Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

no! You would disenfranchise my vote + tens of millions so you could keep your orange anti-Christ in office. It’s not a discussion between rational human beings anymore since your side continues to back Trump’s criminal enterprise that you do not want to be brought to justice or even have a trial - you want him to keep trying.

Yeah, who’s plan is it to disenfranchise millions of voters, potentially ?
Because it's killing a living human being.
What do you plan to do about all the Republicans in Ohio that will vote to make killing human beings a constitutional right in Ohio?

The SC decided that Roe was a bad decision, as many legal scholars agreed. Now the people of the states can have their voices heard.
Tell me, How was it that Roe versus Wade was overturned in the first place?

Do you think the six Catholic judges, three of which were appointed by Trump woke up one day with nothing to do and said let’s just overturn RvW for shits and giggles?
He’s merged 2 threads together!
Did Trump’s promise to white Christian Evangelicals in 2015 to appoint Judges in favor of forcing full term gestation on women have anything to do with RvW being overturned by a very sloppy six Catholic ruling.

Nevertheless the Republican Party is fucked because Dobbs was a Constitutional fuckup so I want to discuss it and you want to hide from it. I get it.
Did Trump’s promise to white Christian Evangelicals in 2015 to appoint Judges in favor of forcing full term gestation on women have anything to do with RvW being overturned by a very sloppy six Catholic ruling.

Nevertheless the Republican Party is fucked because Dobbs was a Constitutional fuckup so I want to discuss it and you want to hide from it. I get it.

Lol…responding to a post that has nothing to do with the topic, as if it did..

beep…click click….whiiiirrr… Waowaowaowao…click..beeeeeep
If those states award their votes to the popular vote winner, even though the state may have voted for the other guy….that would disenfranchise them.

How does it disenfranchise any individual who votes if their vote counts to determine the winner.
Lol…responding to a post that has nothing to do with the topic, as if it did..
When when you can’t answer a question I know you are stuck.

Did Trump’s promise to white Christian Evangelicals in 2015 to appoint Judges in favor of forcing full term gestation on women have anything to do with RvW being overturned by a very sloppy six Catholic ruling?
When when you can’t answer a question I know you are stuck.

Did Trump’s promise to white Christian Evangelicals in 2015 to appoint Judges in favor of forcing full term gestation on women have anything to do with RvW being overturned by a very sloppy six Catholic ruling?
I can answer it, I’m just making an observation.
Did Trump’s promise to white Christian Evangelicals in 2015 to appoint Judges in favor of forcing full term gestation on women have anything to do with RvW being overturned by a very sloppy six Catholic ruling.

Nevertheless the Republican Party is fucked because Dobbs was a Constitutional fuckup so I want to discuss it and you want to hide from it. I get it.

Dobbs was a good decision because roe should have never happened. It was never the federal governments business to get involved.

Scotus said that women had a right to privacy and the left took that to mean that abortion was a constitutional right.

That should have always been a state decision.
If a state votes for one candidate, but that state awards the electoral votes to the other candidate…that is disenfranchisement.
So you are talking about disenfranchising a state not an individual.

Trump attempted to disenfranchise seven states that Biden won by not counting the electors certified by each state. The effect was to reduce the total count of the electoral college so Trump did not need 270 to win. When Biden’s seven states were kicked backed to the states unconstitutionally Pence was supposed to pronounce him an Trump the winner.

When Pence fraudulently declared Trump the winner, had he decided to commit fraud on Jan6, it would have disenfranchised every Biden voter including nine out of ten black Americans who do not want Trump to pick any more USSC Justices who rule in favor of the Confederacy and against minority rights.
Dobbs was a good decision
Dobbs will be recorded in history as the stupidest USSC decision ever made because all they constitutionally had to do was recognize the maternal death rate means no state shall force a woman to harm herself, risk death when a medical procedure can eliminate the risk entirely.

The USSC could have REVERSED all state interest until live birth if they didn’t like viability, recognizing that women self- regulate abortion on demand in freedom anyway by choosing to have vast majority of abortions before 21 weeks.

