Romney- Hang Obama

if he didnt mean it as a racist comment he sure flubbed it by going back and issuinig a statemnt to make sure he did damage control to not say what he said

either way a guy who so severly misspeaks - you gotta wonder why he wasnt on his Ps and Qs
You have proof that the Republican party is 90% white? What does that even have to do with this conversation you fool?

Gallup poll?

Why would you think the Republicans party isn't 90% white? I'm just curious. If their convention and who they vote into office is any indication, well, you know.

Besides, with a party that's 90% white, they should be "proud" of their "whiteness". Not run away from it.

I haven't seen that poll, but let's assume you are in fact correct and the Republican Party is 90% white. The US population as a whole is 80% white. So that number doesn't seem to be that far out there to me.

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Now let's get down to reality, a place you don't visit often I'm sure.

The reason so many whites are Republicans is the same as the reason so many blacks voted for Obama. Of course people are going to associate with other people who they feel have their best interest in mind. That's just logical, and as an upper middle class white guy, who would represent me better, the Republicans or the Democrats? As a poor lower class black man, who would represent me better? It's just common sense.

Are you suggesting that we desegregate the parties, and make each party have a proportional number of members to the general population? Because I assure you that if that were to happen, the middle class white guy would rule BOTH parties and the non whites you seem so concerned about would have no voice.

Talk about weird logic.

There is no reason for me to post something over and over again. Especially when you only need to go to Google and do a search: gallup poll republicans white


The Republican base is in the South East. They do think alike. It's called "concentrated crazy". I don't need to say, "If the USMB right wing is any indication", because they aren't an "indication", they are an "example".

The craziness they believe is what white wingers in general believe. About blacks, about liberals, about science, pretty much about everything.

The Democrats have a white majority, in a way. That party is 60% white. But included in those whites are liberals, conservatives, educated, uneducated, gay, feminist, college professors, scientists, artists, atheists, teachers and many white who simply aren't welcome in the Republican Party. Republicans may have a few gays, but really, do we have to ask how welcome they are? Seriously?

Then you add in Hispanics, blacks, Muslims and all the other different kinds of people into the Democratic Party and what you have is a "coalition" party. And yes Virginia, it IS just that simple.

Republican leaders have grown so sure of themselves, it's becoming quite a shock when they go after teachers, nurses, the elderly and the base is begins to "fight back". Never thought I would see that happen as long as we have a "black" in the "WHITE" House. Can you say, "Cut off nose to spite face"? They hate Obama so much, they are willing to suffer anything to see him fail. Only that tide seems to be turning. Oops.
if he didnt mean it as a racist comment he sure flubbed it by going back and issuinig a statemnt to make sure he did damage control to not say what he said

either way a guy who so severly misspeaks - you gotta wonder why he wasnt on his Ps and Qs

He was on a different med.
are they really now questioning the makeup of their own party?

They know their party is 90% white. They just pretend it isn't so they can have some faux legitimacy when talking about racial issues. The problem is they say such stupid things, no one can take their "expertise" seriously.
Nothing racist about the metaphor, move along, nothing to see.

Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

(NewsCore) - MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican 2012 frontrunner Mitt Romney put his foot in his mouth Friday night, saying that Republicans needed to "hang" President Barack Obama during an event in Manchester, N.H.

romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,
are they really now questioning the makeup of their own party?

They know their party is 90% white. They just pretend it isn't so they can have some faux legitimacy when talking about racial issues. The problem is they say such stupid things, no one can take their "expertise" seriously.

Rascist PUNK you are deany-bub.
Gallup poll?

Why would you think the Republicans party isn't 90% white? I'm just curious. If their convention and who they vote into office is any indication, well, you know.

Besides, with a party that's 90% white, they should be "proud" of their "whiteness". Not run away from it.

I haven't seen that poll, but let's assume you are in fact correct and the Republican Party is 90% white. The US population as a whole is 80% white. So that number doesn't seem to be that far out there to me.

USA QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Now let's get down to reality, a place you don't visit often I'm sure.

The reason so many whites are Republicans is the same as the reason so many blacks voted for Obama. Of course people are going to associate with other people who they feel have their best interest in mind. That's just logical, and as an upper middle class white guy, who would represent me better, the Republicans or the Democrats? As a poor lower class black man, who would represent me better? It's just common sense.

Are you suggesting that we desegregate the parties, and make each party have a proportional number of members to the general population? Because I assure you that if that were to happen, the middle class white guy would rule BOTH parties and the non whites you seem so concerned about would have no voice.

Talk about weird logic.

