Ron DeSantis thanks then attacks heckler who called him a fascist

The FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the IRS....all under the control of the democrats.........


Also, dumb ass....there are 3 branches of government, and congress has the House and Senate...the democrats control the executive branch, and the doofus....

And the GOP controls the judiciary, so there's that. Not what the average person would call "consolidation" of power.
Only the weak minded political mushrooms would call this "attacking".
She attacked him. He thanked her sarcastically, and then told the crowd this is an example of our opposition.

WOW - brutal attack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Easy......he believes in the Bill of Rights and the fascists do not.
The woman who got the biden poem banned was part of some right wing crazy group. She hadnt even read the poem.

Im not sure what defascists laws mean other than using useful idiots to promote fascism.

It is already costing Florida money and still no one can explain why defascist is not a fascist.

Many observers have discussed whether DeSantis can fairly be called a fascist.
For the Salt Lake Tribune, Tom Huckin, a University of Utah emeritus professor, turned to the author Umberto Eco’s 14 tests for fascism, which include “contempt for the weak”, “fear of difference” and “appeal to social frustration”.

Huckin concluded: “What we are witnessing in today’s polarised politics does indeed include fascism, embodied and promoted by DeSantis and others on the far right.”

There is little doubt that Desantis is a fascist. America has always had a strain of facism and it appeals to a minority. Maybe trump has made it more palatable ?

His book bans and his vindictive tussle with the Mouse show exactly what he is. Its a very worrying time for decent people and the whole world.

I don't think you know what fascism means. Provide your definition of fascism and then name 3-5 things that make Ron DeSantis a fascist.

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