Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

The federal government has no business making decisions for the masses regarding abortion law. It is up to the people of each state to decide. We left England for that very same reason.

So life begins at conception..

When the people decide to Save Baby Fetus only after 24 weeks according to RvW precedent; is that ok with you.?

dlldd.22.12.26 #6,514
dlldd.23.08.02 #10,099
nf.23.08.02 #10,101
Democrats took action. Where are their indictments?​

Talk about aborting the US Constitution -

Pence spills the beans for Jack Smith and We the People of the United States of America

Create chaos in the House - Declare Trump/Pence the winners - Cause demonstrations and civil unrest in the big cities where black pissed off voters live - Trump sends US MILITARY into those cities under the Insurrection Act - Stewart Rhodes brings Trump’s private militia into it. - dares Supreme Court to stop him - go golfing if it fails Try again 2024

Paraphrasing Pence: No Democrat sitting President pressured his VP to literally reject votes in seven states BIden won, based on fraudulent electors presented, declare electoral college victory, which would have resulted in the issue being turned over to the House of Representatives and literally chaos would have ensued.

PENCE Aug 2 2023: “Let’s let’s be clear on this point: It wasn’t just to ask for a pause,” Pence said on Fox News.​
“The president specifically asked me ― and his gaggle of crackpot lawyers asked me ― to literally reject votes, which would have resulted in the issue being turned over to the House of Representatives and literally chaos would have ensued.”

ndpndntthnkr.23.08.03 #10,087
nf.23.08:03 #10,102
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I mean, at this point, I'm going to stop replying.

I have to click to see this ignored garbage, which I keep doing, and why?

I've already politely and less politely informed him that he should optimally just die, and meant that with all sincerity.

W's Bitchboy, you are one of the dumbest and worst human beings on this planet, sincerely, you're the worst poster on this board, and one of the worst I've ever seen. You're a horrific travesty.

Never reproduce - the species should not have to suffer your genes.
The Republican Party and Independents who lean red have labeled 2/3 of potential voters “Baby Killers” for supporting abortion rights prior to 22 weeks. It’s a political party killing stance from every angle of demographics and political science that can be examined.

less than 1 percent of abortions performed in 2020 occurred after 21 weeks’ gestation​

Prior to Dobbs, Americans like MacVittie didn’t have a lot of reasons to think about why someone would want a later abortion, or what would be involved in getting one. Abortions after 20 weeks are rare — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 1 percent of abortions performed in 2020 occurred after 21 weeks’ gestation — and highly stigmatized.​

But the wave of bans that went into effect across the South in 2022 included very few exceptions, suddenly making it difficult or impossible for women in later stages of pregnancy to obtain abortions for health reasons or because of fatal fetal abnormalities. Americans were inundated with stories of women forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term, and tales of people who nearly died because they couldn’t receive an abortion that doctors said was medically necessary. As a result, some Americans are increasingly unwilling to let states draw any lines — a shift that could defang one of the Republican Party’s most effective attacks on legal abortion, which focuses on recent attempts in blue states to loosen abortion restrictions in late pregnancy.

“With later pregnancies, abortion becomes a tough conversation,” said August S., a 23-year-old who lives in Chicago and who asked that his full name be withheld for professional reasons. “But the people who would get abortions in those late trimesters aren’t doing it just to have an abortion. It’s for medical reasons. So I wouldn’t put any restrictions on it​
I mean, at this point, I'm going to stop replyin
You said enough to help kill the republican party, so I hope you keep doing it. I can find you no matter where you hide.

