Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

Then quit with all this 15 week and other weeks bullshit.
Quit what? Don’t you think the data that 85% of board of abortions take place before 16 weeks. And only 1.4% take place after 22 weeks. The earliest surviving premature baby is at 21 weeks. My personal observation is that 20 weeks is playing time for a woman’s decide she wants to terminate a pregnancy for convenience. That’s why I think it’s very very very relevant according to the data that most women do that if not all.
Quit what? Don’t you think the data that 85% of board of abortions take place before 16 weeks. And only 1.4% take place after 22 weeks. The earliest surviving premature baby is at 21 weeks. My personal observation is that 20 weeks is playing time for a woman’s decide she wants to terminate a pregnancy for convenience. That’s why I think it’s very very very relevant according to the data that most women do that if not all.
What does any of that have to do with your belief that a woman has the right to choose even at nine months? It is all totally irrelevant.
Then what is the point of talking about 15 weeks and whether a fetus has consciousness or not? If that is what you believe then those things are irrelevant.
That is because “saving baby fetus movement” agitators like Saint CarsomyrPlusSix have given the demand that we regard the beginning of life, sanctity of life, at conception. I personally believe it begins at first breath as it’s found in Judaism, but that’s not science. Therefore I believe we human beings as a secular society have an interest in protecting life in the womb as a matter of science. Science can tell us when a fetus has an individual capability to be conscious. That does not change the fact that the constitution has a live birth requirement for the right to life to begin for each and everyone of us.
" Getting Back On Track "

* Technical Glitch Needing Clarification *

In other words, you're sticking with the bullshit that every pregnancy puts the mother's life in jeopardy so any and all abortions are ok, even up to nine months.
That is not the intended assertion , as a distinction between general timelines , for without cause and for with cause abortions , has already been established .

My retort , " in which land of fantasy does a presumption exist that delivering an anencephalic constitutes endangering the life of the mother " , in response to , " I have no problem with abortions if the fetus has problems or would endanger the life of the mother , and I mean literally endangering the life of the mother " , was intended to indicate that delivery of an anencephalic would not likely endanger the life of the mother , statistically , any more than any other pregnancy .

My retort should have followed with a similar inquiry as to whether you considered anencephalia to be a sufficient problem with the fetus , whereby abortion would be allowed , possibly even up to nine months .

Thus , which are the list of problems of a fetus , that you perceive to be exceptions , where abortion would be allowed even up to nine months ?

Your initial statement asserted the following :
I have no problem with abortions if the fetus has problems or would endanger the life of the mother, and I mean literally endangering the life of the mother, not some bullshit that just having a baby is a danger to the mother's life.

My retort asserted the following :
" Absurdity Of Collective Populism Dictating Deranged Deviations Against Account Ability Through Individualism "

* Statutory Omissions With Presumptive Nonsense *

There is a statistical probability of mortality with any delivery , so in which land of fantasy does such a presumption exist that delivering and anencephalic constitutes endangering the life of the mother , while statistics indicate that maternal health and safety from an abortion are significantly more healthy and safe than would be a delivery ? !
That is because “saving baby fetus movement” agitators like Saint CarsomyrPlusSix have given the demand that we regard the beginning of life, sanctity of life, at conception. I personally believe it begins at first breath as it’s found in Judaism, but that’s not science. Therefore I believe we human beings as a secular society have an interest in protecting life in the womb as a matter of science. Science can tell us when a fetus has an individual capability to be conscious. That does not change the fact that the constitution has a live birth requirement for the right to life to begin for each and everyone of us.
You either believe in a woman's right to choose up until the ninth month or you don't. If you do then there is no sense in talking about any of the other weeks.
That is because “saving baby fetus movement” agitators like Saint CarsomyrPlusSix have given the demand that we regard the beginning of life, sanctity of life, at conception.
I demand you know scientific fact a 5th grader should know, or barring that, shut the fuck up in the depths of your dismal ignorance.

I personally believe it begins at first breath
Then you’re a delusional retard who can’t pass elementary school. Just shut up already.
Just in case there are some “Saving BABY FETUS Movement” agitators who don’t know what a Christian Nationalist is, ..
It is someone who rejects the separation of church and state and treats Christianity as the foundation of American identity and law. The want divine law to override secular law.

