Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

You claimed that the baby has no right to life and except that the mother gives it until it is separated from the mother. Separation from the mother occurs at birth…so this would have to mean you agree with abortion up until the point of birth. So again, I ask, what is the difference between a baby 5 minutes before birth, and 5 minutes after birth?

As to the Ohio laws on abortion, that is fine, because it is a state making it’s own laws. I agree with that. I don’t agree with the federal government overreaching it’s authority to mandate abortion be legal nationwide.
Logic and reality always confuse him.
99% of all abortions occur before 24 weeks.

That late term 1% involve women who want to give birth to a baby and are suffering that nine months of being an expectant mother has turned into a medical crisis involving loss of her life or natural death of her baby.

Your question tells me you have no respect and sensitivity for pregnant women who suffer something you and I would hate to endure.
I’ve already said I agree with abortion due to risk factors. Generally, I don’t care what a woman does with her body, my only argument has always been, it’s not the federal governments jurisdiction.

You can think that is happening, but that’s not exactly it. I think you’re referring to polls that say Biden has lost support from non-whites. The drop off in support from blacks is not as significant as it is among Hispanics. You likely have misinterpreted that loss of support for Biden among non-white means blacks are moving to support Trump. That is not the case.

Be that as it may, the issue is not what happens nationally with the non-white registered voter. It is what happens in three states. That would be Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The blue wall.

You need to know what non-white support is in those three states and I am not aware of any data that can be relied upon that is as significant as actual elections in those states since 2020.

The key to Trump’s winning the White House in 2016 was his success in dislodging Michigan and Pennsylvania, as well as Wisconsin, from what I termed the “blue wall”: the 18 states that voted Democratic in all six presidential elections from 1992 through 2012. But since Trump’s initial breakthrough, Democrats have regained ground in all three of those Rustbelt states, with Biden recapturing each in 2020 and the party winning their gubernatorial elections in 2018 and 2022.​

Democrats won the governorship in all three states last year by margins that far exceeded Biden’s 2020 totals, posting especially strong performances in the white-collar suburbs that have proven the most resistant to the Trump-era GOP. That success was especially striking because it came despite exit polls showing that most voters were negative on both the economy and Biden’s job performance. Democrats overcame those headwinds to win decisively in the Michigan and Pennsylvania gubernatorial contests (as well as a Pennsylvania Senate race) largely behind preponderant support from the large majority of voters in each state who wanted abortion to remain legal. Those results underscored how difficult it may be for the GOP to retake Michigan and Pennsylvania while abortion rights remain front and center for voters.​
Let me repeat that critical commentary, just in case you missed the word “abortion” . . .

Democrats overcame those headwinds to win decisively in the Michigan and Pennsylvania gubernatorial contests (as well as a Pennsylvania Senate race) largely behind preponderant support from the large majority of voters in each state who wanted abortion to remain legal.

And let me remind you what happened in Wisconsin with the liberal pro-choice supreme court of Wisconsin election. The pro-choice liberal won by a landslide

Biden is pro-choice. If its opponent in 2024 is the man who is responsible as he claims and brags about for overturning Roe v. Wade what the fuck are chances he can win Pennsylvania, Wisconsin or Michigan or any other state where women want to remain the sole authority over their own bodies.

Where they do not want white Christian Republican MAGA males and their submissive women passing laws, telling them what to do if they unfortunately become pregnant when it was not intended.

Most black males just like everybody else have an interest in getting along with women. So I think you and your Trump are fucked even if your guy beats all the raps against him.

More people will see what Trump and his people did to Ruby, Freeman and her daughter. They were black by the way.


Roe was bad precedent because it essentially, due to incorrect interpretation by the left, made abortion a right, and they were fine with that, but then ask a leftist if they would be ok with the scotus or the federal government forcing states to recognize national reciprocity, then all of the sudden states rights becomes important again.

RvW dealt with a privacy issue that had nor has no impact on public safety. Public safety is an issue that states can regulate according to the will of the people in the state.

When a government bans a medical procedure that eliminates a choice a woman wants to make with her doctor there is no public safety issue that the ban eliminates.

The state has a public safety issue related to political will on regulating firearms per societal conditions such as big cities versus rural communities.

Abortion by pill or surgery has no impact on your right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness. Does it?

Proliferation of firearms being carried on public streets has an effect on public safety so I should be able to vote my preference on the manner of how firearms shall be regulated. Regulation hiwever may not interfere with a Constitutional right.

Abortion does not interfere with any public individual’s rights whatsoever. There is no state interest to protect the public from a private matter of a woman making a personal health decision.

nf.23.08.05 #10,725

I do not want the Federal Government or any Government interfering in women’s reproductive decisions.

dlldd.22.12.26 #6,514


CNN —The Trump campaign directed a group of Georgia Republicans to meet in secret and obscure their objectives in an email obtained by federal prosecutors as part of their recent investigation into Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the election in several swing states.​
The email is part of the intensifying Justice Department investigation focused on the Trump campaign’s interactions with so-called alternate Republican electors in states Trump lost and whether a scheme to organize them could be charged as a crime.​
The Georgia email has not been disclosed publicly until now. It was sent by Robert Sinners, Trump’s election day operations lead in Georgia on December 13, 2020, 18 hours before the group of alternate electors gathered at the Georgia State Capitol, according to multiple sources familiar with it.​
“I must ask for your complete discretion in this process,” Sinners wrote. “Your duties are imperative to ensure the end result – a win in Georgia for President Trump – but will be hampered unless we have complete secrecy and discretion.”​

Tell us Saint Delldude if the alternate electors in Hawaii 1960 were convened in secrecy?

nf.23.09.04 #10,702
In court litigation......if,in case of a decision the Trump had won the state.....He needed a group of electors picked who would affirm His win.
Generally, I don’t care what a woman does with her body,

Which one is the real you? #10,320 or

So, you suggest that abortion should be a form of contraception? You suggesting that is ok to just use it repeatedly? So, to you, you don’t value life? You think people don’t have to be accountable for their actions? They can just get pregnant, and then throw it in the trash if it is an inconvenience?

