Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

00179 Jan 5, 2021 Redfish #156 “Biden did not win. the media does not declare who wins presidential elections. Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide. If this election fraud is allowed to stand, the USA is over, lost, done. We will have become a banana republic. Is that really what you want?”

08302 4/14 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,302 to: -3 “You have stated your OPINION quite well several times, But it is your OPINION only and not biological fact.”

NFBW: How should we empower one person to the Presidency of the United States of America, in your opinion? Should we go by the subjective measure of white mostly crowd size at rallies of a sore loser and his or her’s sore loser noisy and obnoxious base?


Should we count actual votes based upon the science of numbers and apply it to the decades of Constitutional Laws and the Electoral System devised by our founding fathers.?

As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we;

(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate on a state by state basis. Ending with nothing settled, realistically. Some states value life at the moment of conception. Some in the middle at viability. Some at the end with first breath, Let the voters decide.


(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate. Most pregnancies are currently terminated well before then right now.

To me (1) is as absurd as ignoring the vote count and going by size of mostly white American rallies.

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00293 Dec 8, 2016 ¥ Redfish ¥ #293 “if there was a national referendum to ban abortion it would pass.”

06091 Dec 1, 2022 ¥ CarsomyrPlusSix ¥ #6,091 Personhood is legal and can be set however we want through elected legislators - they can say the unborn are people and they will be so, done.

NFBW: Citing Kansas Michigan and Wisconsin as models: if there was a national referendum to legalize abortion prior to fetal brain function or through 24 weeks gestation, it would pass 60:40.

And those three state referendums came before the anti-science, lying white male, Christian, flat-earth activist, Taliban-style, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, earned national negative notoriety as the face representing Trump/GOP anti/freedom Republicanism in the present and modern GenXYZ Millennial era.

Baldwin says Texas judge was part of ‘extreme Republican’ effort to ban abortion Jared Gans Sat, April 15, 2023​
“What we have in Texas [is] a judge who was not guided by science, but is part of [an] extreme Republican concerted effort to ban abortion nationwide,” she said.​
Baldwin was referring to U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk,​
Baldwin said the drug has been proven to be safe and effective since the FDA approved it in 2000, and she does not believe “there should be second guessing of the scientific-based process the FDA” has.​
The Wisconsin Democrat said she and other abortion rights advocates will “keep on fighting” to protect abortion rights, federally protect abortion access after the overturn of Roe v. Wade last year.​
“We’re going to keep on fighting to pass that legislation and to stop rogue judges, like the one we have in Texas, from not really basing a decision at all on science, but instead, trying to be a part of this, what I think is an extreme approach to try to ban access to abortion care throughout the country,” she said.​
END #8,322 to: 293 & 6091​
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" Prurient Puritanical Prudes "

* Trifling Classical Willful Ignorance After Being Told Repeatedly *

its the woman that carries the child, keeping her legs together is her responsibility
The sanctimonious anthropocentric psychopaths of the abortion anti-choice trope are trying to convince themselves that abortion for rape and incest are valid , while ignoring that upwards of 7% of abortions occur with cause , due to developmental anomalies detected between 13 and 24 weeks , whether the anomalies are with the mother or the fetus , all while without cause abortions are not sought when with cause abortions are valid , all while without cause abortions are not sought when petulant concerns about suffering , or cognizance are not even remotely relevant .

Do you realize the abortion anti-choice trope are blubbering because 90% of down syndrome are aborted and that those ass clowns expect to be able to dictate that others suck it up ?
" Mumbling By Buffoons Quashing Public Informed Consent For Live Birth Requirement "

* Too Long With A Disingenuous Or Too Dumb Excuse *

And the worst part? The troll is still just spamming the same nonsense about the Constitution and viability, already asked and answered, already dismissed as nonsensical - it will never learn because it is not intending to learn. It is intentionally wasting your time with it’s stupidity. It is not worth attention.
The dobbs decision is sedition that is supported by traitors to us constitution and to this republic for which it stands .

