Ron DeSantis thanks then attacks heckler who called him a fascist

It is doubtful you even know what "fascist" means. Ultra Liberals like you love to throw that label around almost as much as "racist".
Well I dont really. I dont thhink trump, for example, is a fascist at heart. He acts like a fascist but he is just an opportunist.
But I think desantist believes this shit.
You're right about Desantis. Trump is simply stupid. He has no clue what Fascism means.

And Ding Ding Ding.....the Trump was bad but Desantis is worse talking point of the democrat party is now out..............every republican who is a threat to the democrats is the worst republican, and they will rehab the last republican who was the worst of the worst just enough to make the new guy the worst of the worst....
Book banning is Fascist.

He isn't banning books, he is banning kiddie porn....but if democrats want the kiddie porn books, you can still buy them on Amazon......

It is actually you guys going back through old books and changing them to suit your new fascist taste....not republicans.....we just protect children from child groomers.

This is you, not us...

Book banning is Fascist.

Desantis isn't banning books.......

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis further set the record straight, debunking the mainstream media, unions and leftist activists’ hoax of empty library bookshelves and political theater pretending that Florida’s schools cannot teach about topics like African American History, including topics like slavery. Governor DeSantis touted Florida’s high quality standards for required instruction of African American History, extensive African American History educational requirements in state law that Governor DeSantis has successfully helped expand in recent years.

Governor DeSantis also displayed examples of books that have been found in libraries and classrooms in 23 school districts across the state that contained pornographic content and other types of violent and age-inappropriate content. For more information, click here.

“Exposing the ‘book ban’ hoax is important because it reveals that some are attempting to use our schools for indoctrination,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “In Florida, pornographic and inappropriate materials that have been snuck into our classrooms and libraries to sexualize our students violate our state education standards. Florida is the education state and that means providing students with a quality education free from sexualization and harmful materials that are not age appropriate.”


Many observers have discussed whether DeSantis can fairly be called a fascist.
For the Salt Lake Tribune, Tom Huckin, a University of Utah emeritus professor, turned to the author Umberto Eco’s 14 tests for fascism, which include “contempt for the weak”, “fear of difference” and “appeal to social frustration”.

Huckin concluded: “What we are witnessing in today’s polarised politics does indeed include fascism, embodied and promoted by DeSantis and others on the far right.”

There is little doubt that Desantis is a fascist. America has always had a strain of facism and it appeals to a minority. Maybe trump has made it more palatable ?

His book bans and his vindictive tussle with the Mouse show exactly what he is. Its a very worrying time for decent people and the whole world.

Frankly, it's the slow collapse of a system (or systems). The collapse of an economic system, the collapse of a political system...people increasingly distrust both systems. In particular one segment of the population (the ethnic majority) doesn't like it because they fear they're losing their status in society. America was founded on a racist-hierarchy. Threaten to take that away, you've got the ingredients for America's own brand of authoritarianism.
Frankly, it's the slow collapse of a system (or systems). The collapse of an economic system, the collapse of a political system...people increasingly distrust both systems. In particular one segment of the population (the ethnic majority) doesn't like it because they fear they're losing their status in society. America was founded on a racist-hierarchy. Threaten to take that away, you've got the ingredients for America's own brand of authoritarianism.

Wow...that was a dumb post.........the democrats are using racism and hate to consolidate their power....and you are still buying "racism," as an excuse.....
Frankly, it's the slow collapse of a system (or systems). The collapse of an economic system, the collapse of a political system...people increasingly distrust both systems. In particular one segment of the population (the ethnic majority) doesn't like it because they fear they're losing their status in society. America was founded on a racist-hierarchy. Threaten to take that away, you've got the ingredients for America's own brand of authoritarianism.
Its telling that none of these posters can explain hy desantis is not a fascist.
Whather he can recreate the bund is another matter.
Well I dont really. I dont thhink trump, for example, is a fascist at heart. He acts like a fascist but he is just an opportunist.
But I think desantist believes this shit.

What "shit," would that be....?

Oh, allow me to answer for you....

Leftist:, ummmmmm, fascist shit.......yeah, like, ummm that is what he, like, believes.....

Leftist impersonation over.........

Many observers have discussed whether DeSantis can fairly be called a fascist.
For the Salt Lake Tribune, Tom Huckin, a University of Utah emeritus professor, turned to the author Umberto Eco’s 14 tests for fascism, which include “contempt for the weak”, “fear of difference” and “appeal to social frustration”.

Huckin concluded: “What we are witnessing in today’s polarised politics does indeed include fascism, embodied and promoted by DeSantis and others on the far right.”

There is little doubt that Desantis is a fascist. America has always had a strain of facism and it appeals to a minority. Maybe trump has made it more palatable ?

His book bans and his vindictive tussle with the Mouse show exactly what he is. Its a very worrying time for decent people and the whole world.
What the hell do you care about DeSantis?

You are Eurotrash. Go mind your own friggin business. Go knows you pathetic turds have a lot to worry about over there.
The title of the article is not germane. The substance is about desantis being a fascist.
You are just deflecting.

The substance is some left wing lunatic screamed that Desantis was a fascist....and Desantis replied politely.....

“Parents have a fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their children,” he said. “The school systems are important, but they’re there to support that community.”

Saying he had enacted “protections for parents such as curriculum transparency, so that they have a right to know what books are being used”, DeSantis claimed: “And unfortunately, there’s bad stuff that’s getting into the schools. There’s the pornography that’s getting in schools, the parents had to blow the whistle in Florida.”

that....according to tommy and the being a fascist...........
Its telling that none of these posters can explain hy desantis is not a fascist.

That's because they're part of the movement. DeSantis and Trump are doing what their voters want them to do. Fascists tap into anger, frustration, fear, and all the negative emotions, and then they amplify them.

Whather he can recreate the bund is another matter.

If he can't it won't be for a lack of trying.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis this week endorsed the revival of a Trump-era initiative aimed at stripping tens of thousands of federal employees of their civil service protections.

The Republican governor, who is widely expected to announce his candidacy for president in the coming months, spoke highly of former President Trump’s abortive effort to implement Schedule F in an interview with right-wing pundit Mark Levin on his Fox News TV show Sunday.

He will politicize all the data collection agencies that are critical for policy decisions on a multitude of topics ranging from pandemic surveillance to markets to climate change. Well and truly fucked if either of those two clowns get the presidency, but to be honest, I am becoming more and more fatalist by the day. The best we can hope for is watered down centrism that accomplishes nothing in the absence of fascism that accomplishes all of the wrong things.
Wow...that was a dumb post.........the democrats are using racism and hate to consolidate their power....and you are still buying "racism," as an excuse.....

Consolidate power? Yeah nothing screams consolidation like a Republican House of Representatives, a strong majority of state governorships and legislatures, and Senate "control" that hinges on a conservative-leaning Democrat.
Consolidate power? Yeah nothing screams consolidation like a Republican House of Representatives, a strong majority of state governorships and legislatures, and Senate "control" that hinges on a conservative-leaning Democrat.

The FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the IRS....all under the control of the democrats.........

Also, dumb ass....there are 3 branches of government, and congress has the House and Senate...the democrats control the executive branch, and the doofus....

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