Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

prtctnst .24,09.22
NO, you DON'T know that Trump is a convicted rapist (which BTW the word "convicted" has become meaningless in today's "justice" system circus quagmire.)

If Trump denied housing to blacks, it was over half a century ago. Please dont post idiocy.

If you have some proof of Trump stealing money from charites, post it. Otherwise keep quiet.

Cheating on wives is a personal family matter, not one of political concern. If Trump cheated on Melania, that is Trump's business, Melania's business, and none of yours.

Show proof of admission of sexual abuse by Trump. You post things wildly, without any substantiation.

Show proof of any instances of fraud by Trump.

Trump did NOT attempt to steal an election. He attempted to CORRECT an election, that was stolen from him. Don't talk stupid.

There was no coup attempt. All you're doing is repeating the standard lying, left media catchwords.

Multiple indictments all coming from Joe Biden, attempting to stop Trump from running against him, and you're dumb enough to be DUPED by it. :rolleyes:

:puhleeze:Trump's intelligence has been enough to be able to amass a multibillion fortune, own real estate all over the world, and fly around in a multimillion $$$$$$ private jet. And how is your private jet doing these days ? :laugh:

I'd say Trump's language skills are good enough to stand in front of crowds of tens of thousands of supporters, and continue to do these large rallies for years. And your latest rally had ? 6 people (in a laundromat) ?

The large increase on debt came from the Covid pandemic, created and maintained by Democrats (Biden, Obama, NIH, Fauci, Pelosi).

Less employed people than when started is also ramification of the pandemic (again a Democrat thing). You're doing a marvelous job of repeating left-media, BS, propaganda jibberish.

Boy is your brain ever distorted, Trump SAVED hundreds of thousands of lives during the DEMOCRAT pandemic.
  • Through the COVID pandemic, our Covid mortality rate was REDUCED from over 17,000/week in April 2020, to about 2000/week in June 2020. and remained very low throughout the year, as a result of the many smart things that the president did..
  • Massive production of Ventilators - These were left in short supply after the Obama/Biden admin (we now have so many we're exporting them),
  • the Navy hospital ships sent to New York & LA.
  • the stimulus checks,
  • The Task Force advice (ex. social distancing),
  • opposition/criticism of New York's dumb nursing home policies,
  • federal aid to hospitals, rapidly expanding production & distribution of medical supplies
  • travel bans (which Democrats called Trump a "racist' for)
  • Trump's advocacy of Hydroxychloriquin (now proven to be effective, despite criticism from Democrats), and Regeneron.
  • fast, continual development of a vaccine, and rapid success of Operation Warp Speed.
  • Matt Gaetz, Criti Noem, Laueren Boebert, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene - all top notch, slandered, libeled, patriotic members of Congress, hard at work stopping Democrat lunatics and sex perverts from tearing our county apart, and driving it into a sewer.
All that praise of Messianic Saint Trump from Saint Protectionist but no mention of his greatest presidential achievement - overturning RvW by appointing three Catholics to a USSC with three conservative Catholics already there.

Well well well lookee here:

prtctnst.22.11.24 #5,772 The authority comes from the American people, who voted for Donald Trump, who selected 3 people to join the SCOTUS, who decided against abortion.

nf.23.08.23 #11,161
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prtctnst .24,09.22

All that praise of Messianic Saint Trump from Saint Protectionist but no mention of his greatest presidential achievement - overturning RvW by appointing three Catholics to a USSC with three conservative Catholics already there.

Well well well lookee here:

prtctnst.22.11.24 #5,772 The authority comes from the American people, who voted for Donald Trump, who selected 3 people to join the SCOTUS, who decided against abortion.

nf.23.08.23 #11,161
Oh so he overturned RvW by purposely appointing three Catholics according to you, but now your claim is that he has changed up, and is going back on his agenda in regards to politics, and all for the win ?

They sent it back to the States, so what part of that don't you understand ??

I know what it is with you - You and your clan want the feds in which you all figure your party can control or should control, to have unchallenged power in order to force your agenda's down the throats of the American people against it's will.

