Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

OK, lets review. What the supreme court ruling said was that abortion is NOT a federal constitutional issue and therefore should be settled by the voters in each state. THAT IS ALL IT SAID, IT DID NOT OVERTURN ROE V WADE. It merely sent the issue back to the states where is always belonged. So let the voters decide, why are you libs so scared of the voters in your states? Cal and NY will always be abortion mills, so will other blue states. So WTF are you so scared of?
I mean Roe created a federal constitutional right that isn’t remotely supported by the Constitution.

Dobbs corrected that mistake, noting that there never has been and never was a federal Constitutional right and there is no justification in the Constitution for creating one.

That is overturning, it was baseless and stupid and should have been overturned, it is fantastic that Roe is gone.

Which means that yes, per the 10th Amendment, the matter is up to the people of each state, and federal politicians should shut up about abortion aside from 1) banning it in federal territory, 2) continuing to vote for literate, non-activist SCOTUS members who will keep Dobbs in place and hopeful overturn more “privacy” bullshit lies, and 3) voting for a Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion nationwide.
I mean Roe created a federal constitutional right that isn’t remotely supported by the Constitution.

Dobbs corrected that mistake, noting that there never has been and never was a federal Constitutional right and there is no justification in the Constitution for creating one.

That is overturning, it was baseless and stupid and should have been overturned, it is fantastic that Roe is gone.

Which means that yes, per the 10th Amendment, the matter is up to the people of each state, and federal politicians should shut up about abortion aside from 1) banning it in federal territory, 2) continuing to vote for literate, non-activist SCOTUS members who will keep Dobbs in place and hopeful overturn more “privacy” bullshit lies, and 3) voting for a Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion nationwide.
its a terminology issue here. It was not overturned, it was deemed improper constitutionally and legally. Overturning it would have made abortion illegal nationally. The SC did not do that, abortion is still legal unless specific states ban it. may be splitting hairs, but that's sometimes necessary. another way to say it is that the SC declared Roe null and void.
its a terminology issue here. It was not overturned, it was deemed improper constitutionally and legally. Overturning it would have made abortion illegal nationally. The SC did not do that, abortion is still legal unless specific states ban it. may be splitting hairs, but that's sometimes necessary. another way to say it is that the SC declared Roe null and void.
No, because before Roe was handed out, it wasn’t illegal nationally. It was illegal or not state by state. Overturning it did declare it null and void, yes, which is why it went back to the states. In theory they could have overturned it in a different way, by creating a federal right to life and thus banning abortion (which is supported by the Declaration of Independence but not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution), but either way it would still be called “overturning.”

This is a semantics or terminology disagreement, we both understand what Dobbs did and didn’t do and we both approve of the result.
No, because before Roe was handed out, it wasn’t illegal nationally. It was illegal or not state by state. Overturning it did declare it null and void, yes, which is why it went back to the states. In theory they could have overturned it in a different way, by creating a federal right to life and thus banning abortion (which is supported by the Declaration of Independence but not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution), but either way it would still be called “overturning.”

This is a semantics or terminology disagreement, we both understand what Dobbs did and didn’t do and we both approve of the result.
OK, sure
I mean Roe created a federal constitutional right that isn’t remotely supported by the Constitution.
That is true only if you believe that a woman does not have a right to get a medical procedure to prevent harm or even death to her life. The constitution guarantees every woman a right to life. It does not give the same right to a one cell zygote until it develops toward readiness to become viable at birth.
What the supreme court ruling said was that abortion is NOT a federal constitutional issue and therefore should be settled by the voters in each state.
When it comes to individual rights that are not specifically called out in the Constitution the general protection of those rights fall to the principle that the government shall do no harm. If a woman with an unwanted pregnancy decides she wants to avoid the risks of pregnancy and get a medical procedure to terminate the development of the fetus before it can harm her, I don’t see how state governments have the authority to force a pregnant woman to be harmed.

It has to be unconstitutional and absurd that Supreme Court justices could actually rule that in certain states where a white Christianity dominated voting bloc is the norm - the voters get to decide that the government can indeed force a woman to accept harm to her own body which includes death . END2209221310
Do you have any truth @Beagle ? Do you agree with @CarsomyrPlusSix that a fetus is not part of its mother’s anatomy and the fetus is not part of any biological process that can harm or kill its mother?
you say beagle9 you disagree with me so explain why you think a fetus is not part of its mother’s anatomy and the fetus is not part of any biological process that can harm or kill its mother?
I see the chief abortion liar can’t face me directly so he complains to @beagle and her where he can find friendly acceptance to his campaign of lies about abortion.