The scrotus criminally and blatantly ignored the definition of per son ( countable by census and male ) in title 1 section 8 of us code , which simply a clarification of equitable doctrine and a live birth requirement of us 14th amendment .

Had scrotus rendered the dobbs ruling based on the definition of per son in statute , then the outcome would have been obvious , and it is clear that your are liar and a traitor to us constitution and to its citizens .

* Damned Dirty Apes *
Personhood is legal and can be set however we want through elected legislators - they can say the unborn are people and they will be so, done. The Constitution as it stands neither demands it nor prohibits it… though I and other moral human beings would certainly support a 13th Amendment style abortion ban.
The etymology of per son means male and countable by census , such that any person born or naturalized implies that women are not actual citizens of the us , and otherwise see us 19th amendment .

* Per Son Etymology Countable By Census And Male *
Setting personhood at birth is arbitrary and stupid. Setting personhood at “viability,” a moving target that will change as technology changes, is exceptionally arbitrary and stupid. Either is just as vile as setting personhood as “not being black” or “not being disabled or gay or Jewish.”
But hey, that’s just me over here being a moral person who believes in human rights and equality.
The roe v wade decision concluded that states could proscribe abortion in the third trimester , given a fetus ability to survive an imminent live birth , where post natural viability was substitute in lieu of a live birth requirement , that the roe v wade court referred to as " potential life " .

However , the the lying , deceitful , seditious , traitorous and dumbfounded alito stated that the roe v wade court did not explain " potential life " and did not intend to do so ; and , yet , who needs to explain a " Logically , of course , a legitimate state interest ... not ... prior to live birth . " to any other than an imbecile or a criminal ?

And yet forwarding RHETORICAL arguments about when " WITHOUT CAUSE " abortion should be allowed in order to outlaw all abortion , while IGNORING " WITH CAUSE " abortion , while relishing in acts of SEDITION and DECEIT as TRAITORS to us republic , while seeking to DICTATE INDIVIDUAL DECISIONS are clear traits of sanctimonious , anthropocentric , demented , damned dirty apes and traitors to us constitution and foundations of us republic !
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" Hue Mammon "

* Delusional Over Generalizations *

If there is a god who created the universe and / or supervises and controls it still, or not, I do not know, and it doesn’t matter.
A new human being is created at fertilization, and regardless of any divine, there are two human beings responsible for that event, they created life, and they will be held responsible by law in any just civilization.
Of course, W’s Bitchboy and his ilk hate justice, hate civilization, and hate equality.
Yeah , but nobody give a fuck about anthropocentic arrogance as an excuse to override individual liberty .


Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. At the risk of being repettititive, why not put it to a vote either on a national level or state by state? What is the objection to letting the voters decide whether abortion will be legal or not? Is it the fear that your side might not win?
00179 Jan 5, 2021 Redfish #156 “Biden did not win. the media does not declare who wins presidential elections. Once the fraudulent votes are removed Trump will have won by a landslide. If this election fraud is allowed to stand, the USA is over, lost, done. We will have become a banana republic. Is that really what you want?”

08302 4/14 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,302 to: -3 “You have stated your OPINION quite well several times, But it is your OPINION only and not biological fact.”

NFBW: How should we empower one person to the Presidency of the United States of America, in your opinion? Should we go by the subjective measure of white mostly crowd size at rallies of a sore loser and his or her’s sore loser noisy and obnoxious base?


Should we count actual votes based upon the science of numbers and apply it to the decades of Constitutional Laws and the Electoral System devised by our founding fathers.?

As diverse human beings making up a society confronted with deciding when to value unborn human life vs the autonomously innate human rights of its female parent do we;

(1) defer to the majority of whichever emotionally riled up and best funded opinionated group-thinkers that dominate on a state by state basis. Ending with nothing settled, realistically. Some states value life at the moment of conception. Some in the middle at viability. Some at the end with first breath, Let the voters decide.


(2) let a consensus of scientists and biologists define when the unborn develop the physical and neurological capability of being conscious of self. Deduct ten days from that consensus and recommend the state has an interest only in recommending that women make their decision let’s say prior to 20 weeks to keep or terminate. Most pregnancies are currently terminated well before then right now.

