Ron Johnson just has "so many questions"

There are several idiots in the US Senate. But none more so than RonAnon Johnson!

Republican Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has defended his February 23 claim that "fake Trump supporters" were present at the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Johnson took his claim from a non-researched article that he admitted "might be ... flawed."​
Johnson defended his reference to Waller's piece in a New York Timesinterview published Monday. In the interview, Johnson said he referred to the article in an attempt to "get to the bottom of ... unanswered questions" about the riots.​
"It might be a flawed part of the evidence, but why exclude it?" Johnson asked. "Just because it doesn't necessarily tie into whatever narrative somebody else wants to tell about the day? I'm not interested in the narratives, I'm interested in the truth."​

Q nuts out-crazy the Teabagger nuts.

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Is Q all you assholes can say? It is not fact based and you are lying.

They think it's fact-based. Just wait until Trump becomes president again in a few hours. Then you'll see...
You people made up Q.
There are several idiots in the US Senate. But none more so than RonAnon Johnson!

Republican Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has defended his February 23 claim that "fake Trump supporters" were present at the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Johnson took his claim from a non-researched article that he admitted "might be ... flawed."​
Johnson defended his reference to Waller's piece in a New York Timesinterview published Monday. In the interview, Johnson said he referred to the article in an attempt to "get to the bottom of ... unanswered questions" about the riots.​
"It might be a flawed part of the evidence, but why exclude it?" Johnson asked. "Just because it doesn't necessarily tie into whatever narrative somebody else wants to tell about the day? I'm not interested in the narratives, I'm interested in the truth."​

Q nuts out-crazy the Teabagger nuts.

View attachment 463949
Is Q all you assholes can say? It is not fact based and you are lying.

They think it's fact-based. Just wait until Trump becomes president again in a few hours. Then you'll see...
You people made up Q.

Tell it to Boebert & Greene loon! :rolleyes-41:
There are several idiots in the US Senate. But none more so than RonAnon Johnson!

Republican Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has defended his February 23 claim that "fake Trump supporters" were present at the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Johnson took his claim from a non-researched article that he admitted "might be ... flawed."​
Johnson defended his reference to Waller's piece in a New York Timesinterview published Monday. In the interview, Johnson said he referred to the article in an attempt to "get to the bottom of ... unanswered questions" about the riots.​
"It might be a flawed part of the evidence, but why exclude it?" Johnson asked. "Just because it doesn't necessarily tie into whatever narrative somebody else wants to tell about the day? I'm not interested in the narratives, I'm interested in the truth."​



  • john-sullivan.png
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So Trump knew for days his rally was going to become a riot and he had the rally anyway?

Exactly - "Will be wild ... Walk to the Capitol and fight like hell!"


When Gateway is all ya got? Please just STFU. Thx in advance

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Says Requests For National Guard Denied 6 Times In Riots : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR
Pelosi May Have Just Made Her Most Serious Misstep Yet…And Trump Will Pounce On it… – Real News Aggregator

"Pelosi is flat out denying that this request ever happened, saying that Trump’s claims are “made up.”
Oh yeah Nancy?
Were the warnings from the FBI on these riots “made up” too?
White House officials approached the Department of Defense days before the Jan. 6 riot with a warning that rally crowds in Washington, D.C., may be larger than expected, according to Trump. The warning was later passed on to congressional leaders along with an offer to provide National Guard troops to support police in the area, but Trump said that congressional leaders passed on the offer.
“I definitely gave the number of 10,000 National Guardsmen, and [said] I think you should have 10,000 of the National Guard ready. They took that number. From what I understand, they gave it to the people at the Capitol, which is controlled by Pelosi. And I heard they rejected it because they didn’t think it would look good,” Trump told Hilton. “So, you know, that was a big mistake.” Pelosi’s office denied Trump’s claim. Her spokesman, Drew Hammill, told The Washington Post that Trump’s assertion was “completely made up.” The Post also reported that a Pentagon search of their request records turned up no such official request for 10,000 National Guard troops to be stationed at the Capitol".
Who does the Sergeant of Arms for the House of Representatives report direct to and recieves his orders from?
Pentagon prevented immediate response to mob, says Guard chief | TheHill
"Sund previously told lawmakers he sought to request National Guard assistance on Jan. 4, but was rebuffed by former House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving.
Irving has disputed that, saying he took Sund’s request as an “offer” from the National Guard to send more troops, something he did not think was needed given the intelligence they had at the time.
But Rules Chair Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) aired frustration with Irving and his Senate counterpart for slowing the request for assistance within the Capitol".
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There are several idiots in the US Senate. But none more so than RonAnon Johnson!

Republican Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson has defended his February 23 claim that "fake Trump supporters" were present at the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol. Johnson took his claim from a non-researched article that he admitted "might be ... flawed."​
Johnson defended his reference to Waller's piece in a New York Timesinterview published Monday. In the interview, Johnson said he referred to the article in an attempt to "get to the bottom of ... unanswered questions" about the riots.​
"It might be a flawed part of the evidence, but why exclude it?" Johnson asked. "Just because it doesn't necessarily tie into whatever narrative somebody else wants to tell about the day? I'm not interested in the narratives, I'm interested in the truth."​

Q nuts out-crazy the Teabagger nuts.

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Speaking of RonAnon, he's gonna make the parliamentarian read all 600 pages of the COVID bill on the Senate floor, adding 8 or 10 hours to the festivities. :icon_rolleyes:

Bet he'll be even more popular than he already is by day's end!


You fail ButtKiss :)

The problem is, Sullivan was kicked out of BLM protest movements in multiple cities months ago.​
In a long Twitter thread, a group called Rebellion Baby detailed the various protest groups around the country that had cut ties with Sullivan, characterizing him as a possible "agent provocateur" or "infiltrator" with ties to the right-wing. (Note that the date of this thread is November of 2020, and that the thread was put out as a warning to Seattle protest groups to keep him away.)​
"John has been kicked from the #SaltLakeCity and #Portland protest scenes due to alarming behaviors including grifting/profiteering, self-promotion/clout chasing, sabotage of community actions, threats of violence, and — maybe most disturbingly — ties to the far-right," Rebellion Baby wrote. "In short — John's brother, James, is the co-founder of a pro-Trump org called 'Civilized Awakening,' and has strong ties to Proud Boys — even having spoken at a Proud Boy rally. The brothers' polarized political stances conveniently bolster the other's public personas. Activists in these cities recommend that he be barred from community actions and totally avoided."​
Sullivan has multiple social media accounts under multiple names, and frequently adds new ones as he gets called out. For example, he used to be known as "Activist John" but started going by "Jayden X" as different protest groups started warning one another about him.​


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