Everyone see's right through the bull shite now.
prtctnst .24,09.22
I don't think it's from God > the authority to tell women to not murder their preborn children.
Why is it that those who want state Governments to have the authority to force full term gestation on women against their will are white Evangelical Christians allied with “Saving Baby Fetus Cult/Vigano Catholics then?

we conservatives want people to view all people by who they are, not their skin color.
Unless the white Trump people are fearful that too many non-traditional non-white people are trespassing on Conservative White Christian Nation soil.

Why do you liberals try to muddy the waters and try to make the ABORTION debate about "reproductive freedom." It has nothing to do with reproduction and everything to do with murder of an innocent, voiceless, life.
Is the voiceless life you refer to a Brainless Womb Being {BWB} undergoing early stages of development as part of a mature female human being’s body?

If it is, How is it murder of an independent individual person when a woman decides to discontinue giving use of her entire body to the continued development of a BWB let’s say prior to 23 weeks of gestation?

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 *happy bday to rational theist America * a reply to cncrndmrcn #4 of sorts.
Roe vs. Wade actually represented a compromise position. As I understand it (I’m no expert here) Roe originally ruled only that women’s right to end a pregnancy was absolute in the first trimester, while in the second it could not be banned but could be “regulated.” After that it gave states almost carte blanche to stop abortions.

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
Of course the issue became a political football for politicians, and allowed them to “make hay” and build their reputations as “conservatives” by categorizing a woman’s right to abortion (even in the first minutes after conception) as “baby killing.” They also argued that the Roe compromise was excessively liberal, or maintained it was fundamentally unconstitutional, while in some states women’s actual possibility of getting abortions at all was limited by state efforts and harassment, which forced abortion centers to close their doors.

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
The fight to protect a woman’s right to choose not to carry an unwanted pregnancy against her will all the way to term, and to determine what laws will govern her rights, may now move to the states … but will probably exacerbate divisions within them.

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 🏆
I hope this Thread will allow for future discussion of state legal and political struggles on this important issue as they arise.

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prtctnst .24,09.22

Why is it that those who want state Governments to have the authority to force full term gestation on women against their will are white Evangelical Christians allied with “Saving Baby Fetus Cult/Vigano Catholics then?


Unless the white Trump people are fearful that too many non-traditional non-white people are trespassing on Conservative White Christian Nation soil.


Is the voiceless life you refer to a Brainless Womb Being {BWB} undergoing early stages of development as part of a mature female human being’s body?

If it is, How is it murder of an independent individual person when a woman decides to discontinue giving use of her entire body to the continued development of a BWB let’s say prior to 23 weeks of gestation?

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 *happy bday to rational theist America *reply to
cncrndmrcn #4 of sorts.

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 🏆

Why do you want the feds to have the power to over rule the states on many issues that you don't want the States (government), to have a right to decide on ? Stop carrying on about people wanting government power, as if you don't want the same.
Why do you want the feds to have the power to over rule the states on many issues that you don't want the States (government), to have a right to decide on ?
Read these this time;

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 *happy bday to rational theist America *reply to
cncrndmrcn #4 of sorts.
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 🏆

They were right their in front of your Jesus Living eyes nf.23.09.23 #11,163

If you need decipherin’ hepp understanding non/Biblicsl world view / just ask : I’ll help unpack it for you.

nf.23.09.23 #11,165
No, YOU are making the argument about “religious” people, I’ve stated numerous times that my argument has nothing to do with religion.

It is no coincidence that, in the same term that the 6–3 Court dismantled the right to abortion, it also rejected the notion that the government must act with a secular purpose and may not endorse religion. Where will the Court’s disdain for the establishment clause go next? Kennedy raises the possibility that the conservative majority might allow official teacher-led prayers on the basis of historical practice of state-sanctioned prayers in public schools. Those who care about the religion clauses—both of them—should be gravely worried that the Court might enable state efforts that degrade “from the equal rank of Citizens all those whose opinions in Religion do not bend to those of the Legislative authority”—precisely what James Madison’s famous writings on freedom of conscience and religious equality warned against.​
I do not want my grandkids attending public schools that allow official teacher-led prayers on the basis of historical practice of state-sanctioned irrational theological
brainwashing of their fresh young malleable minds.

