Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

What about it? There is literally no state that completely outlaws abortionā€¦.so whatā€™s your point?
You said I lied, but a national ban on pharmaceutical abortions is a real threat to half a million women in a future unwanted pregnancy situation. Women will die If the courts rule In favor of U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmarykā€˜s ban on FDA approved mifepristone nationwide.
I don't understand what anyone is so upset about if it's overturned...all it means is the states can pass laws...if people want abortions, they elect representatives that will make it legal. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ It's not's just called a democracy
It's a human right to decide what to do with your own body, and shouldn't be subject to public opinion. What if public opinion wants Blacks to sit in the back of the bus? Americans are generally quite stupid.
That's a fantastic debate to have, have at it. Get people on your side, elect someone that supports your belief, and make it a law. The Dems have Congress, they have for decades since Roe...why haven't they made it a federal law? ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ But abortion isn't something someone is doing to themselves....they need doctors, nurses etc. Moreover, it also involves another person all together...the father. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ and what you call a "human right" isn't a Constitutional right...and the Court is bound by the Constitution
You think rights are given and taken away by public opinion. Thatā€™s a terrible way to do that. If our Constitution doesnā€™t protect your own body from government intrusion then itā€™s worthless.
no i donā€™tā€¦why do you think you have a ā€œrightā€ to an abortion? you have no of a right to it then you do any other medical procedure
sorry the govt isnā€™t intruding on your body with an abortionā€¦thatā€™s your partner intrudingā€¦
govt certainly has a role to regulate it like they do all other medical procedures
Protection of human life trump's someone's desire for convenience.

Can anyone tell if struth believes a fetus prior to 24 weeks of gestation is protected by the US Constitution as an individual person for equal protection under the law and a right to life that includes protection from itā€™s potential birth mother?

strth.22.05.06 #95
jblw.22.05.06 #97
strth.22.05.06 #99
jblw.22.05.06 #103
strth.22.05.06 #118
strth.22.05.06 #118
strth.22.05.06 #118
mshmnt.22.05.07 #174
nf.23.07.31 #10,024
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you can support life, but also respect the idea that abortion should be legal and rare.

By legal, do you mean a woman can terminate her own pregnancy from the moment she finds out through her twentieth week which would effectively be one week before the first premature infant was able to survive outside the womb?

strth.23.04.14 #29
nf.23.07.31 #10,025
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sorry the govt isnā€™t intruding on your body with an abortionā€¦thatā€™s your partner intrudingā€¦

The truth of the matter is that the abortion issue is not as big a deal as democrats expected and now they are hysterical and doubling down on their attacks on the Catholic Church and the Supreme Court.

The above MAGA pair are very confused about truth regarding MAGA white Christian majority of Republicans exerting religious influence on politics to have all government in the United States of America be used to force full term gestation on women against their liberty and their will.

strth.23.05.06 #118
whthll.23.06.21 #6
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By legal, do you mean a woman can terminate her own pregnancy from the moment she finds out through her twentieth week which would effectively be one week before the first premature infant was able to survive outside the womb?

strth.23.04.14 #29
nf.23.07.31 #10,025
Yeah, got no problem with that
The above MAGA pair are very confused about truth regarding MAGA white Christian majority of Republicans exerting religious influence on politics to have all government in the United States of America be used to force full term gestation on women against their liberty and their will.

strth.23.05.06 #118
whthll.23.06.21 #6
not confused at said it was's not. What others believe, and want others want isn't relevant. What IS, is what is relevant.
there is no ban on abortions nationally or in any state
I have never said a national ban on abortion is in effect., I am saying that when it happens women will die according to statistical probability when forced to gestate a fetus in her body until natural birth development has been achieved..

Your support of Trumpā€™s/Federalist Society Catholic judge nominations has given us Dobbs and the real MAGA anti-choice movement attempt to attack reproductive freedom nationwide. You give the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM)ā€”a coalition of right-wing white Christians organizations a national backdoor ban on medication abortion through the Catholic dominated USSC.

strth.23.08:01 #10,022
nf.23,08,01 #10,030
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you said it was banned
where - what post?

You are confused - states with a six week ban on abortion is a ban on access to a safe legal medical procedures where sh can terminate her own pregnancy from the moment she finds out she is pregnant in the state where she lives.

That is not a national ban.

strth.23.08.01 #10,029
nf.23.08.01 #10,031
I have never said a national ban on abortion is in effect., I am saying that when it happens women will die according to statistical probability when forced to gestate a fetus in her body until natural birth development has been achieved..

Your support of Trumpā€™s/Federalist Society Catholic judge nominations has given us Dobbs and the real MAGA anti-choice movement attempt to attack reproductive freedom nationwide. You give the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM)ā€”a coalition of right-wing white Christians organizations a national backdoor ban on medication abortion through the Catholic dominated USSC.

strth.23.08:01 #10,022
nf.23,08,91 #10,030
then who's killing women? you quoted me asking that question....and have gone on and gone about nothing.

