Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

"Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

:eusa_shhh: Iran has a large southern coastline with access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. And it has no land border with Syria. :eusa_shhh:
Yeah, I wondered about that when he said it. It made no sense, but these days . . .

. . . once something is uttered by a politician, 2/3 of the population just assumes that it's true. The same thing applies to Obama's so-called "apology tour." That is a popular myth among right wingers, and it has become a truth for them.
Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

"Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

:eusa_shhh: Iran has a large southern coastline with access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. And it has no land border with Syria. :eusa_shhh:


the thing is, Romney has repeated this line often'

It is not a misspeak or slip of the tongue
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Anyone with even a minor understanding of geopolitics should know what he meant. And this isn't knew. He's described this situation the same way several times. Minus points for Romney on terrible wording of a point that holds merit.

Minus 10,000 for LOLberal morans who dont understand geopolitical strategies and bring this up as if it is new.
I guess a presidential candidate with such a public platform really has to have their geographic i's dotted, but as a former history teacher, I suspect the average citizen wouldn't even be able to get that close. :)

Romney Fails Geography: "It's their route to the sea."

"Syria is Iran's only ally in the Arab world. It's their route to the sea."

:eusa_shhh: Iran has a large southern coastline with access to the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. And it has no land border with Syria. :eusa_shhh:
My route to the show at the Beacon is through Ticketmaster. Hopefully this doesn't mean a geography lesson is in ordeer to point out that it makes no sense for me to go through the Ticketmaster Corp. headquarters building to get to the Beacon. Hopefully.
Minus 10,000 for LOLberal morans who dont understand geopolitical strategies and bring this up as if it is new.

So explain it for us. Is it your contention that Iran is using Syria to build up a secret Meditteranean squadron? What is the point of this great Iranian Meditteranean fleet? Will they be challenging the US Sixth fleet soon? Details, please.
Anyone with even a minor understanding of geopolitics should know what he meant. And this isn't knew. He's described this situation the same way several times. Minus points for Romney on terrible wording of a point that holds merit.

Minus 10,000 for LOLberal morans who dont understand geopolitical strategies and bring this up as if it is new.

I too was confused by the statement he made. Please elaborate on what he meant please. I am not familiar with geopolitics.
Minus 10,000 for LOLberal morans who dont understand geopolitical strategies and bring this up as if it is new.

So explain it for us. Is it your contention that Iran is using Syria to build up a secret Meditteranean squadron? What is the point of this great Iranian Meditteranean fleet? Will they be challenging the US Sixth fleet soon? Details, please.

OK, here, let me do the fucking leg work for you simpletons who have obviously neglected geopolitics.

Romney and Iran’s ‘route to the sea’ - The Washington Post
Sorry, you're actually going to have to read to understand this one. It's shame the moran on stage couldn't get it more accurate for the plebs.
Because Iran ans Syria are partners with arming jihad groups.
“Syria is an important interlocutor between Iran and its Hezbollah protégés; Iranian weapons transit through Syria on their way to Hezbollah caches in Lebanon.”
From there they go out to other countries for arming other jihad groups.
Romney said this in March.
Syria is Iran’s only Arab ally in the region. Syria is the route that allows Iran to supply Hezbollah with weapons in Lebanon. Syria is Iran’s route to the sea …” He is talking about weapons and Syria helping Iran to ship weapons to jihad groups.

Yes his wording isn't all that great and needs to be said differently, but this is what he means.
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What he said, to make it very short, is that Syria is Irans only opening (as the NYT put it) into the Med. Sea. Iran has absolutely no other ally with access to those waters. And no where to safely park vessels in said sea except in waterways under Syrian watch.
When Mitt Romney says "Route to the sea", he really means "cargo destination".

It's a perfectly understandable mixup. Everyone makes that mistake. Over and over. Oh wait, they don't. Romney doesn't appear to be up to the job.
Oh, he's up to the job just as much as the current man is up to the job. As in, they both would be better off doing community organizing for a corrupt city like Chiicago, and heading up investment firms....respectively, of course.

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