myrpls.23.08.03 #10,103
nf.23.07.03 #10,104
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Stop calling abortion before viability murder, it isn't.
It is the intentional and premeditated homicide of an innocent human being, the use of lethal and aggressive violent force to end the life of a victim. •••• In all other cases, this is prosecuted as murder, the most severe category of murder, in every jurisdiction.
And when does a fetus become a 'person'? No one knows, this is not something that science can address. It is the subject of philosophy, so the only determinant is judicial decree. Under Roe, that was at 22 weeks or so. Until we have a judicial decree on that point (which some states do) we do not have a legally established 'viability'. No one is recommending abortion for a fetus that has reached viability, and is legally decreed as a 'person'. So, before that adjudicated point, there is no 'person' and thus there is no murder, and your statement has no legal consequence. If your reasoning is based on a philosophical or religious view, please understand that even the Bible, in many places, treats the unborn as a commodity, as chattel. so, there is very little in law and religion to support your view, other than your own philosophical stance, which carries no weight in this debate. If philosophy is the basis, then 'whose philosophy'? As you can see, if we go there, the destination is chaos
“Viability” is entirely irrelevant, they are human beings, they should be legal persons end of story. ••••
Viability is building your house of standards on shifting sands.
"Should' is not a legal concept, it is a philosophical concept, and is irrelevant.
Viability is all that is relevant. Without a judicial decree establishing the viability threshold, you have no argument. ••••
None. Your 'philosophy' on what a 'person' is, IS irrelevant.
Who cares about what judges say? Change the law in the legislature- all humans are legal persons, end of story, done

Now that Saint Atheist of the saving baby fetus cult has run away again, hopefully for good this time. —- To commemorate this day, I thought I would post examples of the facts based reality that Saint Atheist is running from.

rmpl.23.04.11 #206
myrpls.23.04.11 #216
rmpl.23.04.11 #254
myrpls.23.04.11 #275
rmpl.23.04.11 #277
rmpl.23.04.11 #277
myrpls.23.04.11 #278
nf.23.08.03 #10,105
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Pence seems like a man who will get all of the Christians in the death camps in order of exterminations as they praise the lord.

But Pence is for a national abortion ban at six weeks. Trump says that is too harsh.

Since half a million Baby Fetuses are killed between week six and week fifteen don’t you think Jesus would rather have evangelical white Christians and half of Catholics vote for Pence in the primary rather than baby killer Trump?

lcdw.23.08.03 #15
The Republican Party and Independents who lean red have labeled 2/3 of potential voters “Baby Killers” for supporting abortion rights prior to 22 weeks. It’s a political party killing stance from every angle of demographics and political science that can be examined.

less than 1 percent of abortions performed in 2020 occurred after 21 weeks’ gestation​

Prior to Dobbs, Americans like MacVittie didn’t have a lot of reasons to think about why someone would want a later abortion, or what would be involved in getting one. Abortions after 20 weeks are rare — according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 1 percent of abortions performed in 2020 occurred after 21 weeks’ gestation — and highly stigmatized.​

But the wave of bans that went into effect across the South in 2022 included very few exceptions, suddenly making it difficult or impossible for women in later stages of pregnancy to obtain abortions for health reasons or because of fatal fetal abnormalities. Americans were inundated with stories of women forced to carry nonviable pregnancies to term, and tales of people who nearly died because they couldn’t receive an abortion that doctors said was medically necessary. As a result, some Americans are increasingly unwilling to let states draw any lines — a shift that could defang one of the Republican Party’s most effective attacks on legal abortion, which focuses on recent attempts in blue states to loosen abortion restrictions in late pregnancy.

“With later pregnancies, abortion becomes a tough conversation,” said August S., a 23-year-old who lives in Chicago and who asked that his full name be withheld for professional reasons. “But the people who would get abortions in those late trimesters aren’t doing it just to have an abortion. It’s for medical reasons. So I wouldn’t put any restrictions on it​

You said enough to help kill the republican party, so I hope you keep doing it. I can find you no matter where you hide.

myrpls.23.08.03 #10,103
nf.23.07.03 #10,104

Now that Saint Atheist of the saving baby fetus cult has run away again, hopefully for good this time. —- To commemorate this day, I thought I would post examples of the facts based reality that Saint Atheist is running from.

rmpl.23.04.11 #206
myrpls.23.04.11 #216
rmpl.23.04.11 #254
myrpls.23.04.11 #275
rmpl.23.04.11 #277
rmpl.23.04.11 #277
myrpls.23.04.11 #278
nf.23.08.03 #10,105

Yes they are very smart. they will never vote for a Republican ever again as long as they live and as long as their daughters live. And so on and so forth.

thvdk.23.08.03 #39
nf.23.08.03 #10,106

But Pence is for a national abortion ban at six weeks. Trump says that is too harsh.

