Ron Paul on the 1963 coup d' etat.

JFK and Bobby Were No Martyrs, Even Though They've Been Elevated to Sainthood

If the only alternative was thermonuclear war and they had help from the KGB, which provided Oswald, even the incompetent CIA could have created a mass of confusion to cover up what was really going on.

Khrushchev was taken down, too, and the American nukes were removed from Turkey. After bribing some Dallas policemen, the Mafia provided Jack Ruby, who was in debt and dying of cancer. The Mafia demanded a price for that hit.
The KGB did not provide Oswald. That is an absurd claim. The KGB did not even want the clown in Russia. The foreign ministry over turned their decision to send him back and allowed him to stay.

The Missiles in Turkey were on schedule to be removed before the Cuban crises. They were obselete and no longer needed.

There has never been any evidence of You claim of bribery nor evidence that Ruby was mafia. He was always in debt and he was not dying of cancer.
Redfish You got it partially right.kennedy was killed by a cia hit,the mob was involved at a lower level,the mob did not have the power or resources to pull off something of this magnitude ,only the cia could have as demonstrated in such excellent fashion in post # 25 page two by frank. :thup:

Do yourself a favor,don’t feed the troll,he is just seeking attention,the more and more you feed him,the happier he becomes.:trolls:the more you take his bait,the more he wins.let him make a jackass out of himself talking to himself as he always does with me addressing me in the first person when I have him on ignore proving he is desperate for attention.

E Howard hunt on his deathbed confession finally admitted he was in Dallas that day as part of a cia operation to kill kennedy mentioning some major players.
He got it all wrong but not as bad as you

I love how you fear other people having a reasonable discussion which you are incapable of.

The howard hunt rumor is strictly rumor and even if true it is ireelevantand proves nothing.
Camelot Calamity

Everybody has been fooled by the media narrative that JFK was a great American and would have set things straight if he had lived. Everything he and Bobby did was a disaster for America, especially his spoiled-brat tough-guy act that almost caused World War III over what the Russians did, which was Khruschev's understandable response to our nukes across from the Crimea in Turkey.
All of that might well be a reasonable argument.

It is very true that both were treated as martyrs. For the most part it was years before the dirt on either came to light. Onlty a mythological view of Camelot was percieved by the public.

But the conspiracy theiries are still bunk and disproven. They were simple murder victims by lone murderers and nothing more.
All of that might well be a reasonable argument.

It is very true that both were treated as martyrs. For the most part it was years before the dirt on either came to light. Onlty a mythological view of Camelot was percieved by the public.

But the conspiracy theiries are still bunk and disproven. They were simple murder victims by lone murderers and nothing more.
I was 19 at the time, I remember it well. The significant parts of the Warren report were sealed for 75 years (2038). I have always believed that LBJ was part of the plot to kill Kennedy, and that would explain the sealing of the report. One day America will know the truth. But it may be too late to save the country.
I was 19 at the time, I remember it well. The significant parts of the Warren report were sealed for 75 years (2038). I have always believed that LBJ was part of the plot to kill Kennedy, and that would explain the sealing of the report. One day America will know the truth. But it may be too late to save the country.
You do not remember it correctly

You are absolutely wrong. NONE of it has been sealed since 1964. That is a simple fact.
You do not remember it correctly

You are absolutely wrong. NONE of it has been sealed since 1964. That is a simple fact.

from the national archives, nope the release exception language. It has not all been released, the critical parts remain sealed.
With a very few exceptions, virtually all of the records identified as belonging to the Kennedy Collection have been opened in part or in full. Those documents that are closed in full or in part were done so in accordance with the Kennedy Act, mentioned above. According to the Act, no record could be withheld in part or in full, without the agreement of the ARRB. The guidelines for withholding records are outlined in the provisions in Section 6 of the Act. The full report of the ARRB is available online. A copy of the Act is in Adobe Acrobat PDFAppendix C of the ARRB Report mentioned above. In all cases where the ARRB agreed to withhold a record or information in a record, they stipulated a specific release date for the document. In addition, according to Section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act, all records in the Kennedy Collection will be opened by 2017 unless certified as justifiably closed by the President of the United States.
there was a partial release a couple years ago, but the rest of it remains sealed
You are simply WRONG

You are referring to other government files that are related to the Kenendy assassination.

Not the Warren Commission report. None of the report was sealed or classified it has always been available in it's entirety.
With a very few exceptions, virtually all of the records identified as belonging to the Kennedy Collection have been opened in part or in full. Those documents that are closed in full or in part were done so in accordance with the Kennedy Act, mentioned above. According to the Act, no record could be withheld in part or in full, without the agreement of the ARRB. The guidelines for withholding records are outlined in the provisions in Section 6 of the Act. The full report of the ARRB is available online. A copy of the Act is in Adobe Acrobat PDFAppendix C of the ARRB Report mentioned above. In all cases where the ARRB agreed to withhold a record or information in a record, they stipulated a specific release date for the document. In addition, according to Section 5(g)(2)(D) of the Act, all records in the Kennedy Collection will be opened by 2017 unless certified as justifiably closed by the President of the United States.
None of thsoe documents are part of the warren commision report.
You are simply WRONG

You are referring to other government files that are related to the Kenendy assassination.

Not the Warren Commission report. None of the report was sealed or classified it has always been available in it's entirety.
then post it or a link to it
Fiction. You like fiction.
It clearly is not. Of course you would not know as you have admited you never read it.

You have no idea of it;s contents. You cannot name oner specific mistake or false hood within it. When asked to identify one such lie or falsehood you always answer all of it or most of it or any part pertaining to the shooting or whatever,

This is bhecause you are an ignorant gturd and proven liar who spews bullshiot which you dream up and can never support with evidence.
It clearly is not. Of course you would not know as you have admited you never read it.

You have no idea of it;s contents. You cannot name oner specific mistake or false hood within it. When asked to identify one such lie or falsehood you always answer all of it or most of it or any part pertaining to the shooting or whatever,

This is bhecause you are an ignorant gturd and proven liar who spews bullshiot which you dream up and can never support with evidence.
I’m glad you like to read fiction, but the adults here are discussing a real historical event. When you grow up, you can come back.
I’m glad you like to read fiction, but the adults here are discussing a real historical event. When you grow up, you can come back.
It is not fiction.

You have never read it and it is a huge part fo the real historic record.

You know nothing of the subject and are an ignorant lliar. Therefore not an adult
I was 19 at the time, I remember it well. The significant parts of the Warren report were sealed for 75 years (2038). I have always believed that LBJ was part of the plot to kill Kennedy, and that would explain the sealing of the report. One day America will know the truth. But it may be too late to save the country.
JFK Was LBJ With a Pretty Face
He won’t. He lies. He's CIA after all.
the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century,he has a farting problem,he thinks if he gets the last word in that it means he won the debate.:auiqs.jpg:

I’m glad you like to read fiction, but the adults here are discussing a real historical event. When you grow up, you can come back.:yes_text12::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century,he has a farting problem,he thinks if he gets the last word in that it means he won the debate.:auiqs.jpg:

I’m glad you like to read fiction, but the adults here are discussing a real historical event. When you grow up, you can come back.:yes_text12::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::happy-1:
It is not fiction.

I simply win every debate with yuou because you are an ignorant fuck who argues with emojis

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