Romney- Hang Obama

No American President has ever had his citizenship questioned in this manner. None. And the Constitution doesn't require a birth certificate to run.

What's changed?

Oh yeah..he's black.

You're kidding right?

Here's ONE example to prove you wrong. Many people believed then, and still believe that Chester A Arthur was in fact a Canadian.

Natural Born Citizen

Chester A Arthur was white.

So shut up about this only because he's black.

Oh, and no answer on the avatar question? Revealing. you had to go back 100 years or so to find a case similar to Obama..:lol:

Here's a clue on the Avatar..

[ame=]YouTube - American Werewolf in london transfromation edited.wmv[/ame]

It's not a pissed off Gorilla.

Sooo, you admit you're wong or is the proof proving you wrong not enough because it's true...?
You gotta just love how CON$ can rationalize that everything is Obama's fault.
Romney uses the imagery of putting something around Obama's neck and hanging him with it, and that makes Obama desperate! :cuckoo:

"Well we're going to have to hang the Obama Misery Index around his neck. And I'll tell you, the fact that you've got people in this country really squeezed with gasoline getting so expensive, with commodities getting so expensive, families are having a hard time making ends meet… We're going to hang him with that -- uh, so to speak, metaphorically, with, uh, you have to be careful these days, I learned that -- with an Obama Misery Index." Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

The first part I see no problem with at all. The second part you have to make Racist in your mind to see it that way. Still not a great choice of words. There is just so much out there competing with it on both sides. It's no more than a glitch.
How much more explicit does he have to be? He clearly says they are going to put something around his neck and hang Obama with it.
If criticizing Long Dong Thomas was a racist "high tech LYNCHING" how is this not any less of a LYNCHING.

Can you imagine how apeshit the CON$ would have gone if the Left said they were going to put Anita Hill's lie detector test around Long Dong Thomas' neck and hang him with it!!!!!

Your Shrill Partisan Whining is hurting my ears.
Tough shit, crybaby. Just be happy I don't wrap it around your neck and hang you with it! :eusa_whistle:
How much more explicit does he have to be? He clearly says they are going to put something around his neck and hang Obama with it.
If criticizing Long Dong Thomas was a racist "high tech LYNCHING" how is this not any less of a LYNCHING.

Can you imagine how apeshit the CON$ would have gone if the Left said they were going to put Anita Hill's lie detector test around Long Dong Thomas' neck and hang him with it!!!!!

Your Shrill Partisan Whining is hurting my ears.
Tough shit, crybaby. Just be happy I don't wrap it around your neck and hang you with it! :eusa_whistle:

A masked threat? Should I report this outrage?

Son? YOU are pathetic.
How much more explicit does he have to be? He clearly says they are going to put something around his neck and hang Obama with it.
If criticizing Long Dong Thomas was a racist "high tech LYNCHING" how is this not any less of a LYNCHING.

Can you imagine how apeshit the CON$ would have gone if the Left said they were going to put Anita Hill's lie detector test around Long Dong Thomas' neck and hang him with it!!!!!

Your Shrill Partisan Whining is hurting my ears.
Tough shit, crybaby. Just be happy I don't wrap it around your neck and hang you with it! :eusa_whistle:

Damn, you're a fucking racist.
Nothing racist about the metaphor, move along, nothing to see.

Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

(NewsCore) - MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican 2012 frontrunner Mitt Romney put his foot in his mouth Friday night, saying that Republicans needed to "hang" President Barack Obama during an event in Manchester, N.H.

negged for being a race baiting douch bag.

only an absolute fucking moron twists this into racism or supports any fool that does.
Why are some so hung up on the color of the president's skin? Always looking for anything to throw out there in order to call others racist? Why was this thread even started? It's fucking retarded.

All ya'll need to get over it. We have a black president. Tfb if you have a problem with that.

The Left uses Obama's race as a defense mechanism to protect the President from criticism.
During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly stated he did not want his race to become and issue. Then just as easily, he and his supporters used Obama's race any time where there was a potential for political gain.
You're kidding right?

Here's ONE example to prove you wrong. Many people believed then, and still believe that Chester A Arthur was in fact a Canadian.

Natural Born Citizen

Chester A Arthur was white.

So shut up about this only because he's black.

Oh, and no answer on the avatar question? Revealing. you had to go back 100 years or so to find a case similar to Obama..:lol:

Here's a clue on the Avatar..

[ame=]YouTube - American Werewolf in london transfromation edited.wmv[/ame]

It's not a pissed off Gorilla.

Sooo, you admit you're wong or is the proof proving you wrong not enough because it's true...?


No I am not a Wong..

But remember..Don't fuck with the Wongs.

[ame=]YouTube - The Wanderers: Don't F**k with the Wongs[/ame] you had to go back 100 years or so to find a case similar to Obama..:lol:

Here's a clue on the Avatar..

YouTube - American Werewolf in london transfromation edited.wmv

It's not a pissed off Gorilla.

Sooo, you admit you're wong or is the proof proving you wrong not enough because it's true...?


No I am not a Wong..

But remember..Don't fuck with the Wongs.

[ame=""]YouTube - The Wanderers: Don't F**k with the Wongs[/ame]

^^Idiotic POST and DEFLECTION.
Hanging ON by your fangs again, aren't you Brian?

You hitting the sauce again?

This isn't Brian. Right chick..wrong guy.:eusa_shhh:

Nothing stronger than Sweet tea...but you deflect as expected. No surprise.

Now answer the question.. Brian.

What question?

And I am not Brian. Brian has his own blog. He also married that chick you are "remembering" and they had a couple of kids.

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