Dobbs doesn't ban abortions. Try again
where - what post?

You are confused - states with a six week ban on abortion is a ban on access to a safe legal medical procedures where sh can terminate her own pregnancy from the moment she finds out she is pregnant in the state where she lives.

That is not a national ban.

strth.23.08.01 #10,029
nf.23.08.01 #10,031
a ban on abortion after 6 weeks is not a total ban...people can still get abortions.

Try again
What others believe, and want others want isn't relevant. What IS, is what is relevant.
a ban on abortion after 6 weeks is not a total ban...

Why donā€™t you ask a living breathing human being who menstruates and votes.

Thereā€™s no reasonable way for me to know Iā€™m pregnant until after Iā€™m already six weeks in; therefore thereā€™s no window for me to legally obtain an abortion. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ ā€œWhen youā€™re talking about laws like thisā€¦ you really start to put women who have variations of a normal cycle or irregular cycles at risk of not even being able to catch that window wherein they could theoretically still have an abortion. And thatā€™s not accident,ā€ Dr. Conti says. ā€œThese people are doing this on purpose because the whole point isnā€™t to just arbitrarily cut it off at just six weeks. Itā€™s to stop abortion all together.ā€
Letā€™s get real: a six-week abortion ban is a total abortion ban. Thatā€™s true for all people who menstruate and can get pregnant, but itā€™s especially true for the many people like me who get their period every six weeks.
On Tuesday, May 7, Georgia successfully signed into law a so-called ā€œheartbeat billā€ that will criminalize abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which is usually about six weeks into a pregnancy. (Note: This is not actually a heartbeat, but rather "cardiac activity.") Including Georgia, there are now six states that have passed these six-week abortion bans, although none are currently in effect; some are scheduled to take place this summer or next year, while others have been stalled by court challenges.​
As many abortion supporters have pointed out in the week following the signing of Georgiaā€™s new abortion restrictions, prohibiting abortion after six weeks functionally eliminates all ability to get an abortion because most people will not realize theyā€™re pregnant six weeks in.​
Most people rely on a missed period to indicate the possibility of being pregnant ā€” itā€™s the clearest early indicator of the bodyā€™s preparation for pregnancy. And yet menstruation can be incredibly unpredictable and vary from month to month. Itā€™s not uncommon for a menstruating person to randomly have a period that comes several days late, and if youā€™re not closely tracking your cycle, itā€™s very easy to miss that more than a week has passed since the day your period was expected to come.​
ā€œIn my career, Iā€™ve only known a very small number of women who knew that they were pregnant in their fourth week [of pregnancy]. And those are people usually that have done IVF [in vitro fertilization] or IUI [intrauterine insemination] or something where they know exactly when they were fertilized,ā€ Dr. Jennifer Conti, a California-based ob-gyn and host of The V Word podcast, tells Teen Vogue. ā€œMost people donā€™t know until theyā€™ve actually missed a period.ā€​
The math looks even more dire when you consider the many people whose menstrual cycles are regularly six weeks long, meaning their period doesnā€™t come every month but rather every six weeks. Although four weeks is the average timeline, anywhere from three to six weeks is within the normal range for a personā€™s menstrual cycle. My own cycle right now is about 42 days long.​
ā€œThe average menstrual cycle is about 25-30 days, but it can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 ā€” itā€™s different from person to person,ā€ the Planned Parenthood website explains. ā€œSome peopleā€™s periods are irregular a lot. It may just be the way their body naturally works, or it can be caused by a health problem.ā€ Englandā€™s National Health Service says the same: ā€œThe length of the menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman, but the average is to have periods every 28 days. Regular cycles that are longer or shorter than this, from 21 to 40 days, are normal.ā€​
Several obstetrician-gynecologists tell me they regularly see people who have these longer cycles. ā€œIn reality itā€™s really not that common to have exactly 28-day cycles,ā€ Dr. Conti says. ā€œItā€™s not infrequent that I see people who have cycles like yours, cycles that come maybe every five weeks or every six weeks. ā€¦ Thatā€™s still considered normal. Theyā€™re still ovulating regularly.ā€​
When anti-abortion proponents criticizecontextualizing pregnancy lengths in terms of missed periods, theyā€™re being willfully ignorant to the lived realities of people with vaginas. If youā€™re not actively trying to conceive, how else would you know if youā€™re pregnant other than via a missed period? Not all people show the classic pregnancy symptoms of vomiting and fatigue.​

strth.23.08.01 #10,029
strth.23.08:01 #10,022
nf.23.08,01 #10,034
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Why donā€™t you ask a living breathing human being who menstruates and votes.

