Rod Rosenstein's 'Puzzling' Integral Part In The Failed Coup Attempt


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
To say Deputy United States Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has had a number of MASSIVE Conflicts of Interest while involved in this exposed coup attempt against President Trump would be an understatement of historic proportions. From the very start to the very end - so far with the filing of the Mueller report, Rosenstein has ensured he has remained involved to the very core of what has gone on.

It was well known / reported that Rosenstein, Comey, and Mueller were / are 'pals'.

  • Their friendship posed the 1st 'Conflict of Interest but certainly NOT the most critical / concerning one.

It was Dep US AG Rosenstein who presented President Trump with justifiable reasons for the President to fire then-FBI Director Kames Comey.

  • "The memorandum cited a long list of former attorneys general, federal judges, and leading prosecutors from both parties who believed that Comey “violated his obligation to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ the traditions of the department and the FBI.” Rosenstein also found that Comey “violated long standing Justice Department policies and traditions” and “refused to admit his errors.”

It was Dep US AG Rosenstein who encouraged the President to fire Comey.

It was Dep US AG Rosenstein who recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction of Justice charges after the President fired the now proven criminal FBI Director.

  • "The review of how Comey conducted himself and the sharing of those findings with Trump made Rosenstein a key witness on alleged obstruction."

  • The fact that Rosenstein recommended the President fire Comey and provided him with justification to do so and then turned around and recommended the President be investigated for Obstruction as soon as the President did so was probably ONE of THE most glaring Conflicts of Interest' in the Mueller investigation. Rosenstein was probably THE most important WITNESS in the case / charge of Obstruction against the President.

Dep US AG Rosenstein was technically Special Counsel Mueller's Boss.
  • The person who helped influence the President into firing the FBI Director who was also the one who initiated the investigation of the President doing so being the BOSS of the Special Counsel investigating the accusation / charge of Obstruction?

It was reported / exposed Dep US AG Rosenstein more than once suggested that he wear a 'wire' to secretly audio-tape the President of the United States in an attempt to manufacture an argument to remove the President from office.
  • Rosenstein claimed, once this was exposed, that his comments regarding doing so were a JOKE, that he had no serious intention of doing so. Former FBI Agents testified under oath that they perceived his comments and the manner in which he made them to be 'serious', not a joke.

  • The mere PERCEPTION in people's mind, the slightest doubt / lack of trust in the DOJ / Dep US AG potentially created in the American people's mind by this revelation was enough of a Conflict of Interest / issue for him to recuse himself from the case. Rosenstein refused, claiming if there were any Conflicts of Interest regarding this investigation against the President he would admit them and would recuse himself. :p

In 2017 the Justice Department made demands that Dep US AG Rod Rosenstein recuse himself at the same time Rosenstein demanded that Dep FBI Director McCabe recuse HIMSELF from the investigation. - Rosenstein refused.

  • 'A later report indicated Rosenstein ignored demands within the Justice Department to remove himself in 2017. It details a heated argument about his apparent conflict with then Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who objected to Rosenstein demanding that McCabe recuse when Rosenstein had an equally glaring conflict.'

In his final Investigation Report, Special Counsel Mueller did not dismiss the obstruction allegations but was unable to reach a conclusion on possible criminal violations. Mueller left that decision up to others....

At this point we complete a full circle, back to where the recommendation for an investigation of the President over potential Obstruction Charges for firing former FBI Director Comey - which Rosenstein justified and recommended to begin with - began:


Rosenstein was scheduled to leave the Justice Department WEEKS before the Mueller report was delivered...but he instead chose to stay and assist newly-appointed US AG Barr decide on the verdict of Obstruction case that he initiated.

  • In his initial summary of Mueller's Report, Barr wrote, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the special counsel’s investigation is not sufficient to establish that the president committed an obstruction of justice offense.

  • Rosenstein, the man who recommended the president be investigated for Obstruction to begin with, was therefore one of two officials who made the final call decision that Obstruction was NOT committed - lack of conclusive evidence to declare / find 'guilt'.

Rosenstein had numerous chances to recuse himself throughout the investigation. He was CALLED On to recuse himself several times, by Republican on the house Intel Committee and by the DOJ itself. There is evidence that there was far more reason for HIM to recuse himself from the investigation than there was requiring former US AG Sessions to do so.....

BUT ROSENSTEIN REFUSED TO DO SO. He made sure he remained at the center of the investigation and remained Mueller's 'boss'...and even remained on at the DOJ past his own scheduled / forecast departure date to ensure he was one of two officials to make the decision whether the President had committed Obstruction of justice.


Rod Rosenstein is not off the hook
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