Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!


I am talking about the health of the potential birthmother when she is able to confirm
that she is pregnant, Why aren’t you talking about that or allowing me to talk about that.

At the seventh week of a pregnancy, can you tell me that the State of Texas is able to fully guarantee that a continuation of gestation, to a point very clause to giving birth, in a woman’s body will not result in harm to her body or possibly death?

nf.23.09.06 #10,763

I’m not preventing you from talking about anything. I’m agreeing with you on the potential life risk to the mother.

Texas also has an exception for the health of the mother.

Again, these are not the situations I’m talking about. I’m talking about the elective abortions.

By the way…still…awaiting your response on national reciprocity…..
" Threading The Eye Of A Needle Against Populism For Democracy As Tyranny By Collective Majority "

* Traitors To E Pluribus Unum Principles Of Individualism For US Republic *

Legal semantics may suggest straight forward deductions , but necessarily straight forward conclusions .

Clearly from us 9th and 10th amendments , wrights of powers not enumerated in the constitution are retained by the people , and those wrights of powers retained by the people can prohibit powers to the united states and to the states respectively .

* Straight Forward For Anti-federalism Anti-statism And Principles Of Individualism *

The constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is not " When does life begin ? " , rather the constitutional basis for public policy on abortion is " When does a state interest begin ? " .

As a state and the united states are comprised of individual citizens , whose constitutional protections are instantiated with a live birth requirement , by equitable doctrine , a live birth is required for equal protection with a citizen .

Consequently , states are prohibited from proscribing abortion by powers retained by the people , though traitors falsely claim that non enumerated powers of the federal government to protect wrights of powers retained by the people against states is federalism .

The current narrative being forwarded by traitors to principles of us republic is that as public policy for abortion is not an enumerated in the constitution , either as a wright of power retained by the people , or as a power prohibited by the constitution to the states , then states are entitled to the power for determining public policy on abortion , irrespective of any consideration for wrights of power retained by the people to have an abortion .

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[7]

The First through Eighth Amendments address the means by which the federal government exercises its enumerated powers, while the Ninth Amendment addresses a "great residuum" of rights that have not been "thrown into the hands of the government", as Madison put it.[12]

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.[7]

This is exactly right. The enumerated powers is not a list by which to judge all the rights afforded to the people. The 18 specified powers are a list of delegated federal powers, which are the powers assigned to the federal government, and are the ones referred to in the tenth ammendment.

The 9th ammendment simply says that because a right is not enumerated, it doesn’t mean the federal government can disparage people from other right, (and then the 10th amendment), but only the powers delegated to the federal government by the constitution (the 18 enumerated power) are valid, everything else is left to the states and the people.

Answer to when does a state interest begin is when public safety is in involved as if the medical procedure causes undue and unreasonable harm to a patient - so NEVER.


Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?

I have never been in favor of abortion in my personal relationships and I’ve made sure I will never ever be responsible for an unwanted pregnancy; but I accept that the state does not have and should not aspire to have the right to inflict childbirth on a woman who does not want to give birth a child.

Abortions are legal and being protected in rationally governed states where they are safe, sanitary and unstigmatizing, States must be returned to bring united on safe legal and “early” as Sean Hannity now says.

The moral dilemma over when the unborn attain the rights of a person that supersede the rights of a woman over her own physical person is not resolved by biological or political science and should never be forced by a tyranny of a religious majority on a woman to grant her fetus an immediate right to life beginning at conception.

RvW produced a common sense morally acceptable compromise on that moral dilemma that stood for fifty years.

It should never have been torn down by the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” because without detectable exception all elective abortions take place prior to the 16th week of pregnancy.

And those with a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at conception are at liberty to take their conceptions to full term
If they do choose.


Medical procedures are private matters, are they not? Why is abortion different?

It’s not. Federal government shouldn’t be in the medicine business either way. The fed gov shouldn’t be mandating elective medical procedures just like they shouldn’t be mandating elective abortions.

but I accept that the state does not have and should not aspire to have the right to inflict childbirth on a woman who does not want to give birth a child.

And I don’t think the federal government should force a state to allow it. That is when the issue is taken up by the people of a state, and their elected officials. If you make an exception for that…then what other powers will we allow to the federal government (hint: 90% of the power the federal government currently has)

The moral dilemma over when the unborn attain the rights of a person that supersede the rights of a woman over her own physical person is not resolved by biological or political science and should never be forced by a tyranny of a religious majority on a woman to grant her fetus an immediate right to life beginning at conception.

I agree it should not be a religious decision, and my argument here isn’t even from a moral perspective. I’m arguing based on states rights vs delegated federal powers.

RvW produced a common sense morally acceptable compromise on that moral dilemma that stood for fifty years.M

This explanation is the reason it was good that roe was overturned. Roe did not grant the right to abortion, it said that women have a right to privacy in the matter of their medical treatment. The activist left took that and decided that meant abortion was determined to be a constitutional right. The Supreme Court cannot create constitutional rights and it can’t supersede the 10th amendment.

