Rubber Lips On A Woodpecker


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
In the midst of this time of riots, upheaval, the usurpation of liberty, it is difficult to find even the tiniest ray of light, and most especially from any element of the legal profession.
Here, a personal one.....
Sad to state how correct I have been about the vaunted Supreme Court, which has been proven exactly as I have stated: As useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

1. Now….the ‘third branch of our government,’ ….isn’t.
It is not elected by the people, and that is the only authority our Founders put any faith in. And, as a matter of experience with human nature, ....don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty than anyone else. Certainly, we learned that about politicians, bureaucrats, heads of agencies, the Deep State, pastors, whatever.
And now.....about Supreme Court Justices.

They’re simply well-positioned lawyers. And as trustworthy as any other lawyer is.

2. The Supreme Court has no authority other than applying the words of the Constitution to laws… was never granted judicial review by the Constitution. it should be noted that the Constitution does not provide for what is called ‘judicial review,’ nor is the concept found in English law.
That power was stolen by Marshall, and never repudiated for the simple reason that the Executive Branch was happy to have an ally that simply rubber-stamped increases of federal power.

3. Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. ..know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of bureaucrats .
Remember.....the Constitution is written in English.....and the Justices don't speak it any better than you or I.

4. Once you give the unelected power over your life, especially in the are of morality, you are ignoring what Talmon said:

“The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.”

Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

That is your Supreme Court. And they proved it during this election kerfuffle.
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.

The SC is mostly conservative. Weird...
The main difference is that to advance in the democrat Party you have to be initiated in a ceremony where you are taped having sex with children. So they are a Borg Collective and all "think" the exact same thoughts and vote and act the exact same

Some, like the Clintons, enjoy it and keep going back. Some, like Roberts, are easily manipulated when the need arises
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.

The SC is mostly conservative. Weird...
The main difference is that to advance in the democrat Party you have to be initiated in a ceremony where you are taped having sex with children. So they are a Borg Collective and all "think" the exact same thoughts and vote and act the exact same

Some, like the Clintons, enjoy it and keep going back. Some, like Roberts, are easily manipulated when the need arises


And my point is that anyone can be manipulated.....the Court proved it.

There is a flaw in human nature, greater for some, less for others.
The main difference is that to advance in the democrat Party you have to be initiated in a ceremony where you are taped having sex with children.

And the OP liked this post. lol

You people have lost touch with reality.
You're a moron

Without personal attacks you wouldn't have any of your own thoughts to express.

Then what brought you slithering in after reading the OP?

I’m sure you noticed how effortlessly I’ve demonstrated my strategic genius, my superiority of mind, my encyclopedic grasp of human weaknesses in all of its guises…just a few of my gifts.

Let me prove how insightful I am once again: you're a fool.
Guilty as charged.

Narcissists are very nasty and delusional people. I'm glad you've accepted it.

Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject? My understated wit? My cygnian grace? Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
In the midst of this time of riots, upheaval, the usurpation of liberty, it is difficult to find even the tiniest ray of light, and most especially from any element of the legal profession.
Here, a personal one.....
Sad to state how correct I have been about the vaunted Supreme Court, which has been proven exactly as I have stated: As useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

1. Now….the ‘third branch of our government,’ ….isn’t.
It is not elected by the people, and that is the only authority our Founders put any faith in. And, as a matter of experience with human nature, ....don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty than anyone else. Certainly, we learned that about politicians, bureaucrats, heads of agencies, the Deep State, pastors, whatever.
And now.....about Supreme Court Justices.

They’re simply well-positioned lawyers. And as trustworthy as any other lawyer is.

2. The Supreme Court has no authority other than applying the words of the Constitution to laws… was never granted judicial review by the Constitution. it should be noted that the Constitution does not provide for what is called ‘judicial review,’ nor is the concept found in English law.
That power was stolen by Marshall, and never repudiated for the simple reason that the Executive Branch was happy to have an ally that simply rubber-stamped increases of federal power.

3. Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. ..know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of bureaucrats .
Remember.....the Constitution is written in English.....and the Justices don't speak it any better than you or I.

4. Once you give the unelected power over your life, especially in the are of morality, you are ignoring what Talmon said:

“The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.”

Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

That is your Supreme Court. And they proved it during this election kerfuffle.
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.
Only 17 and 1/2 days to go!
In the midst of this time of riots, upheaval, the usurpation of liberty, it is difficult to find even the tiniest ray of light, and most especially from any element of the legal profession.
Here, a personal one.....
Sad to state how correct I have been about the vaunted Supreme Court, which has been proven exactly as I have stated: As useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

1. Now….the ‘third branch of our government,’ ….isn’t.
It is not elected by the people, and that is the only authority our Founders put any faith in. And, as a matter of experience with human nature, ....don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty than anyone else. Certainly, we learned that about politicians, bureaucrats, heads of agencies, the Deep State, pastors, whatever.
And now.....about Supreme Court Justices.

They’re simply well-positioned lawyers. And as trustworthy as any other lawyer is.