Since half a million Baby Fetuses are killed between week six and week fifteen don’t you think Jesus would rather have evangelical white Christians and half of Catholics vote for Pence in the primary rather than baby killer Trump?

lcdw.23.08.03 #15
^ With all this bullshit, you make a case for retroactive abortions up to wtf ever age you are, dumbass fucknugget!
I think women are smart enough to know how to not be forced into giving birth against their will
Then why are so many white Christian Republican male lawmakers passing laws that force full term gestation on women who get pregnant by stupid men who don’t want their woman to get pregnant.

Are you a stupid male?

thvdk.23.08.03 #39
nf.23.08.03 #10,109
Yes we know, the Bible and the word of God terrifies you
I am a rational theist like our first four presidents. Jefferson cut the Bible up and threw out the hell fire and brimstone, Virgin Birth and rising from the dead, sin Satan and salvation stuff.

Our Word of God is the Creation itself. Your Bible and Jesus are only tiny pieces of the vast universe. They didn’t terrify Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine or

Ethan Allen (January 21, 1738 [O.S.January 10, 1737][a] – February 12, 1789) was an American farmer, businessman, land speculator, philosopher, writer, lay theologian, American Revolutionary War patriot, and politician. He is best known as one of the founders of Vermont and for the capture of Fort Ticonderogaearly in the Revolutionary War.

Not a one of those presidents, patriots and founders were terrified of the King as a Representative of Your Biblical God or terrified of the Church of England or the Church of Rome or any other Medieval Church in Europe.

Why should I be terrified of the Bible it had nothing to do with anything that matters in real life for rational people.

What’s Bad is irrational believers of irrational religion using the government to impose their beliefs and superstitions on everybody else. That is wrong and only terrifying if left unchecked,
thvhwk.23.08..04 #27
nf.23.08.04 #10,110
Can anyone tell if struth believes a fetus prior to 24 weeks of gestation is protected by the US Constitution as an individual person for equal protection under the law and a right to life that includes protection from it’s potential birth mother?

strth.22.05.06 #95
jblw.22.05.06 #97
strth.22.05.06 #99
jblw.22.05.06 #103
strth.22.05.06 #118
strth.22.05.06 #118
strth.22.05.06 #118
mshmnt.22.05.07 #174
nf.23.07.31 #10,024
So after 24 weeks it's protected prior to birth ? So now you're moving the goal post to 24 week's out, ok and now somehow you agree with everyone you been fighting with that an unborn baby is a person at some point in time prior to birth ??

Now we've covered this before, and so it is that yes you were moving the goal post back and forth way back then weren't you ?
Then why are so many white Christian Republican male lawmakers passing laws that force full term gestation on women who get pregnant by stupid men who don’t want their woman to get pregnant.

Are you a stupid male?

thvdk.23.08.03 #39
nf.23.08.03 #10,109
No one is forcing anything on women in regards to the matter, but the government doesn't have to sanction it or be involved in it, and that's the rub for you and your pal's ain't it bud ??
I think women are smart enough to know how to not be forced into giving birth against their will.
Then why are so many white Christian Republican male lawmakers passing laws that force full term gestation on women who get pregnant by stupid men who don’t want their woman to get pregnant.
No one is forcing anything on women in regards to the matter,
Jesus! St Beagle RvW allowed states to force full term gestation on women and most if not all states did that on average at about 24 weeks.

Please catch up,

thvdk.23.08.03 #39
nf.23.08.03. #10,109
bvvgl.23.08.04 #10,112
nf.23.08.04 #10,113
I am a rational theist like our first four presidents. Jefferson cut the Bible up and threw out the hell fire and brimstone, Virgin Birth and rising from the dead, sin Satan and salvation stuff.