To me (1) is as absurd as ignoring the vote count and going by size of mostly white American rallies.

we elect presidents by majority vote of the electoral congress. the constitution is quite clear on that. As to abortion, the constitution is silent. When an issue arrises that the constitution does not address then the people vote to amend the constitution or pass state laws that clarify the issue.

I do not understand the reluctance to settle the abortion question by majority vote. Is it a fear that your side is not in the majority? question is for those on both sides.
" Prurient Puritanical Prudes "

* Trifling Classical Willful Ignorance After Being Told Repeatedly *

The sanctimonious anthropocentric psychopaths of the abortion anti-choice trope are trying to convince themselves that abortion for rape and incest are valid , while ignoring that upwards of 7% of abortions occur with cause , due to developmental anomalies detected between 13 and 24 weeks , whether the anomalies are with the mother or the fetus , all while without cause abortions are not sought when with cause abortions are valid , all while without cause abortions are not sought when petulant concerns about suffering , or cognizance are not even remotely relevant .

Do you realize the abortion anti-choice trope are blubbering because 90% of down syndrome are aborted and that those ass clowns expect to be able to dictate that others suck it up ?
you have it wrong. we have a downs relative and he is deeply loved by everyone, the option to abort was never considered by his parents and he is a joy to everyone he contacts. Whether he was a "person" at 14 weeks only God knows. Why do liberals always want to play God?
" Traitors To Us Constitution Clear And Evident "

* Us First Amendment Establishment Clause Violators *

you have it wrong. we have a downs relative and he is deeply loved by everyone, the option to abort was never considered by his parents and he is a joy to everyone he contacts. Whether he was a "person" at 14 weeks only God knows. Why do liberals always want to play God?
Yes , so it is obviously clear , that you want to play gawd and dictate with cause decision to others .

Your perspectives of gawd are presumptive and delusional while wanting to separate a thing from itself and to personify an illusion with your own subjective ideals as well .
" Populism For Theocracy And Other Dictator Ships "

* The Meaning Of Not Enumerated For Idiots *

we elect presidents by majority vote of the electoral congress. the constitution is quite clear on that. As to abortion, the constitution is silent. When an issue arrises that the constitution does not address then the people vote to amend the constitution or pass state laws that clarify the issue.

I do not understand the reluctance to settle the abortion question by majority vote. Is it a fear that your side is not in the majority? question is for those on both sides.
The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic .

States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals .

A ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

" Collectives Dictating Meaning Contrary To Individual Perspectives For Life Liberty And Pursuit Of Happiness "

* Of Those Finding It Difficult To Mind Their Own Business *

Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. At the risk of being repettititive, why not put it to a vote either on a national level or state by state? What is the objection to letting the voters decide whether abortion will be legal or not? Is it the fear that your side might not win?
The etymology of person is per son , which is countable by census ( per ) and male ( son ) , hence a person has survived a live birth and is male .

No other than traitors to us republic support the sedition by scrotus dobbs decision that overtly and criminally dispatched title 1 section 8 of us code , along with dispatching a live birth requirement by us 14th amendment and equitable doctrine for equal protection with a citizen .

The only choice that dobbs scrotus had was exactly the only other choice available to roe v wade , which was to state that a constitutional amendment was necessary , as states are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth requirement to receive it .

A motto of us republic for a credo of e pluribus unum espouse independence as individualism with equal protection of negative liberties among those entitled by live birth to receive them - us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause .

Both the left and the right are embracing populism for democracy as tyranny by majority to override individual liberty .
08326 Apr 16, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences.”

How do you convince ¥ ding ¥ and the rest of your players on Team Trump/Jesus that the above “answer” in post 8,326 is a very simple matter of human understandable fact.

Those of us on Team Biden/Jesus acknowledge the limitations to being human is not knowing answers to all the mysteries of life?

