Roberts wasn't corrupt enough so Dems appoint Leahy to preside over impeachment

That's just unconstitutional. Its a phony impeachment. A REAL impeachment trial of a President has to be presided over by the Chief Justice.

If Roberts doesn't want to do it, the first step for Pelosi is articles of impeachment against Roberts for Dereliction of Duty.
Is the 2nd Trump impeachment even Constitutional, since Trump is now a private citizen?

After his cowardly refusal to pardon Snowden I would like to see him impeached simply because of that but I think that is the question Roberts is bringing up.

Might as appointed George Soros.

Why don't you look up the rules? Roberts would only preside for a sitting President.
The Constitution covers a SITTING President.

Nowhere does it say you can hold an impeachment trial for a former President.

It also says the Chief Justice “shall preside” over any trial. If he isn’t there, there is no trial.
For Republicans, putting Leahy in charge is kinda like letting Jack the Ripper drive your daughter home after the bars close.

Might as well appointed George Soros.

The President Pro Tempore of the Senate commonly presides over impeachments involving other-than-Presidents. Ten years ago U.S. District Judge Thomas Porteus was impeached; Sen Daniel Inouye, then President Pro Tempore, presided. And voted too. That's the process.

Roberts certainly could have had the job if he wanted it. He opted out.
For Republicans, putting Leahy in charge is kinda like letting Jack the Ripper drive your daughter home after the bars close.

Except in this case your daughter incited a mob to go sack the Capitol, kill police, plant bombs, construct a noose, and shit on the floor.

Nice try, but when you make an analogy you have to finish it.
The founding fathers set up impeachment as an EMERGENCY WAY TO REMOVE FROM OFFICE. In the Federalist papers they even warn of the misuse for political purposes and the danger it brings to destroying our Republic. When placed in context, what the democrats are doing is unconstitutional and Parisian.


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