There is no reason for me to post something over and over again. Especially when you only need to go to Google and do a search: gallup poll republicans white


Who asked you to? I took your numbers at face value, did I not?

The Republican base is in the South East. They do think alike. It's called "concentrated crazy". I don't need to say, "If the USMB right wing is any indication", because they aren't an "indication", they are an "example".
How nice that you just insulted an entire region. Fucking elitist.
The craziness they believe is what white wingers in general believe. About blacks, about liberals, about science, pretty much about everything.

Again, generalizations, I live in the southeast, and yes we definately have some rednecks, but most of the region is far more cosmopolitan than you would like to believe, this isn't the south of the 60s you know.
The Democrats have a white majority, in a way. That party is 60% white. But included in those whites are liberals, conservatives, educated, uneducated, gay, feminist, college professors, scientists, artists, atheists, teachers and many white who simply aren't welcome in the Republican Party. Republicans may have a few gays, but really, do we have to ask how welcome they are? Seriously?

60% white you say, well then it seems to me that by YOUR logic you should be telling me that the Democratic party is actively trying to keep their white membership down.
Then you add in Hispanics, blacks, Muslims and all the other different kinds of people into the Democratic Party and what you have is a "coalition" party. And yes Virginia, it IS just that simple.

Republican leaders have grown so sure of themselves, it's becoming quite a shock when they go after teachers, nurses, the elderly and the base is begins to "fight back". Never thought I would see that happen as long as we have a "black" in the "WHITE" House. Can you say, "Cut off nose to spite face"? They hate Obama so much, they are willing to suffer anything to see him fail. Only that tide seems to be turning. Oops.

I don't even see you making a point with this paragraph, so I'll pretend you didn't utter it.

Now, let's again visit reality.

Neither party has is all right nor all wrong. Why can't you admit that one single salient point?
Nothing racist about the metaphor, move along, nothing to see.

Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

(NewsCore) - MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican 2012 frontrunner Mitt Romney put his foot in his mouth Friday night, saying that Republicans needed to "hang" President Barack Obama during an event in Manchester, N.H.

romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,

well, if he was thinking at all, he's one step ahead of you.

Seriously, you are just an IDIOT. Anyone who supports Obama should really NOT be poking fun at the gaffes made by others. Didn't the guy once claim there were 57 states and another time say something about his Muslim religion?
Nothing racist about the metaphor, move along, nothing to see.

Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

(NewsCore) - MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican 2012 frontrunner Mitt Romney put his foot in his mouth Friday night, saying that Republicans needed to "hang" President Barack Obama during an event in Manchester, N.H.

romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,

Out Load? Yeah it was an ill-advised LOAD per his choice of he hit it correctly regardless.

It was pointing out that Obama should MAN-UP...however Obama continues to blame others for what he has done...

For fuck's sake, don't you people, all of you, ever get tired of this "gotchya" bullshit?

People, especially politicians misspeak, it happens. It has happened from the beginning of time, it will happen long after we're all gone. Get over it. Or do you lefties truly believe Romney is a racist? I suppose you believed Obama when he said that he had sat in Reverand Wright's church for twenty years and never heard his hateful and inflammatory bullshit sermons...

Everbody needs to get over this sort of bullshit, it's not worthy of attention.
Nothing racist about the metaphor, move along, nothing to see.

Romney Stumbles With 'Hang Obama' Line in N.H.

(NewsCore) - MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican 2012 frontrunner Mitt Romney put his foot in his mouth Friday night, saying that Republicans needed to "hang" President Barack Obama during an event in Manchester, N.H.

romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,

well, if he was thinking at all, he's one step ahead of you.

Seriously, you are just an IDIOT. Anyone who supports Obama should really NOT be poking fun at the gaffes made by others. Didn't the guy once claim there were 57 states and another time say something about his Muslim religion?

first piss ant
after your fullish insults , [by the way I like them , ] if your not a lying peace of shit and that been proved , name one racist slip, statement or what ever,hang a black man / and here you are defending that ,you like the picture sent around on this board of Obama and his parents as chimpanzees . so I see why you like that peace of crap romney , you ass wipe teabger .
romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,

well, if he was thinking at all, he's one step ahead of you.

Seriously, you are just an IDIOT. Anyone who supports Obama should really NOT be poking fun at the gaffes made by others. Didn't the guy once claim there were 57 states and another time say something about his Muslim religion?

first piss ant
after your fullish insults , [by the way I like them , ] if your not a lying peace of shit and that been proved , name one racist slip, statement or what ever,hang a black man / and here you are defending that ,you like the picture sent around on this board of Obama and his parents as chimpanzees . so I see why you like that peace of crap romney , you ass wipe teabger .