The right to abortion is firmly rooted in the Constitution’s promise of “a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”. It is essential to the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.

Abortion rights separates voters who are sympathetic with the tyranny of white Christian Nationalists from those of us filled with the spirit of independence, liberty and enlightenment that drove our first four presidents to give birth to a nation with ideals of equality, law and order and self-governance that MAGA Republicans no longer hold and nevermire will cherish and for Donald J Trump are willing to abort all that Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison gave us.

See nf.23.08.21 #10,424
nf.23.08.22 #10,454
Most of the Young and the Women most exercised by this Abortion Issue are from Blue States like California/New York--all the usual. •••• Do they understand that the recent court case will have absolutely no effect on them?
But Dobbs is void of reason. Absence of reason will not quench the universal thirst of liberty. When Dobbs harms (negatively affects) one woman somewhere; it harms all women everywhere; it harms all of us.

Jefferson, Aquinas and Reason​
Both Thomases sought to purify the intellectual discourse of their day with new insights, but neither man ever denied the possibility that human reason can and must work out for itself basic ideas of justice, of morality, and of human flourishing. Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Aquinas: An Imagined Encounter | J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P. 23.08.22​
Contemplating our dull and conformist consumerism, both Thomases would have concurred in the judgment that a man committed to the life of reason would be more readily able to resist the subtle slavery to merely materialistic yearnings. “

mcly.13.08.18 ten years ago
Catholics and Protestants in the United States have lived in complete peace because of a concept called Separation of Church and State...thanks Mr. Jefferson. Neither side has ANY HOPE OF using the State to oppress the other...and peace is the result.

I believe you have underestimated the power back then of the religious force from the right to abort the Jefferson and Madison ideal of separation of church and state.

Madison’s ‘freedom of conscience’ dictates that individual belief that sanctity of life begins at first breath shall not be harmed

Dobbs harms it in California and New York when it is banned anywhere in The UNITED states of America.

nf.23.08.22 #10,456
mcly.15.08.23 eight years ago

Jefferson didn't buy all the miracles reported by the Old Testament. Many of us don't. He also said the Moral Code of Jesus was the most sublime known to mankind. and he plainly said he was a Christian.

More from the rational theist Thomas Jefferson:

GUNO.14.05.01 #111 Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity.
-Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782

GUNO.14.05.01 #111 And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors. -Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823 :

GUNO.14.05.01 #101 Thomas Jefferson:
"The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful, and capricious. If one wishes to know more of this raging, three headed beast-like god, one only needs to look at the caliber of people who say they serve him. They are always of two classes: fools and hypocrites. •••• When we see religion split into so many thousands of sects, and I may say Christianity itself divided into it's thousands also, who are disputing, anathematizing, and where the laws permit, burning and torturing one another for abstractions which no one of them understand, and which are indeed beyond the comprehension of the human mind, into which of the chambers of this Bedlam would a man wish to thrust himself. •••• The sum of all religion as expressed by its best preacher, "fear god and love thy neighbor,' contains no mystery, needs no explanation - but this wont do. It gives no scope to make dupes; priests could not live by it." ..........Letter to George Logan, November 12, 1816

GUNO.14.05.01 #101 "Creeds have been the bane of the Christian church ... made of Christendom a slaughter-house." ..........To Benjamin Waterhouse, Jun. 26, 1822

Jefferson’ was not a Christian because the Bible was not Holy and Jesus was a man - never God / no virgin birth / no rise from the dead / no sacrifice as son of god for humanity’s salvationn from sin. None of that “dung” concealing diamonds. His political opponents called him an atheist.

Rational theists were called atheists in those days by believers in Christ as a means to salvation from going to hell.

