Zone1 Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam


Platinum Member
Jun 9, 2016
Swami Yogananda wrote a commentary on the first edition of Fitzgerald's translation. It is superb & inspiring. It is titled: Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
A short video about it:

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Self-discipline is not necessarily self-denial, which may consist of penances in the form of extreme or unnecessary deprivations or self-torture. Self-discipline guides the moody mind in a positive way, saving it from fruitless searching for happiness in blind alleys of illusion. One who follows the way of self-discipline not only avoids dead ends in his quest for happiness, he has also the assurance of the divine law that he will be rewarded with positive success in reaching his goal. The sole purpose of self-discipline is to prevent the mind from straying off the pathway of true happiness.

Swami Yogananda, from Wine of the Mystic
Everything in creation is temporal and fleeting; nothing remains permanently in this mortal sphere. Beautiful objects are like blossoms that awaken with the dawn, and die in the arms of time. The spark of life that resides in ephemeral forms, however, is immortal. This spark, the soul, evolves from life to life in an upward evolution. Whereas mortal forms are born and then fade away forever, the soul within them lives on, and comes and goes between this manifested world and the unknown void beyond.

Yogananda, Wine of the Mystic
Nothing is gained either by disdaining the beautiful creations of civilization, or by gloomily dwelling on the fate of man and his accomplishments. Wisdom alone offers solution to the conundrum of life.
The divine philosopher is the truly happy man. A spiritual poet, he uses his imagination to envision the immortality of the soul image of God in all beings. With faultless gaze he peers through the windows of ever-changing physical forms and beholds God’s changeless beauty.
Therefore, lament not over destiny, nor laze away life’s golden hours in useless pastimes, nor follow this material existence insensible of its purpose. Cultivate in yourself God’s age-old, ever-new wisdom, which alone gives lasting happiness, ultimate contentment, and soul freedom.

Yogananda, Wine of the Mystic

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