Our Word of God is the Creation itself. Your Bible and Jesus are only tiny pieces of the vast universe. They didn’t terrify Washington Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine or

Ethan Allen (January 21, 1738 [O.S.January 10, 1737][a] – February 12, 1789) was an American farmer, businessman, land speculator, philosopher, writer, lay theologian, American Revolutionary War patriot, and politician. He is best known as one of the founders of Vermont and for the capture of Fort Ticonderogaearly in the Revolutionary War.

Not a one of those presidents, patriots and founders were terrified of the King as a Representative of Your Biblical God or terrified of the Church of England or the Church of Rome or any other Medieval Church in Europe.

Why should I be terrified of the Bible it had nothing to do with anything that matters in real life for rational people.

What’s Bad is irrational believers of irrational religion using the government to impose their beliefs and superstitions on everybody else. That is wrong and only terrifying if left unchecked,
thvhwk.23.08..04 #27
nf.23.08.04 #10,110
Yet Thomas Jefferson kept those beliefs a secret, and never went public with them. In that respect he was a coward, because he knew he wouldn’t have a snowball‘s chance in hell of being elected if people knew that, because America was a Christian nation. Although I don’t understand this reasoning that if one man felt this way in secret, we should all follow suit.

You ask “Why should I be terrified of the Bible“, right after explaining that you are terrified of the Bible and believers in it, because they somehow lead to a dictatorship of some kind, which is ridiculous. It is an irrational fear, making you an actual Chrsitophobe.
Yet Thomas Jefferson kept those beliefs a secret, and never went public with them. In that respect he was a coward,
Here we have an irrational pouty faced victim of everything as Orange Evangelical Saint of the Saving Baby Fetus Cult calling our fourth president a coward. And this slanderous disrespect for one of the greatest intellectuals and the rational theists’ paragon of RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and freedom of conscience, bases his gutless nasty slander on Jefferson on a lie:

When Jefferson ran the first time in 1800 he was public with his Deism and it could not be otherwise when he used “Nature’s God” instead of any reference to a “Biblical God” in the Declaration of Independence.

" Others attacked Jefferson's deist beliefs as the views of an infidel who "writes aghast the truths of God's words; who makes not even a profession of Christianity; who is without Sabbaths; without the sanctuary, and without so much as a decent external respect for the faith and worship of Christians."​

Just so you theHawk and all the other Orange Evangelical Cultists know - those attacks (see miller link above) came against TJ’s first campaign for president. , on one of our most enlightenment influenced most important revolutionary founders who also served as a first generation most important president*,

* Tied with or 2nd to Madison on religious liberty.

Let’s be clear, Jefferson during his entire life made no profession of Christianity. That attack was correct. He was not an atheist though. His opponent was John Adams, who is also a rational theist and a Unitarian. Unitarians did not believe in the divinity of Christ, nor in the concept of original sin, or a holy trinity.

Jefferson risked his life and wealth and aristocracy to contribute to this magnificent idea we 270 years later get to call our nation, the greatest nation on earth.

It’s sickening to read the social media infestation of orange evangelicals trash our founding fathers as they follow their billionaire orange Messiah to the destruction of our republic and the sacred ideal of freedom of conscience.

thvhk.23.07.05 #10,114
nf.23.08.05 #10,115
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How can you expect anyone to take you serious when you talk like this?
Duly noted: St Thehawk is stuck.

@Rawley Aug 19, 2015#157,089 “How did the "Southern Strategy" rely on the the changing economics of the region, the Dem party embrace of abortion, their rejection of religion, their rejection of the military?

Democrats embrace reproductive rights for wonen, but as a Party, Democrats have never rejected religion which is confirmed by Black Evangelicals in all fifty states who vote Democrat.

Orange Evangelicals have such a stranglehold on the Confederate South that Black Evangelicals have not much say in how their states are run or in determining a national election winner.

That is why orange evangelicals were so pissed off about Biden’s win in Georgia and then couple months later they win by Senator Warnock. That anger led the orange Messiah to commit crimes in the state and I guess the United States of America.
What a joke. “Conspiracy against the right to vote” by fighting election fraud? You people are nuts.
I’m going to start praying for this country...
Well, in spite of what the lockdown queen Witchmer did during Covid, she won an easy reelection, and Michigan voters gave both houses of the legislature to Democrats.