I do not want my granddaughters to be subject to state sanctioned forced full term gestation because a tyranny of an irrational religious majority want to please a desert god by fulfilling his needs to be worshipped by a Christian Nation.

nf.23.09.23 #11,166
Read these this time;

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 *happy bday to rational theist America *reply to
cncrndmrcn #4 of sorts.
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14
tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 🏆

They were right their in front of your Jesus Living eyes nf.23.09.23 #11,163

If you need decipherin’ hepp understanding non/Biblicsl world view / just ask : I’ll help unpack it for you.

nf.23.09.23 #11,165
Did you answer my question ? I don't need all your deflections like Merrick Garland with his blatant pathetic performance that he gave the other day in front of the house oversight committee hearing, otherwise the hearing that was on corruption concerning the Biden's and their alleged influence peddling etc.
Why do you want the feds to have the power to over rule the states on many issues that you don't want the States (government), to have a right to decide on ?
On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.

Your religious driven conservatism has packed a USSC that is generous to a white Christian elected majority rule than for what the Constitution was intended - to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority.

Now conservativism is radical, unwarranted change through the tyranny of judicial fiat.

And the tyranny of judicial fiat does not represent the overall unpopularity of its rulings.

That is because those pushing for religious authoritarianism have an advantage in that Mississippi, Arkansas Alabama have two US Senators each. California, New York, Illinois have two senators each.

Do the math. It’s how the white Christian religious minority can pack the court and if the court is willing have their way.
wonder what Jesus would think of Pelosi, Biden, and Schumer and their stances on abortion?

Why do you ask?

Schumer is Jewish. Judaism was here long before Jesus showed up. So what does it matter what Jesus thinks of America’s first Jewish Senate Majority Leader.

Key Point; Judaism was around way before Jesus showed up.

Jesus never ran for public office in a representative self rule Democracy because there was no such thing when he walked among men. So he’s kinda clueless about our system.

Jewish Americans believe metaphysical life or human life derives its unique value because human beings have a relationship with GOD. Jews believe the soul is pure and from GOD. We receive our souls when we take our first breath.

In Jewish belief the sanctity of life begins at birth just like the US Constitution.

nf.23.09.23 #11,169
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On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.

Your religious driven conservatism has packed a USSC that is generous to a white Christian elected majority rule than for what the Constitution was intended - to protect the individual from the tyranny of the majority.

And the tyranny of judicial fiat does not represent the overall unpopularity of its rulings.

That is because those pushing for religious authoritarianism have an advantage in that Mississippi, Arkansas Alabama have two US Senators each. California, New York, Illinois have two senators each.

Do the math. It’s how the white Christian religious minority can pack the court and if the court is willing have their way.
You want no government eh ? Why do you lie so bad ?
On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.

#11,170 to #11,168
You want no government eh ? Why do you lie so bad ?
Of course I want government to protect my freedom of conscience from authoritarian religious fanatics like you who want government to control women’s bodies for Jesus.

What I said in post #11,168 was “On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

Please read what I posted fifteen times and then reply.

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”


#11,170 to #11,168

Of course I want government to protect my freedom of conscience from authoritarian religious fanatics like you who want government to control women’s bodies for Jesus.

What I said in post #11,168 was “On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

Please read what I posted fifteen times and then reply.

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body.”

Why do you lie so bad ? You just countered yourself by saying of course I want government to do this or that, but on the other hand you attack government when it's the wrong type of government that you don't want.
Why is my phone flashing sometimes while on this site, as if something is screen shooting my post at times ? Weird.
prtctnst .24,09.22

Why is it that those who want state Governments to have the authority to force full term gestation on women against their will are white Evangelical Christians allied with “Saving Baby Fetus Cult/Vigano Catholics then?