It should never have been torn down by the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” because without detectable exception all elective abortions take place prior to the 16th week of pregnancy.

Again, which justices formed their decision based on saving the fetus? Their decision was based on returning the decision to the states, right? If they made it about religion, or for saving the fetus, then they would have made the right decision, but for the wrong reasons.

And those with a religious belief that the sanctity of life begins at conception are at liberty to take their conceptions to full term
If they do choose.

You don’t have to be religious to believe that life begins at conception. That is a scientific fact. The formation of the cells is the formation of something living, and left to nature, will grow into a fetus, and then into a baby. That can only happen with something that is alive. Now, sure, it may not be self aware life, but it is life non the less, and what it will eventually become.

Now, some people believe that the “life” created at conception is a baby and has value, some believe that it’s just tissue and has no value.

To each their own, but, again, my argument isn’t about why people get abortions, hell, I’m not even arguing if people should or should not get abortions. I’m just saying it’s not the jurisdiction of the federal government to force states into allowing it.
For 50 years it WAS its authority...

And the state has no business obliging a woman to risk her life delivering.

No, it was never the “authority”, it was the result of pro abortion activism taking what scotus said about roe, and MAKING it “the authority”

And the state has no business obliging a woman to risk her life delivering.

I agree, and currently, no state obliges a woman to risk her life. ALL states have exception for the life of the mother.
beagle9, you will not be allowed to use force, which is always the fascistic way of the right.
Are you stupid or illiterate or something ? Go back and re-read the post again numbskull. It reads that the leftist only want to use force through and by government control, and all in order to make everyone capitulate to the leftist agenda, but that ain't going to fly.
And the baby aborting so called Catholics Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi?
If you have an evidence that Biden or Pelosi ever aborted s fetus of their own; Let’s see it, otherwise shut up about it. Catholics who reach high public office are there to represent all Americans, Not that baby are Catholic. So they are not committing a sin by being pro-choice as a matter of public policy.

the foolish riots started,
The Chauvin Riots Helped Trump. But not enough. He lost. All Black people are not looters and rioters. and Republicans are unable to disassociate themselves from white supremacy and accept that black lives should matter to a political party. But Republican strength is white grievance matters more than black lives.

Republicans look to rebrand abortion as 'pro-life' stops working for them

Laura Clawson, author

by Laura Clawson for Daily Kos
Daily Kos Staff
Friday, September 08, 2023 at 12:40:25p E

Tell me Saint Beagle and Saint BluesLegend do you care if the Republican Party tries to disassociate itself from the “Saving Baby Fetus Cult” in 2024? Become no different than Democrats at the national level?
Beagle9 is now backing up. He is claiming the Left wants to do what the violent Right so wishes to do.
Are you stupid or illiterate or something ? Go back and re-read the post again numbskull. It reads that the leftist only want to use force through and by government control, and all in order to make everyone capitulate to the leftist agenda, but that ain't going to fly.
Beagle9 is now backing up. He is claiming the Left wants to do what the violent Right so wishes to do.
Big difference in wishes and what the left has been doing for years now when looking back. No backing up liar, now either admit you misconstrued the post or maybe you tried to manipulate the post be it one way or the other.

Hmmm, now there is that word "slow" in you name that you have chosen, and now it is that no one wonders why anymore ... 😂
Now, some people believe that the “life” created at conception is a baby and has value, some believe that it’s just tissue and has no value.

To each their own,
Do you really mean the last four words?

So if a Jewish woman wants to have an early elective abortion based upon her religion that God breathes his essence into a newborn at birth and that is when the value of life begins, but she lives in a state where the majority religion prevails that the value of life begins at conception, why can’t she get a legal abortion in her state where she lives? That is if each individual can decide when prior to birth when they believe the value of life begins? If as you say, to each their own.

I do not see you protecting a woman’s first amendment right to be not subservient to Catholic doctrine about when they insist their faithful accept that the sanctity of life begins.

Her conscience is not protected equally with other women in other states who have access to early abortion care? Why do you accept that?

nf.23.09.08 #10,813
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Biden takes over, and instantly goes to work to restore the cheap illegal labor markets for the rich, and started destroying Americans who prospered under MAGA,​
Where do you live?

The problem has been inflation due in part because wages are up and employers can’t find workers / Show me where Biden restored “cheap illegal labor markets”whatever that means.

You gotta stop listening to Hillbilly Christian Radio and get some Reality Connected News.

