Romney Scumbag Attack on Dem Candidate's Wives

It was a joke about Kerry being a loser needing to marry into wealth.

At least Romney made his money on his own, unlike Kerry that made his money sleeping with an ugly woman.
So Obamabots have a bleeding heart over Romney simply stating someone didn't release her tax returns.

But they had no problem with Obama mocking special needs children and young adults.

Selective sensitity and hyperpartisanship, always a fun combination :).

Making a crack about bowling for the Special Olympics is insensitive. Not mocking. He did apologize.
The Willard team knows they have nothing, the ONLY thing Willard could point to in his entire life that is positive is the one thing he cant point to, health care.

They know what us libs know, that their actual agenda is so terribly harmful for the average person, that to event hint at it would be disastrous.

So, it is an old and tested deal in politics, when you have absolutely nothing, you go negative

The owners of both political parties, the oligarchs, are walking a finer line than ever before. In the past they knew that both parties would compromise and we would have slow but effective progress, in both social issues and the economy as well as foreign policy.

But when the billionaire Oligarchs panicked at the election of the Black man and created the Tea Party (or baggers, as I call em), they didnt anticipate the baggers would be as ignorant and hateful and close minded as they are.

I mean the morons refused to allow the increase in the debt ceiling, proof that they have no idea, at all, what they are doing, and each and every last one of them refuses to learn anything.

So, what do the Oligarchs do? They need to avoid a civil war and likely will, but what they do to achieve this will be interesting to watch.
IMF: Lift U.S. federal debt ceiling soon -

WASHINGTON, July 17 (UPI) -- U.S. policymakers must lift the federal debt ceiling soon, for the sake of the U.S. and world economies, the International Monetary Fund said.

Congress should raise the legal cap on the amount of money the federal government can borrow "well ahead" of the projected year-end deadline to "mitigate risks of financial market disruptions and a loss in consumer and business confidence," IMF economists warned in an update to the fund's regular World Economic Outlook.
The Willard team knows they have nothing, the ONLY thing Willard could point to in his entire life that is positive is the one thing he cant point to, health care.

They know what us libs know, that their actual agenda is so terribly harmful for the average person, that to event hint at it would be disastrous.

So, it is an old and tested deal in politics, when you have absolutely nothing, you go negative

The owners of both political parties, the oligarchs, are walking a finer line than ever before. In the past they knew that both parties would compromise and we would have slow but effective progress, in both social issues and the economy as well as foreign policy.

But when the billionaire Oligarchs panicked at the election of the Black man and created the Tea Party (or baggers, as I call em), they didnt anticipate the baggers would be as ignorant and hateful and close minded as they are.

I mean the morons refused to allow the increase in the debt ceiling, proof that they have no idea, at all, what they are doing, and each and every last one of them refuses to learn anything.

So, what do the Oligarchs do? They need to avoid a civil war and likely will, but what they do to achieve this will be interesting to watch.

How does Obama's ass taste?
So Obamabots have a bleeding heart over Romney simply stating someone didn't release her tax returns.

But they had no problem with Obama mocking special needs children and young adults.

Selective sensitity and hyperpartisanship, always a fun combination :).

Making a crack about bowling for the Special Olympics is insensitive. Not mocking. He did apologize.

I know you see it that way, you have to downplay it for Obama.

Truth is he was mocking special olympians for their inability to bowl, thus the comparison since he can't bowl.

I can't think of any adult I know personally and who I respect that would make such a disgusting remark. But he's a democrat, the first black president, so he leaves the scene of the crime free of question from his beloved supporters.
Listening to Schultz, the paid callers are on a roll today...

I am confused, to be honest.

I know for a fact that the Oligarchs, the owners of the Tea Party and the Republican Party and for that matter the Democratic Party, cant afford civil unrest.

They dont want it, not in their agenda right now, and yet if these rightwing scum like Rove and Limbaugh and the idiots on this and other boards keep up this pure hate and ignorance, i dont see any other end result, hope I am wrong...
Romney Scumbag Attack on Dem Candidate's Wives

Why am I not surprised Romney could get away with such a scumbag move on the FOX News? Anywhere else, the propriety of a comment from a candidate for US President, that brings another man's wife into an argument, would be challenged and cause shock. Not on FOX News.:mad:

In an interview on Fox News Channel Monday morning, Romney -- under pressure from not only the Obama campaign but also some in his own party to release additional tax returns -- suggested he is the victim of a double standard.

“John Kerry ran for president; you know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars -- she never released her tax returns,” Romney said. “Somehow this wasn’t an issue.”

Oh yeah, I forgot...Romney has Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie and others on his side and on his team. The GOP went after Kerry's wife in 2004. Romney is no better than the usual suspects, he just has the Mormon squeaky clean persona as a cover.