Unless the white Trump people are fearful that too many non-traditional non-white people are trespassing on Conservative White Christian Nation soil.


Is the voiceless life you refer to a Brainless Womb Being {BWB} undergoing early stages of development as part of a mature female human being’s body?

If it is, How is it murder of an independent individual person when a woman decides to discontinue giving use of her entire body to the continued development of a BWB let’s say prior to 23 weeks of gestation?

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 *happy bday to rational theist America * a reply to cncrndmrcn #4 of sorts.

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14

tvmpvvnv.22.07.04 #14 🏆

As opposed to a over powered Fed to Dictate how we should live?

The people of Alabama neither want or need your opinion on how we live here. So STFU and mind your fcking business. That is all.
Why do you lie so bad ? You just countered yourself by saying of course I want government to do this or that, but on the other hand you attack government when it's the wrong type of government that you don't want.
On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body ”

Do you want government providing for national defense and regulating the financial sector and law enforcement for public safety, But you don’t want government telling you that you have to sell gasoline or rent a motel room to colored people or sell cakes to queer people. . . .

It’s like that.

I put it in terms of a way that you might understand / MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN’s patron saint and original but not the last Great White Hope for America

As TIME put it in its special issue on the meaning of the 1980 election results, “A profound psychological shift occurred in American voters: they lost much of their desire or need to be part of a political majority, but instead formed themselves into single-issue constituencies, an oddly specialized and peculiarly destructive version of politics.​
In the era of single-issue politics, it is not a broad political agenda, a party’s view of the nation, that is important, but gun control or abortion or ERA or women’s rights or busing.”​

vlrrj.23.09.14 #1
Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.
Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"
Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

1976: This period would represent a turning point in Republican politics. Republican political activists such as Phyllis Schlafly worked to bring together evangelicals and conservative Catholics by uniting them in concern about women’s changing place in society and how they would exercise new rights, such as abortion. Until then, legal abortion had been supported by many Republicans.​
“Schlafly and her supporters argue that 1960s liberalism celebrates the individual and promotes the rights of the individual at the expense of the family and at the expense of a kind of moral order,” the Harvard historian Jill Lepore told On the Media.​

Abortion becomes a linchpin” for this argument, she added.​

From 1976 on Individual rights were to be subjugated to the authority of the silent majority of the Christian American Family and Archie Bunker IF America is to remain the great empire that it was and as white conservatives would have it when the US Military began it engagement with the Catholic leadership of the anti-communist Government of South Vietnam.
Ngo Dinh Diem

Ngo Dinh Diem Diem was born into one of the noble families of Vietnam. His ancestors in the 17th century had been among the first Vietnamese converts to Roman Catholicism.​
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu​

Official portrait,

In 1951, Thiệu married Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh, the daughter of a wealthy herbal medicine practitioner from the Mekong Delta. She was a Roman Catholic, and Thiệu converted to Catholicism in 1958.​

. . . and when certain minorities were not to get too “uppity” about riding anywhere inside the public’s buses that they preferred.

MAGA 2020 sez “Those were the days”

my thanks to Bunker Saint Votarraja for a contribution to this story.

nf.23.09.24 #11,175
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On reproductive rights I want no government deciding what an individual can do with their body ”

Do you want government providing for national defense and regulating the financial sector and law enforcement for public safety, But you don’t want government telling you that you have to sell gasoline or rent a motel room to colored people or sell cakes to queer people. . . .

It’s like that.

