Romney and George Santos exchange insults at the state of the union


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
I think it’s hilarious that Santos positioned himself by the aisle where all the lawmakers were greeting Biden.

I think it’s hilarious that Santos positioned himself by the aisle where all the lawmakers were greeting Biden.

There's alot of Republicans that would like to put a foot up Mitt's ass, so he has no room to talk.
“I don’t know the exact words I said. He shouldn’t have been there. Look, he’s a sick puppy. He shouldn’t have been there,” Romney told reporters after the speech.
To be fair to Santos (or whatever his name is), there are many other Republicans just as sick who didn’t belong at the SOTU.
To be fair to Santos (or whatever his name is), there are many other Republicans just as sick who didn’t belong at the SOTU.
He's a member of congress and deserves to be there just as much as anyone.
It doesn't matter how many people call him a liar....when the POS giving the speech was the biggest liar of them all.
I think it’s hilarious that Santos positioned himself by the aisle where all the lawmakers were greeting Biden.

I suspect MAGA would take Santos over Romney 100% of the time
Alinsky's "rules for radicals" #12 "Pick a target, personalize it, polarize it and cut off support". Has any congressman ever been criticized for where he is seated during a speech? How come nobody on the left criticized Pelosi when she ripped up her copy of Trump's speech? It was the most disrespectful thing ever done during the State/Union address but it was ignored.
Keep Santos and get rid of Romney.
I don't know or care much about Santos--I don't live in NYC and he doesn't represent me. It is up to the voters in his district to keep or remove him. Romney, as a supposed Republican is off base to call out a colleague in public while giving a free pass to the lying vegetable that was at the lectern. Republicans should censure Romney. The whitewash of that batch of lies by the media is reprehensible as well. ABCs David Muir made hay over the lies that Biden told about "sunsetting SS and Medicare" especially since Biden called for just that as a sitting senator.
Romney has a record of lying, and this was pointed out both during the primaries- where Uncle Newtie called him out for untruth- as well as by Obama's "Fact Checkers" during the general election in 2012.

IMHO, he really doesn't have any standing to complain about lies from Santos or anyone else.

Just an incredible amount of chutzpah by the Utah senator.
Always ass with you guys.
Here’s how that conversation went down:

Romney: “You lied to the people about who you are! You don’t represent republican values!”

Santos: *holds up a mirror*

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