Romney inconsiderate of ann's illness.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.

You know all this because?


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.

These are family decisions. Its none of our business.
So no marital partner of anyone with MS should ever have a day job?

24/7 is required of a husband or wife of an individual with MS? Are you insane?

Skip question #3. Already know the answer.
Re: horseback riding

Each MS patient is an individual. As are their therapies. This woman is an inspiration.

Dressage rider with multiple sclerosis qualifies for 2012 Paralympics

From the article:

"I was diagnosed with MS ten years ago," she said. "I'm the third person in my family with MS."

Some days are better the others. Through it all, her motivation comes from those who she holds dearest.

"There hasn't been a day in my life that there has never been MS. My dad was a quadriplegic that I never saw stand or walk," she said.

Mary is hoping to inspire others to live out their dreams. She not only competes for people suffering from multiple sclerosis, but also for her 15-year-old son, Tristan.

"I wanted to show him what a person in 2012 can do with MS," said Mary. "We take it day by day, and step by step."



He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.

You know all this because?

I'd like to know the answer as well.
I dunno know, OlHag. Seen her interviewed several times and she seems pretty enthusiastic about her husband's candidacy.

Another in a series of predictable b.s. from a world-class lefty idiot.


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.


That's one of the things that apparently endears her to her husband. He has been inconsiderate thruout all of the years she has known him.. gay misstreatment... impersonating a cop.. She already knew he was a creep and married him anyway.. Maybe she just digs abuse. There ARE women like that in this world.

Or maybe she just married him cuz he was gonna be rich no matter what kinda an asshole he turned out to be..
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If you KNEW or had LISTENED to Ann Romney, you would know that it was HER that talked Mitt Romney into running for President this time around.

LilOLady is right on track... the same one that TruthMatters follows... she should be so proud!


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.


That's one of the things that apparently endears her to her husband. He has been inconsiderate thruout all of the years she has known him.. gay misstreatment... impersonating a cop.. She already knew he was a creep and married him anyway.. Maybe she just digs abuse. There ARE women like that in this world.

Or maybe she just married him cuz he was gonna be rich no matter what kinda an asshole he turned out to be..

If Ann Romney was a money grubbing slimeball like you infer, because she married Mitt because he was going to be rich then Eleanor Roosevelt probably married FDR because he was already rich, knew he was going to be powerful and put up with his crippling disease because she just dug abuse too.

And abused she was. Eleanor hated sex so to bear children for him because that was expected of her must have meant that she knew he was a creep right? But she married him anyway.

And FDR had continual affairs. Eleanor married him anyway no matter what type of asshole he would turn out to be in their personal lives.

I guess Eleanor dug abuse. Like you said, there are women like that in this world.


That was painful for me to type, because to get into the mind of a liberal and try to see the world from that warped perspective hurts one's brains.
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My wife would NEVER ask me NOT to do something just because she couldn't keep up with me. She calls that "being supportive".


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.


That's one of the things that apparently endears her to her husband. He has been inconsiderate thruout all of the years she has known him.. gay misstreatment... impersonating a cop.. She already knew he was a creep and married him anyway.. Maybe she just digs abuse. There ARE women like that in this world.

Or maybe she just married him cuz he was gonna be rich no matter what kinda an asshole he turned out to be..

If Ann Romney was a money grubbing slimeball like you infer, because she married Mitt because he was going to be rich then Eleanor Roosevelt probably married FDR because he was already rich, knew he was going to be powerful and put up with his crippling disease because she just dug abuse too.

And abused she was. Eleanor hated sex so to bear children for him because that was expected of her must have meant that she knew he was a creep right? But she married him anyway.

And FDR had continual affairs. Eleanor married him anyway no matter what type of asshole he would turn out to be in their personal lives.

I guess Eleanor dug abuse. Like you said, there are women like that in this world.

Not to be callous but it is a sad and true statement. When they met and later got married many women made choices that today they would not make.


He did no consider his wife when making the decision to run for president. I have had MS for 30 years and it’s a unpredictable progressive chronic fatigue disease and a 24-7 family disease and she needs him to be there for her 24-7. If elected president he will have to chose between the country and his wife and that should not even be a question. Neither did Santorum consider his daughter when he decided to run. My family had to make major adjustment in there life as that is the kind of family we are. In order to consider my family, I have decided to give up my independence of having my own apartment and move in with my daughter in order to make it easier for both of us. She also have a 24 year old with Downs Syndrome. It’s not like Romney needs the job or the money and no one but him can do the job. Ann will need him even more as her disease progress. More than the country does. As each MS patients symptoms are different and ever changing, because it affect the central nervous system, any type of movement can further aggravate the vertigo. I cannot sit in my recliner because of it’s movements. Horse back riding could be a nightmare for me and send me into a MS exacerbation. Is one way she is very lucky that she can afford some of the alternative treatments for MS with less side affects.

Ann Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We all make hard decisions but the decision to put her first should be an easy decision for Romney. This decision was another dark side of Romney.

These are family decisions. Its none of our business.

To the Left, it is their business. They've done nothing but attack Ann Romney since he became the frontrunner, showing how low they can go. Family is suppose to be off limits in a campaign, but apparently Obama's campaign cronies forgot that unwritten rule.
yeah I'm sure you said that about John Edwards, and I loved it when democrats thought he was a great guy.

How did you not see his phoniness, especially after how he got rich and famous?

That's one of the things that apparently endears her to her husband. He has been inconsiderate thruout all of the years she has known him.. gay misstreatment... impersonating a cop.. She already knew he was a creep and married him anyway.. Maybe she just digs abuse. There ARE women like that in this world.

Or maybe she just married him cuz he was gonna be rich no matter what kinda an asshole he turned out to be..

If Ann Romney was a money grubbing slimeball like you infer, because she married Mitt because he was going to be rich then Eleanor Roosevelt probably married FDR because he was already rich, knew he was going to be powerful and put up with his crippling disease because she just dug abuse too.

And abused she was. Eleanor hated sex so to bear children for him because that was expected of her must have meant that she knew he was a creep right? But she married him anyway.

And FDR had continual affairs. Eleanor married him anyway no matter what type of asshole he would turn out to be in their personal lives.

I guess Eleanor dug abuse. Like you said, there are women like that in this world.

Not to be callous but it is a sad and true statement. When they met and later got married many women made choices that today they would not make.

Ah but there is one major difference between the relationships of FDR/Eleanor or say the modern day equivalent Bill Clinton/Hillary (regarding serial adultery) and Mitt Romney and Ann.

That difference is glaring. Mitt Romney has never abused his wife in any way shape or form. He's been faithful to her. He's been a good and loving husband.

No matter one thinks of an opponents politics, to attempt to demean Romney now by saying he is abusing his "sick wife" by running for the Presidency, to attempt to liken him to a John Edwards is beyond vile.

Quite simple. And that is what the OP is stating. That Mitt's a prick for running for the Presidency.

And it's bullshit. And appalling. And disgusting to attempt to portray the man that way.

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