The only way cars can back me into an alley is through various forms of lying.

One specific form of his lies or two and JACK his personal biased interpretation of what is in writing.

He claims that I said a fetus “takes action” to Harm or kill its mother. That is a absolute lie. I maintain that a fetus is part of pregnancy and that’s the one on willful action of developing inside the womb can harm or kill the mother.

Jesus is not going to like beagle9 that you commiserate with liars only because they are part of your tribe.
Pure gibberish is all you sling here, and yes the other's are absolutely right not to entertain your bull crap for too long, because their IQ steady loses points by wasting their time with your dumb ace. You are a political hack attempting to salvage the midterm's by use of the abortion issue that's already been settled, and you and the terminal TDS whiner's aren't going to change that settled issue one iota. Now go pound sand ....
you say beagle9 you disagree with me so explain why you think a fetus is not part of its mother’s anatomy and the fetus is not part of any biological process that can harm or kill its mother?
It doesn't have to be explained in any certain term's, otherwise you have a mother who is pregnant, and her unborn child is perfectly healthy, but then for some irresponsible reason that has been building up, she just decides that she doesn't want the child (a HUMAN being), that's growing inside of her, so she thinks to herself hmmmmmmmmmm ya know, I could get a so called procedure that would end the life of the child growing inside of my body. Yeah that's what I'm going to do she says, so next she goes in search of a procedure that will end the life of her pregnancy, and ultimately end the life of her unborn child.

The saddest thing is that there are actually practicing physicians that took an oath to protect life, then going out and violating that oath by getting involved in the death cult.
I mean Roe created a federal constitutional right that isn’t remotely supported by the Constitution.

Dobbs corrected that mistake, noting that there never has been and never was a federal Constitutional right and there is no justification in the Constitution for creating one.

That is overturning, it was baseless and stupid and should have been overturned, it is fantastic that Roe is gone.

Which means that yes, per the 10th Amendment, the matter is up to the people of each state, and federal politicians should shut up about abortion aside from 1) banning it in federal territory, 2) continuing to vote for literate, non-activist SCOTUS members who will keep Dobbs in place and hopeful overturn more “privacy” bullshit lies, and 3) voting for a Constitutional Amendment to ban abortion nationwide.
The issue seems to be this - No one likes to look as if they are doing something wrong, so when everyone is forced by government to accept the thing that only some (once a few, but then multiplying into many over the year's), are now wrongfully and readily engaging in, then it cloak's the one's engaging in the thing that is wrong when government gets involved, otherwise government causes an appearance that suggest everyone agrees as if what is done is right, yet only if it forces everyone to agree with it.

Let's say that a state is engaging in what most people see as very unethical wrongful deeds, otherwise that are allowed in that state.

Then if you have 3 state's surrounding that state in which doesn't allow that wrong to go on in their state, then what happens next maybe ?

1. It shine's the spotlight on that state, and the wrong that is being allowing to go on there. They hate that.

The negative result's are next.
2. If the people living within the state aren't engaging in the wrong, and so they as individual's haven't decided to allow the wrong to go on if they have a say in it, then they might want to exit the state in search of state's that aren't willfully allowing the wrong to go on in the other state's next door to them.

3. Loss of citizen's, revenue, and respect will be the result of the spotlight shinning brightly on the one state that is engaging in what most people think is wrongful deeds and policies, otherwise if all these other state's aren't drug into it somehow with them by the force of the Federal government operating outside of it's purpose and boundaries when engaging in such a way.

This is why there is this great struggle by those who want to force all state's to conform under pressure of the Federal government, to then remove the spotlight from them by placing it on all the state's across the board equally for this type of wrong, otherwise as if they were these willing and freely compliant states also, but in retrospect it was by the gun point of a federal government that forced them to succumb to a minority of individuals who gathered themselves into group's in order to fool the Fed's by appearing larger than they are, and forcing the feds into using a blanketing or rather a broad brush on it's enemies by making them think that it's these most powerful, and one's that many in number will somehow hurt the government officials chances of being re-elected if the government doesn't help to cover up the bull crap by lumping everyone into the mix equally through the use of force and/or through intimidation..

Individualism should be supported in America, and character as well, not blanketing and painting everything with a broad brush.
Pure gibberish is all you sling here, and yes the other's are absolutely right not to entertain your bull crap for too long, because their IQ steady loses points by wasting their time with your dumb ace. You are a political hack attempting to salvage the midterm's by use of the abortion issue that's already been settled, and you and the terminal TDS whiner's aren't going to change that settled issue one iota. Now go pound sand ....

