Romney, "Yes, Mr. President Elect, I Swallow....My Pride and Anything Else You Want Me to...."

This would be about the biggest political bendover in the history of historical histories.
Surely he has more self respect than that.
I used to respect Romney as a man prior to this, though I disagreed with his track record and did not buy his verbiage indicating new principles. That is way too flexible for my tastes.

Now, he is nothing but an empty soul in a suit.
An the moonbats can't figure out how they're losing so badly.
That is the other half of the mystery of this post-election post mortem; the Dimocrats are doubling down on utter stupidity.

Damn, my cat has enough sense that, when he is sunning himself, he moves to where the sunny spot goes to along the floor.

But not Dimocrats; they demand the sun stay on them and lie to themselves that the sun has obeyed their demands and then pretend to be warm!
Let's see.....john kasich refused to endorse Trump after the primary, having sworn an oath he would and then would not help Trump in Ohio.....

Trump won Ohio....

Mitt Romney came out against Trump during the election against the Borg Queen hilary, calling Trump all sorts of names and trying to gin up support among the Republican establishment to keep Trump from winning....

Trump won Utah....

Jeb Bush, having sworn an oath to support whoever the nominee was ......lied and didn't, though the attacks on his brother were an understandable reason....but........they then went out of their way to hint they were supporting the Borg Queen up to and hinting they were voting for her.......

Trump won Texas......

The Washington leisure class is not going to know what hits them when Trump takes the oath...I imagine he will have his 100 day list completed in about 49 days....
Let's see.....john kasich refused to endorse Trump after the primary, having sworn an oath he would and then would not help Trump in Ohio.....

Trump won Ohio....

Mitt Romney came out against Trump during the election against the Borg Queen hilary, calling Trump all sorts of names and trying to gin up support among the Republican establishment to keep Trump from winning....

Trump won Utah....

Jeb Bush, having sworn an oath to support whoever the nominee was ......lied and didn't, though the attacks on his brother were an understandable reason....but........they then went out of their way to hint they were supporting the Borg Queen up to and hinting they were voting for her.......

Trump won Texas......

The Washington leisure class is not going to know what hits them when Trump takes the oath...I imagine he will have his 100 day list completed in about 49 days....
Look at how badly Trump damaged Hillary Clintons reputation through his "rebranding" techniques. He didnt just make things up, or even distort the facts in any way.

He just found her Achilles Heel for her behavior and reputation and then branded her with it, over and over and over, "Low energy Crooked Hillary" was how most voters came to think of her.

And Dimocrats still dont get it, they still cannot fathom what hit them.

The GOP Establishment will not fare well against Trump because they do not grasp the kind of business man he is and what his talents and skills allow him to do.

And they dont care as all they think the value of a human being is what is in their bank account.

But it is not what is in the bank account, but what is in the character and mind of the man that built that bank account that truly matters.

They will never understand Trump or anticipate what he does.

They might as well get the knee pads out now.

It's the only chance they got.
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Um, yes, Trump is anti-establishment.

You have anything other than an over used meme to say about it?

It has long been said that you can tell who your rulers are by who you are not allowed to criticize, and the same goes for today.

We can know who is part of the Establishment by observing who can be criticized, and that definitively leaves Trump out of the Establishment.

After all the shit Romney talked about Trump and led the #NeverTrump movement and encouraged Republicans to fight a scorched Earth rebellion against Trump after he got the nomination, after all that and he tucks his tail and goes whimpering to Trump like some senile old dog that realizes he did a bad thing...


There, I said it and we have all been thinking it of him and that "Perky" Niki Hali chicky doodle from India by way of South Carolina.

My Gawd, the nerve of these people and the shamelessness of it all too.

Good grief, just to hell with them and every dog they rode on.

I have suggestion, "Go find your damned cheese somewhere else, pardner!"
he is a hypocrite just like the old man sanders was with clinton.....lack of character....and for trump to even offer says a lot about trumps character....
Democrats are pissed because they thought that Trump would put the republicans in a civil war. The Never Trumpers would fight to the end.

Now they have to contend with a unified party.
Democrats are pissed because they thought that Trump would put the republicans in a civil war. The Never Trumpers would fight to the end.

Now they have to contend with a unified party.

And that unification should not be take as a signal that Democrat cooperation is not wanted.

We can craft better legislation if everyone shares their views, opinions and perspectives as this legislation is ground and filled like sausage.

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