Roe vs Wade on Abortion


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
This is a landmark Supreme Court Case

From the wikipedia article of the same name:

"In the first trimester, when it was believed that the procedure was safer than childbirth, the Court left the decision to abort completely to the woman and her physician.[36] From approximately the end of the first trimester until fetal viability, the state's interest in protecting the health of the mother would become "compelling."[37] At that time, the state could regulate the abortion procedure if the regulation "reasonably relate[d] to the "preservation and protection of maternal health."[38] At the point of viability, which the Court believed to be in the third trimester, the state's interest in "potential life" would become compelling, and the state could regulate abortion to protect "potential life."[37] At that point, the state could even forbid abortion so long as it made an exception to preserve the life or health of the mother.[3"

So, it is not true, as some claim, that all abortions are legal in the United States. The law varies from state to state.The SC ruled that all abortions are strictly the decision of the woman and her physician during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
After that, the states acquire more and more power to regulate the procedure.
Actually, Planned Parenthood v. Casey is the current case law concerning privacy rights and the point at which those rights are immune from attack by the state.

Casey's central doctrine is that of an 'undue burden' to the right to privacy, where the states are at liberty to place restriction on that right provided they do not place an unnecessary hardship to a woman exercising her reproductive liberty.

The 'spousal notification' requirement is an example of an undue burden to the right to privacy, a provision of the law under review invalidated by the Casey Court.
People need to keep their hands off of our kids.

It is the mothers body. If the Physican and Mother are in agreement - then the abortion should occur......FOR medical reasons.

Not simply becase the mother does no longer want the baby.

I never understood where a court had the right to tell a woman what she can and and cannot do with her body - UNDER normal circumstances. life in my opinion. One day old inside the womb......or 8 months old inside the is life. The mother should not have ot life with the decision......that a court makes.

The "Courts" can be overbearing and out of bounds sometimes in my opinion. The courts at times........step out of their jurisdiction ( Roe Vs Wade ) and in many other instances.

Courts are at times.........Lawyers flaunting and overtly showing off their power.

Shadow 355
People need to keep their hands off of our kids.

It is the mothers body. If the Physican and Mother are in agreement - then the abortion should occur......FOR medical reasons.

Not simply becase the mother does no longer want the baby.

I never understood where a court had the right to tell a woman what she can and and cannot do with her body - UNDER normal circumstances. life in my opinion. One day old inside the womb......or 8 months old inside the is life. The mother should not have ot life with the decision......that a court makes.

The "Courts" can be overbearing and out of bounds sometimes in my opinion. The courts at times........step out of their jurisdiction ( Roe Vs Wade ) and in many other instances.

Courts are at times.........Lawyers flaunting and overtly showing off their power.

Shadow 355

The problem with that argument is over 90% are done because the mother no longer wants the baby. Very few, in comparison, are done for medical reasons.
Roe v. Wade has not been "the law of the land" for a long, long time.

The official position of the Left in this country is that abortion is acceptable at the absolute discretion of the mother, at any time before live, natural birth.

And you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that anyone nominated by either Barry or HRC - should it come to that - will toe the party line on this issue.

To the extent that there is a coherent position on the Right, among those who would not outlaw abortion in all cases, the principles laid out in R v W would probably be acceptable. First trimester, it's a mother's absolute discretion; 2nd trimester, the state can make regulations to promote public health, and after the start of the third trimester, it's a kid with Constitutional rights - including the right to life.

And the right to life - unlike the "right to privacy" - is actually in the Constitution, and not just made-up.
People need to keep their hands off of our kids.

It is the mothers body. If the Physican and Mother are in agreement - then the abortion should occur......FOR medical reasons.

Not simply becase the mother does no longer want the baby.

I never understood where a court had the right to tell a woman what she can and and cannot do with her body - UNDER normal circumstances. life in my opinion. One day old inside the womb......or 8 months old inside the is life. The mother should not have ot life with the decision......that a court makes.

The "Courts" can be overbearing and out of bounds sometimes in my opinion. The courts at times........step out of their jurisdiction ( Roe Vs Wade ) and in many other instances.

Courts are at times.........Lawyers flaunting and overtly showing off their power.

Shadow 355

That's a personal opinion that should probably form the backbone of any abortion you on any decision to abort a fetus you are considering.

And may or may not have anything to do with the reasoning another woman uses when deciding to have an abortion herself. That's the beauty of our laws. They allow for you...and them.

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