Thereā€™s no reasonable way for me to know Iā€™m pregnant until after Iā€™m already six weeks in; therefore thereā€™s no window for me to legally obtain an abortion. ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ā€¢ ā€œWhen youā€™re talking about laws like thisā€¦ you really start to put women who have variations of a normal cycle or irregular cycles at risk of not even being able to catch that window wherein they could theoretically still have an abortion. And thatā€™s not accident,ā€ Dr. Conti says. ā€œThese people are doing this on purpose because the whole point isnā€™t to just arbitrarily cut it off at just six weeks. Itā€™s to stop abortion all together.ā€
Letā€™s get real: a six-week abortion ban is a total abortion ban. Thatā€™s true for all people who menstruate and can get pregnant, but itā€™s especially true for the many people like me who get their period every six weeks.
On Tuesday, May 7, Georgia successfully signed into law a so-called ā€œheartbeat billā€ that will criminalize abortions after fetal cardiac activity can be detected, which is usually about six weeks into a pregnancy. (Note: This is not actually a heartbeat, but rather "cardiac activity.") Including Georgia, there are now six states that have passed these six-week abortion bans, although none are currently in effect; some are scheduled to take place this summer or next year, while others have been stalled by court challenges.​
As many abortion supporters have pointed out in the week following the signing of Georgiaā€™s new abortion restrictions, prohibiting abortion after six weeks functionally eliminates all ability to get an abortion because most people will not realize theyā€™re pregnant six weeks in.​
Most people rely on a missed period to indicate the possibility of being pregnant ā€” itā€™s the clearest early indicator of the bodyā€™s preparation for pregnancy. And yet menstruation can be incredibly unpredictable and vary from month to month. Itā€™s not uncommon for a menstruating person to randomly have a period that comes several days late, and if youā€™re not closely tracking your cycle, itā€™s very easy to miss that more than a week has passed since the day your period was expected to come.​
ā€œIn my career, Iā€™ve only known a very small number of women who knew that they were pregnant in their fourth week [of pregnancy]. And those are people usually that have done IVF [in vitro fertilization] or IUI [intrauterine insemination] or something where they know exactly when they were fertilized,ā€ Dr. Jennifer Conti, a California-based ob-gyn and host of The V Word podcast, tells Teen Vogue. ā€œMost people donā€™t know until theyā€™ve actually missed a period.ā€​
The math looks even more dire when you consider the many people whose menstrual cycles are regularly six weeks long, meaning their period doesnā€™t come every month but rather every six weeks. Although four weeks is the average timeline, anywhere from three to six weeks is within the normal range for a personā€™s menstrual cycle. My own cycle right now is about 42 days long.​
ā€œThe average menstrual cycle is about 25-30 days, but it can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35 ā€” itā€™s different from person to person,ā€ the Planned Parenthood website explains. ā€œSome peopleā€™s periods are irregular a lot. It may just be the way their body naturally works, or it can be caused by a health problem.ā€ Englandā€™s National Health Service says the same: ā€œThe length of the menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman, but the average is to have periods every 28 days. Regular cycles that are longer or shorter than this, from 21 to 40 days, are normal.ā€​
Several obstetrician-gynecologists tell me they regularly see people who have these longer cycles. ā€œIn reality itā€™s really not that common to have exactly 28-day cycles,ā€ Dr. Conti says. ā€œItā€™s not infrequent that I see people who have cycles like yours, cycles that come maybe every five weeks or every six weeks. ā€¦ Thatā€™s still considered normal. Theyā€™re still ovulating regularly.ā€​
When anti-abortion proponents criticizecontextualizing pregnancy lengths in terms of missed periods, theyā€™re being willfully ignorant to the lived realities of people with vaginas. If youā€™re not actively trying to conceive, how else would you know if youā€™re pregnant other than via a missed period? Not all people show the classic pregnancy symptoms of vomiting and fatigue.​

strth.23.08.01 #10,029
strth.23.08:01 #10,022
nf.23.08,01 #10,034
Ask them what?
Do you realize that you were only three weeks away from fully supporting Roe versus Wade?
My support or lack thereof for Roe, had nothing to do with how I feel about had to do with the opinion being legally incorrect.
because abortion is abortion and states can ban it

states can ban all sorts of things, not just murder
Ask them what?
Ask a woman with a six week menstrual cycle If a six week abortion ban is a total ban from her getting a safe legal abortion where she lives if she wants one.

The Oped I gave you is a flat out no. Are you stalling for time to try to figure out a rational and curly log, logical and legal constitutional response?
Ask a woman with a six week menstrual cycle If a six week abortion ban is a total ban from her getting a safe legal abortion where she lives if she wants one.

The Oped I gave you is a flat out no. Are you stalling for time to try to figure out a rational and curly log, logical and legal constitutional response?
I donā€™t have toā€¦I know itā€™s notā€¦literally it says 6 weeks. Itā€™s in your description
My support or lack thereof for Roe, had nothing to do with how I feel about had to do with the opinion being legally incorrect.
Do you consider a woman who has a safe legal abortion prior to the 21st week of her pregnancy causes zero harm to herself, another individual person, and two civil society as a whole.?

When a woman privately six to have the medical procedure of induced abortion, does it cause any harm to you, your life, liberty, or to your property?

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