In fact, Heinz Kerry’s reluctance to release tax returns, which she files separately from her husband, was a major story line during the 2004 presidential race. She eventually made public the first two pages of her 2003 return,

That is an attack? How sensitive are we going to get? Dems claiming Ann never worked a day in her life, talking about her MS issues and then you have the Palins and all the BS there and you call this an attack?

This is very funny.
Why have a debt ceiling anyways when there are soooooooo many underfunded progressive WANTS...

No budgets, no spending limits, no debt limits..........Utopia !!!
I never said it was an apt comparison. Quite frankly, i dont really care about income tax statements. I find that we have some serious issues facing our country and worrying about how much money someone made a year or two ago is quite irrelevant to the direction the nation is heading to.

It doesnt change the fact that there is no attack.

You never say anything that is considered taking a side. Is it an Apt comparison or not buddy?

You cant take the "I dont care" Route 3 or 4 times in 3 or 4 different threads. The fact that you post in dam near everyone shows that you care on some level.

Is it an apt comparison or not Avatar?

Again. I dont care.

What I do care about is people lying about attacks that never happened.

Is the comparison apt Avi? C'mon give an honest opinion for once
The Willard team knows they have nothing, the ONLY thing Willard could point to in his entire life that is positive is the one thing he cant point to, health care.

They know what us libs know, that their actual agenda is so terribly harmful for the average person, that to event hint at it would be disastrous.

So, it is an old and tested deal in politics, when you have absolutely nothing, you go negative

The owners of both political parties, the oligarchs, are walking a finer line than ever before. In the past they knew that both parties would compromise and we would have slow but effective progress, in both social issues and the economy as well as foreign policy.

But when the billionaire Oligarchs panicked at the election of the Black man and created the Tea Party (or baggers, as I call em), they didnt anticipate the baggers would be as ignorant and hateful and close minded as they are.

I mean the morons refused to allow the increase in the debt ceiling, proof that they have no idea, at all, what they are doing, and each and every last one of them refuses to learn anything.

So, what do the Oligarchs do? They need to avoid a civil war and likely will, but what they do to achieve this will be interesting to watch.

How does Obama's ass taste?

There you go.
The Willard team knows they have nothing, the ONLY thing Willard could point to in his entire life that is positive is the one thing he cant point to, health care.

They know what us libs know, that their actual agenda is so terribly harmful for the average person, that to event hint at it would be disastrous.

So, it is an old and tested deal in politics, when you have absolutely nothing, you go negative

The owners of both political parties, the oligarchs, are walking a finer line than ever before. In the past they knew that both parties would compromise and we would have slow but effective progress, in both social issues and the economy as well as foreign policy.

But when the billionaire Oligarchs panicked at the election of the Black man and created the Tea Party (or baggers, as I call em), they didnt anticipate the baggers would be as ignorant and hateful and close minded as they are.

I mean the morons refused to allow the increase in the debt ceiling, proof that they have no idea, at all, what they are doing, and each and every last one of them refuses to learn anything.

So, what do the Oligarchs do? They need to avoid a civil war and likely will, but what they do to achieve this will be interesting to watch.

How does Obama's ass taste?

There you go.

Seriously, assbreath. There's no need for you to respond to each of my posts.

Seriously. See if you can go a post or two without doing so, OK assbrain?
So Obamabots have a bleeding heart over Romney simply stating someone didn't release her tax returns.

But they had no problem with Obama mocking special needs children and young adults.

Selective sensitity and hyperpartisanship, always a fun combination :).

Making a crack about bowling for the Special Olympics is insensitive. Not mocking. He did apologize.

I know you see it that way, you have to downplay it for Obama.

Truth is he was mocking special olympians for their inability to bowl, thus the comparison since he can't bowl.

I can't think of any adult I know personally and who I respect that would make such a disgusting remark. But he's a democrat, the first black president, so he leaves the scene of the crime free of question from his beloved supporters.

Okay, did he smush up his features and talk funny? Because that's what mocking is.

Making a crack about bowling for the Special Olympics is insensitive. Not mocking. He did apologize.

I know you see it that way, you have to downplay it for Obama.

Truth is he was mocking special olympians for their inability to bowl, thus the comparison since he can't bowl.

I can't think of any adult I know personally and who I respect that would make such a disgusting remark. But he's a democrat, the first black president, so he leaves the scene of the crime free of question from his beloved supporters.

Okay, did he smush up his features and talk funny? Because that's what mocking is.

I see, you're just picking at my word use in order to deflect from the awful thing Obama said, understandable.

verb /mäk/ 
mocked, past participle; mocked, past tense; mocking, present participle; mocks, 3rd person singular present

1.Tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner
- he mocks them as Washington insiders

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