Like I can deal with pro-aborts, and I can even deal somewhat with particularly nasty pro-aborts, but extreme hatemongering is insufferable and then you add on the constant goalpost shifting non-sequiturs and constant self-contradicting lies.

I will simply say again, any harm of pregnancy is inflicted upon the mother by the mother and the father and that’s it. The kid is not responsible and the kid cannot take actions, so claiming the kid can “harm” or “kill” the mom is not just intellectually dishonest, it is literally insane.
" Others Skulk Around Its Implications And Repeat Tripe "

* Dobbs Is Sedition And Intellectual Dumbfound *

its a terminology issue here. It was not overturned, it was deemed improper constitutionally and legally. Overturning it would have made abortion illegal nationally. The SC did not do that, abortion is still legal unless specific states ban it. may be splitting hairs, but that's sometimes necessary. another way to say it is that the SC declared Roe null and void.

" Practical And Pragmatic About Moral Relativism Of Nature "

* Compassionate Indifference For None Of Yearn Interests *

Nice try, but if you think that the past abortion numbers fit into such categories or represent your alledged compassionate cries and possible lie's over the unique and specific cases or issue's that are listed, (otherwise as if they somehow are talking about the bulk of the abortion's that were or should have been allowed), then I got some land in AZ to sell to you.
Perhaps you could use some tweets .

You might get 100 years and somehow see empathy for mortality from an immortal perspective ! An over populated planet and taxpayers are forced to fund ABSTINENCE ONLY FAMILY PLANNING by sanctimonious disciples whose excuse for poverty from over population is they are communists !

The mandated debt of fetal abnormalities is not to be dictated by individuals which are delusional about the literal meaning in the metaphors of an after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , etc . as other than passing on ones genetic identity .

As a pro-choice REPUBLICAN , all i see are #TRAITORS who support #SEDITION by #SCOTUS for its #DOBBS decision . By US 14th amendment , birth is required for citizenship and , by induction and #ROEVWADE LOGICALLY , OF COURSE deduction , birth is required for equal protection !
The saddest thing is that there are actually practicing physicians that took an oath to protect life, then going out and violating that oath by getting involved in the death cult.
NFBW: Practicing physicians do not share your religious belief that a one cell zygote is a equal in value to a fully viable human being. It’s your definition of life that is meaningless in the real world outside of your white rightwing Christian Trump voter world.

You are not making a valid point.

As a pro-choice REPUBLICAN…,

I hope pro-choice Republicans recognize the need to vote pro-choice candidates nationwide in November. It’s important to put an end to the threat of pro-Trump autocracy:theocracy now that we have seen where Trump’s three Catholic SCOTUS picks are headed and now we know Ginny Thomas had a role in the insurrection to keep Orange Jesus on the throne.
any harm of pregnancy is inflicted upon the mother by the mother
NFBW: A pregnant woman can prevent harm to her body and life if she lives in New York.

A pregnant woman cannot prevent harm to her body and life if she lives in Texas.

The harm inflicted on the mother if she cannot travel to a free state is on Texas because of its ban on the medical procedure that would prevent harm to her body and life.

The kid is not responsible and the kid cannot take actions, so claiming the kid can “harm” or “kill” the mom is not just intellectually dishonest, it is literally insane.
NFBW: The kid is inside the body of a woman and in that position as it increases in size it can harm or kill its mother. There is nothing dishonest about that. END2209222129
Practicing physicians do not share your religious belief that a one cell zygote is a equal in value to a fully viable human being.
NFBW: Is it your argument beagle9 that practicing physicians who perform abortions share your religious belief that a one cell zygote is a equal in value to a fully viable human being. What is the basis of your disagreement? END2209222135
An over populated planet and taxpayers are forced to fund ABSTINENCE ONLY FAMILY PLANNING by sanctimonious disciples whose excuse for poverty from over population is they are communists !
Overpopulation is a myth, and you’re just dumb enough to believe it. But you’re right on one thing - taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for any sex education or any education or any family planning.
The mandated debt of fetal abnormalities is not to be dictated by individuals which are delusional about the literal meaning in the metaphors of an after life , a chance for eternal life , a life to come , reincarnation , etc . as other than passing on ones genetic identity .
You just want to cull the disabled, don’t you, you sicko?

As a pro-choice REPUBLICAN , all i see are #TRAITORS
That’s probably because you’re retarded.

You don’t know what that word means - your claim is patently absurd and laughably stupid.

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