No, it was vote fraud. The democrats first choice in electioneering.
Dobbs was Federalist AND Conservative.
Good reason for you people to get over your abortion obsession, huh..
So people should just abandon their principles?
You can keep losing elections if you want. Just don't come crying about what the Dems do in all the states they take over.
What elections in hard red states have been lost over abortion?
Who said anything about hard red states? Moving the goal post already?
Elections are about 50/50.
So someone who is smart enough to understand that not supporting an unattainable goal of ending abortion is now a RINO?
Most don't want to end abortion, but are OK with a 6-12 week limit at the State level. You want to abandon those people as well as potential coalition members?
Republicans all over this country are openly advocating to outright ban the practice
Most of us are ok with 6-12 weeks,
Anyone supporting child murder should just be shunned
Counterbalanced by the taliban like ChristoMAGAs.
#1 reason the Republicans will never regain national power.
Keep your principles to yourselves.

Abortions are like guns:

If you don't want one, don't get one.

But leave other people, and their choices, alone.
'd rather have the Fundamentalists, because at least they respect the process.
The thing is abortion involves another human life, thus making it the issue it is today, and not comparable to any other issue.
Fundamentalists respecting the process!

Stay out of other people's most intimate decisions or remain powerless forever.
Cop out response. Again you ignore the fact that ardent Pro-lifers see the fetus as an equal person, worthy of the protection of the State
Keep saying that to yourself as you remain powerless becuase you're trying to control others rather than minding your own business
I'm not interested in the delusional basis of another's bizarre need to control those around them.

That you think your beliefs supercede the rights of others to basic freedom is what makes conservatives so dangerous.

Try to move beyond the need to control others, or wallow in failure and self-pity.

Your political body, your choice.
The whole point of government is limiting rights based on what the government is mandated by the Constitution to control.
Stop trying to control other people's private lives.
Again, it's two lives, despite one side trying to ignore that.
Again, MYOFB
s an american I can have an opinion on anything I fucking want to, and support people who will pass laws for things I want laws passed
Enjoy wallowing in defeat as the price of your need to control others.
You have 0 concept of Equal Protection, but are bound to crap your pants when you're the one discriminated against.
You just want to dress your hate up in your misunderstanding of the Constitution.

Response to No, 2 For now:

Praying for what exactly?

nf.23.08.06 #10,119
I‘m not going to waste any more time on an angry, unreasonable, unfair person who is enjoying slapping around a Jewish woman
Really what was done is legal as per the 1st Amendment. They wanted to petition the government for a redress of grievances about the integrity of the 2020 election.

Trump could have conceded, and save himself from probably being convicted of trying to obstruct and delay an official proceeding of the federal government,

Specifically, it was a proceeding that the delay and the obstruction was to benefit him.

The reason Trump needed to concede is the law which put a deadline for eciredding grievances related to election fraud by the losing candidate of a presidential election.

Here is what Trump violated

"If a state can conclude its process of appointing electors by that [safe harbor deadline] then Congress is bound by federal law to accept the slate of electors that is arrived upon by that date,"

All 50 states certified their electors by the “safe Harbor deadline”. That means as the law states, “Congress is bound by federal law to accept the state of electors that is arrived upon by that day.”

The Duke can go off all rabid vulgar rants and tired conspiracy theories, but he cannot refute in an intelligent legal way the words of the law, which says “Congress is bound”

Trump could not for any reason on January 6 lawfully delay the official proceeding that is set in the constitution for the peaceful transfer of power from one administration to the next. It cannot change. It was not legal for him to ask Congress to extend the date.

It was a crime, even without inciting his mob to commit so much violence on the same day

It’s a simple matter of written law. There is nothing complicated about it. The date was set on January 6, all the states certified their slates of electors, Congress could not postpone the date for 10 days to review what Trump didn’t even have a proposal to review.

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