Oh wait, it’s not a life right? Not until it’s born?

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so this would have to mean you agree with abortion up until the point of birth
So do you.

I agree with elective abortions only up to the point of viability exactly as the Proposed OHIO Constitution defines it -
allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”

Ohio Issue 1, the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative, is on the ballot in Ohio as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 7, 2023.

A "yes" vote supports amending the Ohio Constitution to:
  • establish a state constitutional right to "make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions," including decisions about abortion, contraception, fertility treatment, miscarriage care, and continuing pregnancy, and
  • allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.”
——/ I’m pro-life.
Are you outside or inside another person’s body when you “think” you are that?

When you use the word “life” are you referring to the “sanctity of life” or the biological sciences definition of life present in all mammals either in a condition of pre-birth dependency or post-birth independent life?

Do you still read Decision Magazine?
cllblk.23.05.91 #20
Time to update your talking point, Sparky.

A recent evangelical gripe found in Decision Magazine

Following yesterday’s loss, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America issued a statement that read in part: “It is a sad day for Ohio and a warning for pro-life states across the nation. … Sadly, attacks on state constitutions are now the national playbook of the extreme pro-abortion Left. That is why everyone must take this threat seriously and recognize progressives will win if their opponents are scared into submission by the pro-abortion Left.” Updated Aug. 9, 2023
nf.23.09.06 #10,736
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In that case I would not know.
That’s because a rational person in search of truth and positive human conditions established in the give-and-take of politics would take a few minutes from insult bantering to read a post.

What is so hard about taking a couple minutes to at least read a post before choosing to ignore it

The decision was yours not to read it. I can’t do anything about that but I do know this.

Rational people know that messiahs don’t molest women and brag about it, don’t fleece people with a phony school who just want a college education, don’t encourage racial hatred, and don’t get crowds to try to overturn democracy and kill a policeman.​

It is not rational to participate in a public forum such as this and do not want to read what those opposed to you have to say. My post was not as long as the Bhagavad-Gita are the holy Bible. Two fucking minutes? tldnr Jesus?

nf.23.09.06 #10,737
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That’s because a rational person in search of truth and positive human conditions established in the give-and-take of politics would take a few minutes from insult bantering to read a post.

What is so hard about taking a couple minutes to at least read a post before choosing to ignore it

The decision was yours not to read it. I can’t do anything about that but I do know this.

Rational people know that messiahs don’t molest women and brag about it, don’t fleece people with a phony school who just want a college education, don’t encourage racial hatred, and don’t get crowds to try to overturn democracy and kill a policeman.​

It is not rational to participate in a public forum such as this and do not want to read what those opposed to you have to say. My post was not as long as the Bhagavad-Gita are the holy Bible. Two fucking minutes? tldnr Jesus?

nf.23.09.06 #10,737
/----/ First of all, the article is hidden behind a paywall. I'm not subscribing to Raw Story.
Secondly, there is no need to read the article. Anyone can see from the first three sentences that the piece was written by a Trump-hating left-wing hack. You don't persuade anyone by attacking their views and beliefs with hyperbole.
molest women and brag about it, don’t fleece people with a phony school who just want a college education, don’t encourage racial hatred, and don’t get crowds to try to overturn democracy and kill a policeman.
Facts are not

Are you saying Trump didn’t do any of those things?
" Debating With Crazy People About Their Uniform Fetish To Mitigate Their Delusions And Anxiety Of Live And Death "

* Jumps To Debate Unrelated Incidentals Not In The Thread Referenced *

How nefarious are you that you would bring up circumcision in the nefarious way that you did, otherwise in hopes to win your argument ??? A little secret for you Mr. Nefarious Ignant person, circumcision is something the parents call for under their religious beliefs, but the most important reason is that doctors also recommend it for health benefits, otherwise in order to help stop diseases due to the procedure at later dates in life.
How could gawd have made such a mistake so that males were not already prepared for a life without perdition ?

Some are allergic to shellfish , while eating uncooked pork could cause trichinosis , getting a covid shot could cause blood clots in some individuals , some are allergic to peanuts .

Are you preparing to dictate leviticus and sharia as public policy ?

* Excuses For Ignoring With Cause Abortion As It Is None Of Your Sick Demented Business *
I knew a person (an employee of mine actually), that had to be circumcised as an adult, and it was because he had constant infections, and the doctor recommended it. Afterwards, no problem with infections was the remedy he described as a result.
In no way can you compare these things like you attempted to do, but you went there out of desperation didn't you ?
When young and in the military , before going to the field for about three weeks i had sex with the wife and did not take a shower there after .

It was dry and hot and three days later a severe itch developed for poor hygiene and i took off my underwear and have not worn any since .
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