and master, he had a deadline.
Spin away. It was a deadline as long as conditions on the ground were acceptable. It would never have been acceptable to Trump to leave the enemy with $80 billion of advanced military equipment.
he left more than enough to destroy them,,,

doesnt take long to drop a few grenades into cockpits and store rooms,,
Well, to be fair….he did attempt to drop a grenade to destroy some equipment on the ground, and instead murdered an innocent family of seven trying to collect water.

Never underestimate Biden’s ability to fuck everything up.
Indeed, but not because we were "driven out" under Biden, the surrender agreement was signed by Trump.

The withdrawal was successfully signed by Trump.

The failed withdrawal was executed by Biden.

Snowflakes used yo bitch and moan and how long were we going to stay there. As the hate-driven snowflakes always do, they took the opposite stance to whatever Trump does. When Trump negotiated a withdrawal, one where the Afghanis finally had to stand on their own feet, snowflakes were suddenly war mongers who wanted to stay forever.

Imagine that.

Biden bowed to the TALIBAN ... coumd not stand up to the TALIBAN...so how in tbe hell do you expect this compromised, dementia-ravaged shell to stand up to China?
Trump would have never left Afghanistan.
Oh, thank you wise one who was so smart he voted for a man with dementia who never accomplished a thing.

Trump never had a war started under him, and Russia would never have had the chutzpah to invade Ukraine when we had a strong president in office. Putin moved on Biden’s weakness.
Spin away. It was a deadline as long as conditions on the ground were acceptable. It would never have been acceptable to Trump to leave the enemy with $80 billion of advanced military equipment.
So when Trump ordered the complete withdrawal by Jan 15th 2021, were the conditions on the ground acceptable then. If so, what changed a few days later when he flip flopped and only ordered his final reduction down to 2,500?

We spent 80+ billion arming the Afghans. Only the Neo-Moroonies believe our military left our gear for the Taliban not the Afghanis who ran away......
The withdrawal was successfully signed by Trump.

Correct, Trump surrendered successfully to the Taliban.

The failed withdrawal was executed by Biden.

Yes, Biden failed to execute Trump's surrender correctly.

Biden bowed to the TALIBAN ... coumd not stand up to the TALIBAN..

Yes Biden did, but not before Trump did. Trump was the first to bow to them and beg them to quit killing our people in exchange for us leaving their country.

But Trump did the right thing, leaving that country was the right move.
Oh, thank you wise one who was so smart he voted for a man with dementia who never accomplished a thing.

Trump never had a war started under him, and Russia would never have had the chutzpah to invade Ukraine when we had a strong president in office. Putin moved on Biden’s weakness.
Way to change the subject.

Trump would have never left Afghanistan. He was too scared to do so.
Correct, Trump surrendered successfully to the Taliban.


'B....b....but Trump.....'

So you wanted the US mitary to stay in Afghanistan forever?

That would have been the only way to prevent the Taliban from taking back over and to keep Joe from f*ing up.
View attachment 770350
'B....b....but Trump.....'

So you wanted the US mitary to stay in Afghanistan forever?

That would have been the only way to prevent the Taliban from taking back over and to keep Joe from f*ing up.

Learn to read moron...the last line of my post....But Trump did the right thing, leaving that country was the right move.
View attachment 770044
After all of America's blood, sweat, sacrifice, and money spentJoe Biden's Legacy In Afghanistan is arming and financing the Tailban / Terrorists.

Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden surrendered nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.


In fact,Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.

The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100

Way to go, Joe!

View attachment 770051

This is good news indeed for the Military Industrial Complex, just like the fiasco in Ukraine.
You guys just make shit up to sling as you go along.
And you don't?
Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.
You must have missed this from 0311's article they posted:

But Biden can go only so far in claiming the agreement boxed him in. It had an escape clause: The U.S. could have withdrawn from the accord if Afghan peace talks failed. They did, but Biden chose to stay in it, although he delayed the complete pullout from May to September.

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