You either believe in a woman's right to choose up until the ninth month or you don't. If you do then there is no sense in talking about any of the other weeks.
Why does agreeing with the Constitution’s live birth requirement to have a right to life (meaning a woman has a right to choose to terminate fetal life up to the moment of delivery) … why does that mean there is no sense in talking about any of the other week than the last one.
Roe v Wade was overturned on a legal basis.
It's what courts do.

Roe v Wade was overturned by a legal constitutional revised opinion that state lawmakers can regulate a medical procedure when it involves an unborn living organism residing within a life sustaining pregnant woman. It’s the only thing our six Catholics, (three before Trump and three aftet Trump), were able to do,

AM I wrong or correct thus far?

If we had six Jewish justices on the USSC had Secretary Clinton won Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016 with her 3 million margin in the national popular vote, it is very plausible that ROE v Wade Remained as settled law.

Three states in the 2016 election caused Roe v Wade to be Shredded in Religious Right Christian dominated red states as we speak.

That white Christians loyal to the Republican Party put enough anti-reproductive freedom politicians in the US Senate and put Saint DJT in the White House is how the fall of Roe was delivered to the religious right.

Ginsberg passed at the worst time for woman’s equal rights to men. MEN WILL NEVER BE MADE SUBSERVIENT TO BABY FETUS.
nf.23.06.17 #9,275 to hkrgy #9,274
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Roe v. Wade was nonsense judicial activism, creating SEVERAL de facto constitutional amendments from whole cloth. That was boldfaced, naked tyranny on the part of the federal government. The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion, and the 10th Amendment exists.

Dobbs reversed it in its entirety, which is the job of the court - assuming we believe in judicial review at all - to uphold the Constitution against violations.

Abortion is contract killing - homicides are not "medical procedures."

Rest in piss, Ginsberg, you absolute trash, more cancer than human at the time you blessedly stopped ruining Earth to go to hell or the void.
The Constitution says NOTHING about abortion
Gasping for air, Baby Milo with no kidneys, died while being held in his mother’s arms. Time of death 99 Minutes after being born. Baby Milo and his mother suffered the needless torture of Republican DeSantis’ 15 week Abortion Ban. I hope they sue the Confederate Taliban State of Florida of the Christian Nation of America
for the pain and suffering the Republican Party forced Mllo and his family to endure. Torture is a cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on pregnant women for violating Catholic doctrine when being born with egg cells in one’s body. nf.23.06.17 #9,277 to myrpls {{a}} #9,276
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" Mocking Idiocy "

* Squawking To Prevent Public Informed Consent *

Roe v Wade was overturned on a legal basis.
It's what courts do.
#roevwade was overturned by sedition against us 14th , 9th and 1st amendments and supported by traitors to us republic .

The legal basis of #dobbs is dumbfounded stupidity .

Let the public at large understand the actual basis for #roevwade , and the not mountain of wright to privacy horse shit postured by the imbeciles that run supposed " abortion choice " legal position , that are actually " there is no money for lawyers if the actual basis of #roevwade is understood " degenerates .
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" Traitors For Sedition "

* Disingenuous Buffoonery *

You either believe in a woman's right to choose up until the ninth month or you don't. If you do then there is no sense in talking about any of the other weeks.
You keep it inside you !

You carry it term !

You keep it for life !

Roe v Wade was overturned by a legal constitutional revised opinion that state lawmakers can regulate a medical procedure when it involves an unborn living organism residing within a life sustaining pregnant woman. It’s the only thing our six Catholics, (three before Trump and three aftet Trump), were able to do,

AM I wrong or correct thus far?

If we had six Jewish justices on the USSC had Secretary Clinton won Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania in 2016 with her 3 million margin in the national popular vote, it is very plausible that ROE v Wade Remained as settled law.

Three states in the 2016 election caused Roe v Wade to be Shredded in Religious Right Christian dominated red states as we speak.

That white Christians loyal to the Republican Party put enough anti-reproductive freedom politicians in the US Senate and put Saint DJT in the White House is how the fall of Roe was delivered to the religious right.

Ginsberg passed at the worst time for woman’s equal rights to men. MEN WILL NEVER BE MADE SUBSERVIENT TO BABY FETUS.
nf.23.06.17 #9,275 to hkrgy #9,274

So ?

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