END #8,332 to 8,326
Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences. At the risk of being repettititive, why not put it to a vote either on a national level or state by state? What is the objection to letting the voters decide whether abortion will be legal or not? Is it the fear that your side might not win?
That's the way it's been with everything they come up with, otherwise things that the people in general hate or don't agree with. They can't survive the vote, and they know it. It is why they are doing everything in their power to turn this country into a banana republic or a dictatorship.
Sep 17, 2015 ¥ yiostheoy ¥ #1 “Scientifically there are no data (note that data is a plural word, and datum is the singular) which tell us either way if an unborn fetus is a conscious living being or not. From science we draw a blank.”

Mar 31, 2017 ¥ ding ¥ #247
Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!
“If you want to decrease abortions you and everyone else {are} going to have to admit that ending a human life is wrong. {ding Catholic dictum}

Feb 25, 2023 NFBW #342 to: -15
Ref: 230225^aaa > Assuming that consciousness is mainly localized in the cortex, consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established.​
Feb 26, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #344 to: -2 There is not a consensus in the medical community on any of what you posted. It is NOT science, it is opinion or belief on both sides.

Apr 16, 2013 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences.

NFBW: I see you ¥ Redfish ¥ and I at least agree that scientifically there is no answer either way to one of the mysteries of life on whether a baby developing in the womb is a conscious living being or not. From science we do draw a blank.

Do we agree or don’t we that science draws a blank on the status of consciousness of a fetus at any stage of its development?


Sep 17, 2015 ¥ yiostheoy ¥ #1 “Scientifically there are no data (note that data is a plural word, and datum is the singular) which tell us either way if an unborn fetus is a conscious living being or not. From science we draw a blank.”

Mar 31, 2017 ¥ ding ¥ #247
Abortion Solutions: Post 'Em Here!
“If you want to decrease abortions you and everyone else {are} going to have to admit that ending a human life is wrong. {ding Catholic dictum}

Feb 25, 2023 NFBW #342 to: -15
Ref: 230225^aaa > Assuming that consciousness is mainly localized in the cortex, consciousness cannot emerge before 24 gestational weeks when the thalamocortical connections from the sense organs are established.​
Feb 26, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #344 to: -2 There is not a consensus in the medical community on any of what you posted. It is NOT science, it is opinion or belief on both sides.

Apr 16, 2013 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,326 “Why is this such an emotional topic? Answer: because there is no agreement on when personhood commences.

NFBW: I see you ¥ Redfish ¥ and I at least agree that scientifically there is no answer either way to one of the mysteries of life on whether a baby developing in the womb is a conscious living being or not. From science we do draw a blank.

Do we agree or don’t we that science draws a blank on the status of consciousness of a fetus at any stage of its development?


It doesn't matter if the unborn human is "conscious" or not. he/she has movement and can feel pain, so he/she is alive from the moment of conception. We cannot rely on biased "scientists" on this, we have to rely on common sense and our belief system. The founders understood that, its a shame that the libs of today do not.
Sep 17, 2015 ¥ yiostheoy ¥ #1 “From science we draw a blank.” •••• “In Science which is the philosophy of the physical, natural world, data must first be gathered and analyzed before a logical conclusion can be inferred through inductive reasoning.”

Apr 17, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,335 to: -1
“{he/she Fetus} has movement and can feel pain”

Reference 230417^pain:
"Pain occurs in [the] brain," Davis said. When a person is injured — say, you stub your toe, for example — a signal travels from the foot up through the nerves in the leg to the spinal cord, and then from spinal cord up to the brain, Davis said.​
Once that signal gets into the brain, the information is transmitted through a complex web of neurons to an area of the brain called the cortex, she said. •••• It's in this sophisticated part of the brain that a person actually perceives the feeling of pain, Davis said.​
NFBW: What methodology ¥ Redfish ¥ and data have you gathered and analyzed before reaching your logical conclusion, personally, that is so outright contradictory to Reference 230417^pain (above)

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Nov 21, 2022 NFBW #5,714 Science describes the physiological flip of the switch {when the unborn life transitions to born life

Reference 221121^heart •••• Formation of the human heart involves complex biological signals, interactions, specification of myocardial progenitor cells, and heart tube looping. To facilitate survival in the hypoxemic intrauterine environment, the fetus possesses structural, physiological, and functional cardiovascular adaptations that are fundamentally different from the neonate.