2. The Supreme Court has no authority other than applying the words of the Constitution to laws… was never granted judicial review by the Constitution. it should be noted that the Constitution does not provide for what is called ‘judicial review,’ nor is the concept found in English law.
That power was stolen by Marshall, and never repudiated for the simple reason that the Executive Branch was happy to have an ally that simply rubber-stamped increases of federal power.

3. Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. ..know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of bureaucrats .
Remember.....the Constitution is written in English.....and the Justices don't speak it any better than you or I.

4. Once you give the unelected power over your life, especially in the are of morality, you are ignoring what Talmon said:

“The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.”

Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

That is your Supreme Court. And they proved it during this election kerfuffle.
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.
Only 17 and 1/2 days to go!

Til the end of America??????

Are you celebrating that?
5.What is the true and only function of the Supreme Court?

It is to hear cases in which the claim is made that the Constitution has not been obeyed, honored. That is its only job.

In this election, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court altered the dates and procedures for the presidential election. Not only is this not allowed, but there is a prevailing court decision, used as recently as Gore v Bush.

“McPherson v Blacker

Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several States have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed. Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature. If the terms of the clause left the question of power in doubt, contemporaneous and continuous subsequent practical construction has determined the question as above stated. The second clause of Article II of the Constitution was not amended by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and they do not limit the power of appointment to the particular manner pursued at the time of the adoption of these amendments, or secure to every male inhabitant of a State, being a citizen of the United States, the right from the time of his majority to vote for presidential electors. A state law fixing a date for the meeting of electors, differing from that prescribed by the act of Congress, is not thereby wholly invalidated; but the date may be rejected and the law stand. “
McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 | Casetext Search + Citator


The Supreme Court declined to hear the case. They had no such right.

The Supreme Court is as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.
In the midst of this time of riots, upheaval, the usurpation of liberty, it is difficult to find even the tiniest ray of light, and most especially from any element of the legal profession.
Here, a personal one.....
Sad to state how correct I have been about the vaunted Supreme Court, which has been proven exactly as I have stated: As useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

1. Now….the ‘third branch of our government,’ ….isn’t.
It is not elected by the people, and that is the only authority our Founders put any faith in. And, as a matter of experience with human nature, ....don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty than anyone else. Certainly, we learned that about politicians, bureaucrats, heads of agencies, the Deep State, pastors, whatever.
And now.....about Supreme Court Justices.

They’re simply well-positioned lawyers. And as trustworthy as any other lawyer is.

2. The Supreme Court has no authority other than applying the words of the Constitution to laws… was never granted judicial review by the Constitution. it should be noted that the Constitution does not provide for what is called ‘judicial review,’ nor is the concept found in English law.
That power was stolen by Marshall, and never repudiated for the simple reason that the Executive Branch was happy to have an ally that simply rubber-stamped increases of federal power.

3. Experts, 'scientists,' bureaucrats ...don't make the mistake of assigning a higher level of integrity and honesty to any of them, than anyone else. Not politicians, bureaucrats, economists, pastors....whatever. ..know that they have been forced to embrace the collective, oppose the separation of powers, and or checks and balances, and the result is a tyranny of bureaucrats .
Remember.....the Constitution is written in English.....and the Justices don't speak it any better than you or I.

4. Once you give the unelected power over your life, especially in the are of morality, you are ignoring what Talmon said:

“The latest variation of totalitarianism is neither religious, nor even political: it is cultural. “Totalitarian democracy” is a term made famous by J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.”

Cultural totalitarianism is rule by the individual freed from all external authority or constraints, morality fully privatized with Judeo-Christian traditions under attack.

That is your Supreme Court. And they proved it during this election kerfuffle.
Had they obeyed their oath, and their allegiance to the Constitution, Trump would be the winner.
6. This is what I've always said:
"The judicial decisions of the Supreme Court should be treated the same way Red and Green lights are treated in merely a suggestion."

The Supreme Court's creation did not occur in a was given power to do very specific functions....and no more.

It simply assumed the power to adjudicate everything and anything....and if you accept that it is due to a lack of understanding.

Perhaps you feel that you don't have the ability to make religious, social and personal decision without the auspices of the Court.....that's not what the Founders believed.

“It appears that the framers mistakenly envisioned the power as involving merely the application of clear rules to disallow clear violations, something that in fact rarely occurs.”

You are expected to understand and hew to what is right and not what is wrong. And no court should have to apprise you.
7. This was the purpose in having a Supreme state against another.

Yet.....they declined.

Cowardly, and in direct opposition to their function, the Supreme Court declined to hear Texas’ case showing other states ignored the Constitution. They used the malleable catch-all phrase, ‘standing.’

“Supreme Court Rejects Texas Suit Seeking to Subvert Election

  • The suit, filed directly in the Supreme Court, sought to bar Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin from casting their electoral votes for Joseph R. Biden Jr.
  • The court, in a brief unsigned order, said Texas lacked standing to pursue the case, saying it “has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.” Supreme Court Rejects Texas Suit Seeking to Subvert Election

  • Of course, anyone who speaks English recognized this ‘no interest’ as a lie.

  • It was nothing more than the Court choosing political sides.

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