I put it in terms of a way that you might understand / MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN’s patron saint and original but not the last Great White Hope for America


As TIME put it in its special issue on the meaning of the 1980 election results, “A profound psychological shift occurred in American voters: they lost much of their desire or need to be part of a political majority, but instead formed themselves into single-issue constituencies, an oddly specialized and peculiarly destructive version of politics. BY OLIVIA B. WAXMAN
pblshd moralxtianorder.21.06.01 para010

In the era of single-issue politics, it is not a broad political agenda, a party’s view of the nation, that is important, but gun control or abortion or ERA or women’s rights or busing.”

vlrrj.23.09.14 #1

1976: This period would represent a turning point in Republican politics. Republican political activists such as Phyllis Schlafly worked to bring together evangelicals and conservative Catholics by uniting them in concern about women’s changing place in society and how they would exercise new rights, such as abortion. Until then, legal abortion had been supported by many Republicans.​
“Schlafly and her supporters argue that 1960s liberalism celebrates the individual and promotes the rights of the individual at the expense of the family and at the expense of a kind of moral order,” the Harvard historian Jill Lepore told On the Media.​

Abortion becomes a linchpin” for this argument, she added.​

From 1976 on Individual rights were to be subjugated to the authority of the silent majority of the Christian Family of America and Archie Bunker IF is to remain a great empire that it was as white conservatives would have when the US Military began it engagement with the Catholic Leadership of the anti-communist Government of South Vietnam.

Ngo Dinh Diem

Ngo Dinh Diem Diem was born into one of the noble families of Vietnam. His ancestors in the 17th century had been among the first Vietnamese converts to Roman Catholicism.​
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu​

Official portrait,

In 1951, Thiệu married Nguyễn Thị Mai Anh, the daughter of a wealthy herbal medicine practitioner from the Mekong Delta. She was a Roman Catholic, and Thiệu converted to Catholicism in 1958.​

. . . and when certain minorities were not to get too “uppity” about riding anywhere insude the public’s buses that they preferred

MAGA 2020 sez “Those were the days

nf.23.09.24 #11,175
There is something seriously wrong with you, and it is hoped that one day you'll get help. You are a classic leftist Looney that attempts to exploit the past by heaping it onto those it doesn't apply too, and of course you do this for your narratives to remain somehow falsely active in order to make your agenda's work. You are wasting your time writing books of word salad's because people aren't as stupid as you think of them to be here. Infact you make yourself look highly stupid everytime you do the sorts of things that you keep doing here.

Throwing the race card or any other card is an act of desperation when you begin losing the debate, so we are glad that you finally reached the point of straw grabbing, but something tells me that you're dumb ace ain't finished yet. ROTFLMBO 🤣
The people of Alabama neither want or need your opinion on how we live here.You do realize that you lost the Civil War, don’t you? Yes, we taught you that you could not have black slavery and we were correct.
On reproductive rights however, no one is telling you how to live. If you have a brainless womb being enter into your life, do not abort that brainless womb being in your life. It is none of my business what you do and you’ve been free to do it for 50 years under Roe versus Wade.

We are however now teaching you Alabamians that you should not and must not force full term gestation on free and independent women because you think your religion does not stink and you are all butt hurt and snowflakes about it.

See nf.23.09.24 #11,175

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On reproductive rights however, no one is telling you how to live. If you play the song to be like in music, conception, do not abort any brainless womb being that you have in your women’s body. It is none of my business what you do and you’ve been free to do it for 50 years under Roe versus Wade.

We are however now teaching you Alabamians that you should force full term gestation on free and independent women because your religion is butt hurt about it.

See nf.23.09.24 #11,175

Which part of mind your own business dont yoy understand?

What you do where you live is your business. What we do down here is ours.

Siimple. Now fck off. Ty
Which part of mind your own business dont yoy understand?

How have I ever forced anyone in your life in a trailer park in Alabama to do anything that you are free to legally do, especially those things in the privacy of your bedroom.

Trump is OK with killing babies in Florida because he opposes the six week abortion ban. Why aren’t you on his case?

Does Alabama have a six week abortion ban?

How have I ever forced anyone in your life in a trailer park in Alabama to do anything that you are free to legally do, especially those things in the privacy of your bedroom.

Trump is OK with killing babies in Florida because he opposes the six week abortion ban. Why aren’t you on his case?

Does Alabama have a six week abortion ban?
Again. Which part of Mind your fcking business dont you understand? We Dont want or need your advice.

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