At birth, upon separation from the placental circulation, the neonatal cardiovascular system takes over responsibility of vital processes for survival.

The Transitional Heart: From Early Embryonic and Fetal Development to Neonatal Life - PubMed 221121^heart

The transition from the fetal to neonatal circulation is considered to be a period of intricate physiological, anatomical, and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system. With a successful cardiopulmonary transition to the extrauterine environment, the fetal shunts are functionally modified or eliminated, enabling independent life.

Apr 17, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,335 to: -1 It doesn't matter if the unborn human is "conscious" or not. he/she has movement and can feel pain, so he/she is alive from the moment of conception. We cannot rely on biased "scientists" on this, we have to rely on common sense and our belief system.

NFBW: Is it human consciousness that gives human life its value. Is it breathing air through our own lungs oxygenating our own blood that enables independent life in our newborn’s beating heart?

Am I obligated to accept your belief system ¥ Redfish ¥ that picks ‘heartbeat sounds (six weeks) when the brain is not formed because you say so?

Or can I rely on my own belief system according to my conscience.

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Sep 17, 2015 ¥ yiostheoy ¥ #1 “From science we draw a blank.” •••• “In Science which is the philosophy of the physical, natural world, data must first be gathered and analyzed before a logical conclusion can be inferred through inductive reasoning.”

Apr 17, 2023 ¥ Redfish ¥ #8,335 to: -1
“{he/she Fetus} has movement and can feel pain”

Reference 230417^pain:
"Pain occurs in [the] brain," Davis said. When a person is injured — say, you stub your toe, for example — a signal travels from the foot up through the nerves in the leg to the spinal cord, and then from spinal cord up to the brain, Davis said.​
Once that signal gets into the brain, the information is transmitted through a complex web of neurons to an area of the brain called the cortex, she said. •••• It's in this sophisticated part of the brain that a person actually perceives the feeling of pain, Davis said.​
NFBW: What methodology ¥ Redfish ¥ and data have you gathered and analyzed before reaching your logical conclusion, personally, that is so outright contradictory to Reference 230417^pain (above)

You and science have no clue at what point a "soul" has entered into the picture, so trying to destroy the vehicle that will be housing the soul is probably a sin and a shame.

The soul is the person, and not the body persae, otherwise the body begins forming in order to house the soul, but the soul exist and has been sent to occupy the body or the impregnated mother.

Now whether it's in the immediate or throughout the process, you can't attest to exactly when the mother is carrying the soul of a new human being or carrying a vehicle that will receive the soul upon it's arrival to energize that human beings beginning stages of body building. The soul could be playing a role in the intricacies of that developing body in which it will be occupying.
" Populism For Theocracy And Other Dictator Ships "

* The Meaning Of Not Enumerated For Idiots *

The constitution is not silent about non enumerated wrights , except that it is dismissed by traitors to us republic .

States are prohibited from protecting a wright to life of any which has not met a live birth to receive it , and us 9th amendment equal protection of negative liberties clause follows , that is limited to safety and security between individuals .

A ZEF does not have constitutional protections and neither are the collective of arrogant ass clowns authorized by 10th amendment of us constitution , based on non enumeration , to dictate populism of democracy as tyranny by majority .

The word is still “rights” not “wrights.”

Your ongoing ignorance is inexcusable since you have already been corrected.
60 The Aristotelian theory of "mediate animation," that held sway throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in Europe, continued to be official Roman Catholic dogma until the 19th century, despite opposition to this "ensoulment" theory from those in the Church who would recognize the existence of life from [410 U.S. 113, 161] the moment of conception.
Referenced above 230418^ensoulment
You and science have no clue at what point a "soul" has entered into the picture, so trying to destroy the vehicle that will be housing the soul is probably a sin and a shame.

You are correct ¥ beagle9 ¥. Thank you for validating a major component of my argument once again by tying Team Trump/Jesus to enforcing religious dogma onto a free and independent nation of people in violation of the Constitution of the United States of America.
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