Our friends at the Economic Policy Institute have done a comprehensive studyof the combined impact of the bipartisan infrastructure bill plus the larger reconciliation package based on Biden’s Build Back Better. They find that the two, taken together, will directly create upward of four million new jobs.​
Of the direct job creation, 556,000 new jobs would be created yearly in manufacturing; 312,000 in construction industries; 763,000 in climate-related jobs, including electric-vehicle infrastructure and federal procurement of clean technologies, public transit, power infrastructure, climate resilience, agriculture and forestry innovations, environmental remediation, and scientific research and development; and 1.2 million in the caregiving professions. So there is a powerful synergy between the social investment that the economy needs and the complementary gains in job creation.​

Since these federal outlays come with wage standards (and manufacturing and construction jobs already pay well above median wage), these public investments also have major benefits in the form of higher worker pay. Build Back Better not only creates upward of four million new jobs; it creates good jobs.​
This is especially important in the caregiving occupations, where earnings have been a disgrace. By dramatically increasing public investments in universal pre-K, child care, home care, and other forms of elder care, government both enables workers to gain more skills that command higher pay and provides leverage for government standards to raise earnings directly.​
So he ran on a MAGA platform in order to right the ship, bring jobs back for all Americans, and build the wall as a symbol or message to our own elites that no longer will you throw this nation out of balance like that again. It all ends now.
Trump’s ultimate goal is to make (white) Americans feel safe from unauthorized immigration.

That is: White “Christian” Americans deeply morally religiously committed to the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

Written before Trump was elected
As the first white Christian
nationalist President:

Trump’s not just demanding that the government implement all his policies before legalization could be placed on the table — he’s demanding that Americans start feeling that immigration is no longer an issue. Given that Americans’ fears about immigration are as much about race (if not more so) as they are about legal status, it doesn’t seem like that anxiety will fully disappear no matter what the government does.​
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First of all, the S. C. did not return the issue of abortion regulation, if any, to the States. It was always within those powers reserved by the states and people therein. The S.C. merely confirmed what our Constitution stated from the beginning.
The Constitution is silent on abortion.

The concept of sanctity of life beginning at conception was not present when the Constitution was written. This means states cannot require women to conform
their conscience to a Catholic doctrine that stipulated when it would be a sin to end one’s body’s continuation of gestation by safe medical means that’s been readily available for fifty years.

And when America was born there was no safe alternative for an “individual” to be able to safely avoid the risk of gestating a fetus to a full term of pregnancy and giving one’s fetus a chance at live birth,

So how does the USSC through Dobbs confirm what our Constitution stated from the beginnin?

And are you committing to a confirmation that the maternal death rate as a result of childbirth is zero?

nf.23.09.09 #10,816
The real issue is whether the federal Constitution already is supposed to protect life. And it is. So, it comes down to whether they will ever acknowledge what science already knows: life begins at conception.
They won’t because they can’t assign an equal right to life to that which is alive inside a woman’s body for at least 20 weeks because nature does not give a right to life equal to the potential birth mother in 10 out of 100 human egg fertilizations due to miscarriages. Some studies are saying half of all pregnancies end in miscarriages because women have no knowledge that it happens.

THAT’s a lot of funerals Saving Baby Fetus Cult devotees are going to have to attend.

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Trump’s ultimate goal is to make (white) Americans feel safe from unauthorized immigration.

That is: White “Christian” Americans deeply morally religiously committed to the Saving Baby Fetus Cult.

Written before Trump was elected
As the first white Christian
nationalist President:

Trump’s not just demanding that the government implement all his policies before legalization could be placed on the table — he’s demanding that Americans start feeling that immigration is no longer an issue. Given that Americans’ fears about immigration are as much about race (if not more so) as they are about legal status, it doesn’t seem like that anxiety will fully disappear no matter what the government does.​
Your leftist liberal whitesplaining fake but purposeful race baiting is noted.

Look, the race card can't be thrown at everything dummy. Biden as we speak, with his Rhino's and cronies are destroying poor black and poor white job opportunities by replacing their job positions with migrant labor flowing across the border like a tsunami
Every construction job one passes by once again, has nothing but migrant labor working in a 98% capacity. So now everyone should see what's been the plan all along.... Everyone should see why Trump was being attacked by the machine, in which is a machine that has all of this diabolical stuff in motion.
Big difference in wishes and what the left has been doing for years now when looking back. No backing up liar, now either admit you misconstrued the post or maybe you tried to manipulate the post be it one way or the other.

Hmmm, now there is that word "slow" in you name that you have chosen, and now it is that no one wonders why anymore ... 😂
Charlottesville, Berkely, J6. You are only words.
Your leftist liberal whitesplaining fake but purposeful race baiting is noted.

Look, the race card can't be thrown at everything dummy. Biden as we speak, with his Rhino's and cronies are destroying poor black and poor white job opportunities by replacing their job positions with migrant labor flowing across the border like a tsunami
Every construction job one passes by once again, has nothing but migrant labor working in a 98% capacity. So now everyone should see what's been the plan all along.... Everyone should see why Trump was being attacked by the machine, in which is a machine that has all of this diabolical stuff in motion.
You all want crazy when a black man became President.

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