Round up the Dissenters

And you claim that justifies deliberately murdering her?
She had mean intentions when she tried to break through the door into the Senate chambers and was told to dissipate. Of course she got shot, as they made it clear that they were looking to hurt lawmakers.
You do realize, don't you, that democrats have been running the show for months now? It's their policies that are killing more Americans this year than last, even with TRUMP! vaccines in place and readily available.
True, and the magrats are spreading the disease by refusing masks and vaccines.
Totally wrong.
The fact Trump WANTED dirt on Biden is totally and completely irrelevant.
He NEVER said that anything was to be made up or faked, so his request was not only legal, but expected and required.
It is the failure to investigate Burisma Holdings that was illegal.

Which then means the impeachment was totally and entirely illegal as well.

Whether or not 40 nations wanted Shokin out does not at all matter.
Shokin was civil service, and supposed to be totally immune to political desires.
It was criminal to ask for Shokin's dismissal.
Since the only controversy was over Burisma Holdings, then clearly the illegal firing was entirely over Hunter Biden.
Politics no. Corruption that had a negative effect on others, yes. Tump wanted dirt on Joe Biden to influence the election. Illegal to hold the release of aid for that purpose.
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It seems to me that putting the Jan 6th protestors in solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment.

Next the democrats will set up re-education camps for Trump Deplorables.
That would require them having been educated in the first place...
Except that TRUMP! pushed the vaccines to market, got vaccinated, and says we should be vaccinated.
That is no exception to anything. Trump spent 3 mos and 18 days, when the Covid first hit us,
before doing much of anything. Then, in his usual disorganized way, passed the problem to the states to resolve, rather than show leadership when needed. Are you tump supporters getting vaccinated now?
That would require them having been educated in the first place...
Democrats always assume they are the better educated. I will agree a high percentage of college educated Democrats have been successfully brainwashed. Plus they paid a fortune for their brainwashing.

There is nothing cruel about it. Judges are the ones who have determined that these people should be held until their trial.
Did you ever consider that our justice system might be corrupt?

Democrats always assume they are the better educated. I will agree a high percentage of college educated Democrats have been successfully brainwashed. Plus they paid a fortune for their brainwashing.

An article from The "New American", a fufnick if I ever saw one. Is that the best you can do? Our college professors are discussing it like it is, and that is not brainwashing. They cannot and do not
ignore the obvious.
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And you believe the government, why? It wouldn't be because you happen to agree with their conclusion, would it? This is the same government that told us there were WMD's in Iraq and we needed to get in there and root them out, the same government that decided the Branch Davidians needed to be burned to death in their compound. This government time and again does things that get people killed and lies about it. And you now believe them about this? You do realize, don't you, that there is only one result from this, and that's the government will take even more power to spy on the people and control their activities never give it back, right?
If you don't believe that a second trump term won't be frothing with insidious activities, then you believe in the fairy godmother. Trump had already weaponized the DOJ while in his first term. God knows what he would do in a second term with all that power and no palpable opposition.
The government did what it had to do with the Branch Dividian thing after trying all else.
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If you see someone climbing through a broken window of your house in the middle of the night, you should stand your ground and shoot them.

But if a cop sees someone climbing through broken window in the middle of a riot, and the cop is the only person between the rioters and the entire legislative branch of government, they should... not shoot them?

anyways. she got shot because she was first in line, and ignored warnings from police. But she is a "martyr" because white privilege.
There were more than one cop at that scene.
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
Thank God he never made it onto the USSC...
Attorney General Merrick Garland unveiled the new 32-page strategy document, calling domestic terrorism 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'
Nicholas Giordano, a professor at Suffolk Community College on Long Island, raised his concerns about the new National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism in an interview with Fox News on Friday.
Giordano raised his concerns about the wording of the strategy, calling it 'overly broad and dangerous' and 'ripe for abuse and targeting any political opposition.'
Giordano raised a second concern that the label 'anti-government extremism' could be applied to anyone who disagrees with government policy.
'If you look at the coronavirus and question the mandates that came out as unconstitutional, well, you are classified as anti-authority,' he said.


Have you also wondered why AG Garland was attempting to claim that domestic terrorism are 'the most urgent terrorism threat the United States faces today.'?
Who are these “domestic terrorist” that Garland is talking about?
It sounds like far left hyperbolic totalitarian fear mongering.
But it is more than that.
It will be used as an excuse to arrest people who refuse to submit to the one party rule of the Corrupt Democrat Party.
Don't kid yourself and think that could not happen in America.
Democrats want to silence any voices of opposition and dissent because it is a threat to their power.
We have already seen how Pelosi has put the 1/6 protesters in solitary confinement and not allowed them to be released to await their trials.
The Democrats are taking America down a dark dangerous path that Humanity has seen many times before.
That's why we call Jan 6 "the Reichstag fire."
An article from The "New American", a fufnick if I ever saw one. Is that the best you can do? Our college professors are discussing it like it is, and that is not brainwashing. They cannot and do not
ignore the obvious.
Perhaps you want me to waste my time searching the liberal media for an article saying college students are brainwashed. Let’s not forget the liberal media’s job is to keep up the brainwashing on people like you. They are damn good at it too.

Today all news is propaganda. You get to pick your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine.
That is no exception to anything. Trump spent 3 mos and 18 days, when the Covid first hit us,
before doing much of anything. Then, in his usual disorganized way, passed the problem to the states to resolve, rather than show leadership when needed. Are you tump supporters getting vaccinated now?
I've been vaccinated for months, not that it's germane to the topic. Did you not notice that Quid Pro just admitted there is no Federal solution to this and that it would have to come from the states? Seems he agrees with TRUMP!'s approach. Look, I know Orange Man Bad, and reasons, and stuff, but come on.
I've been vaccinated for months, not that it's germane to the topic. Did you not notice that Quid Pro just admitted there is no Federal solution to this and that it would have to come from the states? Seems he agrees with TRUMP!'s approach. Look, I know Orange Man Bad, and reasons, and stuff, but come on.
President Biden agrees that quid pro Tump brought the vaccine into the country, and I don't know of anybody who does not applaud that action. Also, it is ok to disagree with a president and still support him, unless he/she does mostly disagreeable stuff. Biden's administration is a work in progress, as he is fighting to get approval for his programs and election promises. He has not promised stuff that he has no intention of following through on, unlike his predecessor.
Perhaps you want me to waste my time searching the liberal media for an article saying college students are brainwashed. Let’s not forget the liberal media’s job is to keep up the brainwashing on people like you. They are damn good at it too.

Today all news is propaganda. You get to pick your favorite propaganda and I get to pick mine.
Are you a college graduate and if so, were you brainwashed?

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