First one [Meaning you] must understand that you are living in a bygone ERA, and THINK (If that were possible in YOUR case), this shoit still goes on...

And HOW does one spell p i e c e?

For fuck's sake, don't you people, all of you, ever get tired of this "gotchya" bullshit?

People, especially politicians misspeak, it happens. It has happened from the beginning of time, it will happen long after we're all gone. Get over it. Or do you lefties truly believe Romney is a racist? I suppose you believed Obama when he said that he had sat in Reverand Wright's church for twenty years and never heard his hateful and inflammatory bullshit sermons...

Everbody needs to get over this sort of bullshit, it's not worthy of attention.

Do I believe Romney is a racist? Absolutely not. However, he is playing to them. And I think he should stop. It's not just this..I saw his speech at the CPAC.
romney was probably just thinking out load , you know how nasty morons are , hang him shot her , kill kill kill ,

well, if he was thinking at all, he's one step ahead of you.

Seriously, you are just an IDIOT. Anyone who supports Obama should really NOT be poking fun at the gaffes made by others. Didn't the guy once claim there were 57 states and another time say something about his Muslim religion?

first piss ant
after your fullish insults , [by the way I like them , ] if your not a lying peace of shit and that been proved , name one racist slip, statement or what ever,hang a black man / and here you are defending that ,you like the picture sent around on this board of Obama and his parents as chimpanzees . so I see why you like that peace of crap romney , you ass wipe teabger .

can anyone translate this for me?

For fuck's sake, don't you people, all of you, ever get tired of this "gotchya" bullshit?

People, especially politicians misspeak, it happens. It has happened from the beginning of time, it will happen long after we're all gone. Get over it. Or do you lefties truly believe Romney is a racist? I suppose you believed Obama when he said that he had sat in Reverand Wright's church for twenty years and never heard his hateful and inflammatory bullshit sermons...

Everbody needs to get over this sort of bullshit, it's not worthy of attention.

Do I believe Romney is a racist? Absolutely not. However, he is playing to them. And I think he should stop. It's not just this..I saw his speech at the CPAC.

Then explain THIS

who gives a shit? This political correctness is getting out of hand. Anyone with an ounce of fucking sense knows that Romney is not a racist.


I REALLY don't like Mitt but to pretend (as swallow has) that this is a racist attack is much of what is wrong with the current debate in politics today.

People with no reason or focus in life use bullshit like this as a "haha, gotcha" moment but don't seem to realize they are the ones that lose any credibility they might have had left.

For fuck's sake, don't you people, all of you, ever get tired of this "gotchya" bullshit?

People, especially politicians misspeak, it happens. It has happened from the beginning of time, it will happen long after we're all gone. Get over it. Or do you lefties truly believe Romney is a racist? I suppose you believed Obama when he said that he had sat in Reverand Wright's church for twenty years and never heard his hateful and inflammatory bullshit sermons...

Everbody needs to get over this sort of bullshit, it's not worthy of attention.

Do I believe Romney is a racist? Absolutely not. However, he is playing to them. And I think he should stop. It's not just this..I saw his speech at the CPAC.

Then explain THIS


Explain what?
well, if he was thinking at all, he's one step ahead of you.

Seriously, you are just an IDIOT. Anyone who supports Obama should really NOT be poking fun at the gaffes made by others. Didn't the guy once claim there were 57 states and another time say something about his Muslim religion?

first piss ant
after your fullish insults , [by the way I like them , ] if your not a lying peace of shit and that been proved , name one racist slip, statement or what ever,hang a black man / and here you are defending that ,you like the picture sent around on this board of Obama and his parents as chimpanzees . so I see why you like that peace of crap romney , you ass wipe teabger .

can anyone translate this for me?

what a sorry little man , you call your self brian but you need someone to tell you how to read ?
well at least you can't claim to be smart if you need help .

get your mommy she mite help you with the big wards like piss ant .
first piss ant
after your fullish insults , [by the way I like them , ] if your not a lying peace of shit and that been proved , name one racist slip, statement or what ever,hang a black man / and here you are defending that ,you like the picture sent around on this board of Obama and his parents as chimpanzees . so I see why you like that peace of crap romney , you ass wipe teabger .

can anyone translate this for me?

what a sorry little man , you call your self brian but you need someone to tell you how to read ?
well at least you can't claim to be smart if you need help .

get your mommy she mite help you with the big wards like piss ant .

Come on man, don't you have ANY pride?

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