These ministers publicly vilified Thomas Jefferson as an anti-religious atheist who was unfit to hold the highest office in the land. Sermon upon sermon was published by layperson and cleric alike that sought to prove beyond doubt Jefferson’s infidelity.​

FYI Nf.23.08.22 #10,457
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mcly.15.08.22 #22
Jefferson said" "I am a real Christian; that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus." Letter to Benjamin Waterhouse 6/26/1822

Jefferson was saying the James Dobson Constant Butthurt Christian’s of his era were not “real” Christians. He was a real disciple of Jesus moral teaching without the corrupt church facade of hocus pocus divinity.

To Charles Thomson Monticello, January 9, 1816. I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus, very different from the Platonists, who call me infidel and themselves Christians and preachers of the gospel, while they draw all their characteristic dogmas from what its author never said nor saw. They have compounded from the heathen mysteries a system beyond the comprehension of man,​

FYI nf.23.08,22 #10,458
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So you are talking about disenfranchising a state not an individual.

Trump attempted to disenfranchise seven states that Biden won by not counting the electors certified by each state. The effect was to reduce the total count of the electoral college so Trump did not need 270 to win. When Biden’s seven states were kicked backed to the states unconstitutionally Pence was supposed to pronounce him an Trump the winner.

When Pence fraudulently declared Trump the winner, had he decided to commit fraud on Jan6, it would have disenfranchised every Biden voter including nine out of ten black Americans who do not want Trump to pick any more USSC Justices who rule in favor of the Confederacy and against minority rights.

So you are talking about disenfranchising a state not an individual.

No…that would be disenfranchising the voters of those states…18 states…not the states, the individual voters.

Dobbs will be recorded in history as the stupidest USSC decision ever made because all they constitutionally had to do was recognize the maternal death rate means no state shall force a woman to harm herself, risk death when a medical procedure can eliminate the risk entirely.

The USSC could have REVERSED all state interest until live birth if they didn’t like viability, recognizing that women self- regulate abortion on demand in freedom anyway by choosing to have vast majority of abortions before 21 weeks.

The right to abortion is firmly rooted in the Constitution’s promise of “a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”. It is essential to the rights of personal autonomy and bodily integrity guaranteed in the 14th Amendment.

Abortion rights separates voters who are sympathetic with the tyranny of white Christian Nationalists from those of us filled with the spirit of independence, liberty and enlightenment that drove our first four presidents to give birth to a nation with ideals of equality, law and order and self-governance that MAGA Republicans no longer hold and nevermire will cherish and for Donald J Trump are willing to abort all that Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison gave us.

See nf.23.08.21 #10,424
nf.23.08.22 #10,454

had to do was recognize the maternal death rate means no state shall force a woman to harm herself, risk death when a medical procedure can eliminate the risk entirely.

You’re falling back on the argument that would have people assume that all women are at risk of harm and death because of being pregnant, when those risks are not as great, compared to the number of babies aborted due to other reasons. Also, no state has a complete ban on abortion. Every state either allows abortion, or has a clause to allow abortion if the pregnant person is at risk.

The right to abortion is firmly rooted in the Constitution’s promise of “a realm of personal liberty which the government may not enter.”.

Correct, it’s an area that the federal government may not enter, which is all that dobbs did.

You mentioned in an earlier post that the cotus guarantees us the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, doesn’t that mean the human being in the womb, that is living, also has a right to life?

Abortion rights separates voters who are sympathetic with the tyranny of white Christian Nationalists from those of us filled with the spirit of independence,

Who’s more sympathetic. The person that wants to terminate a life, or the person who wants the baby to live? Also, you mention “the tyranny of white Christian nationalist…”, as if color had anything to do with this debate. I’ll agree that the religious community has been anti abortion, however. I also agree that their religious beliefs should have no bearing on whether or not someone gets an abortion. Not everyone is religious and so, they can’t exert their beliefs on others.

Roe was bad precedent because it essentially, due to incorrect interpretation by the left, made abortion a right, and they were fine with that, but then ask a leftist if they would be ok with the scotus or the federal government forcing states to recognize national reciprocity, then all of the sudden states rights becomes important again.

Look, my argument here isn’t whether or not a woman should have access to abortion, it’s whether or not the federal government has a right to force states to allow it.

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