Robert Reich: Democrats have abandoned the white working class


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
The Dimocrat party of today is for angry minorities, and white Uncle Tom's.

Robert Reich: Democrats have abandoned the white working classThe former secretary of labor traces the rise of the Trump conservative, from George Wallace to Barack Obama

The conventional answer is Republicans skillfully played the race card.


In the wake of the Civil Rights Act, segregationists like Alabama Governor George C. Wallace led southern whites out of the Democratic Party.

Later, Republicans charged Democrats with coddling black “welfare queens,“ being soft on black crime (“Willie Horton”), and trying to give jobs to less-qualified blacks over more-qualified whites (the battle over affirmative action).

The bigotry now spewing forth from Donald Trump and several of his Republican rivals is an extension of this old race card, now applied to Mexicans and Muslims – with much the same effect on the white working class voters, who don’t trust Democrats to be as “tough.”

All true, but this isn’t the whole story. Democrats also abandoned the white working class.

Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and in that time scored some important victories for working families – the Affordable Care Act, an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Family and Medical Leave Act, for example.

But they’ve done nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that has rigged the economy for the benefit of those at the top, and undermined the working class. In some respects, Democrats have been complicit in it.

Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements, for example, without providing the millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs any means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.

They also stood by as corporations hammered trade unions, the backbone of the white working class. Clinton and Obama failed to reform labor laws to impose meaningful penalties on companies that violated them, or enable workers to form unions with a simple up-or-down votes.

Robert Reich: Democrats have abandoned the white working class
I don't agree with anything the little midget man far left dem/commie/progressive has to say.

but on this he hit the nail on the head. if only with that title. because I can't stand to read his spewing.

But, yes they have and have been doing it one step a time. Mostly for their Division of Dirty politicking. like these snake Democrats wanting some vote on what Donald Trump said about Muslims or something. before that they used the Hispanic/Latinos. before that they used the homosexual, womeeeeeeeeeeeeen, children, abortion and on and on. they have become the party of LOSERS and Traitors to us and our country

I hope more people wake up
The gop did this far before the democrats did. The gop destroyed the middle class! Both parties kind of suck.

Bernie is the only option when you think about it.
you were just talking about Hillary the other day..
Have you got some kind of dysphoria or something? Serious question. If it is a mental deformity, I will quit calling you out on your stupidity...
The duopoly doesn't care about the workers. Its not just the dems or the repubs.. It is BOTH.
Who do you think wrote NAFTA?
Who helped write TPP? Which party supports that more? (as a matter of fact!)
The gop did this far before the democrats did. The gop destroyed the middle class! Both parties kind of suck.

Bernie is the only option when you think about it.

Isn't it sad that people never learn? When things get back, they begin to back socialists, and then they suffer from the results. Bernie, like all the others, will run out of other peoples money. By that time, the country will be just a memory.

What does the GOP do for the working class?
Robert Reich is criticizing his own party's failings. He takes it as a given the GOP does nothing for the middle class.

I can't stand the guy. I absolutely and thoroughly detest that man. But I understand his desire in wanting to clean his own house.
This is hilarious. Reich is complaining about the corporatism he regularly champions.

I rarely attack people - I'd rather focus on ideas - but Reich is so consistently wrong, so consistently authoritarian and fascist, that I can't think of him as anything other than an insidious little douche bag.
What does the GOP do for the working class?

what is a party SUPPOSE to do for you that you can't don't for YOURSELF? you and many like you who believes they are there to do FOR US, are the reason we have a monster tyrant government consuming us and our freedoms.
The Dimocrat party of today is for angry minorities, and white Uncle Tom's.

Robert Reich: Democrats have abandoned the white working classThe former secretary of labor traces the rise of the Trump conservative, from George Wallace to Barack Obama

The conventional answer is Republicans skillfully played the race card.


In the wake of the Civil Rights Act, segregationists like Alabama Governor George C. Wallace led southern whites out of the Democratic Party.

Later, Republicans charged Democrats with coddling black “welfare queens,“ being soft on black crime (“Willie Horton”), and trying to give jobs to less-qualified blacks over more-qualified whites (the battle over affirmative action).

The bigotry now spewing forth from Donald Trump and several of his Republican rivals is an extension of this old race card, now applied to Mexicans and Muslims – with much the same effect on the white working class voters, who don’t trust Democrats to be as “tough.”

All true, but this isn’t the whole story. Democrats also abandoned the white working class.

Democrats have occupied the White House for sixteen of the last twenty-four years, and in that time scored some important victories for working families – the Affordable Care Act, an expanded Earned Income Tax Credit, and the Family and Medical Leave Act, for example.

But they’ve done nothing to change the vicious cycle of wealth and power that has rigged the economy for the benefit of those at the top, and undermined the working class. In some respects, Democrats have been complicit in it.

Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements, for example, without providing the millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs any means of getting new ones that paid at least as well.

They also stood by as corporations hammered trade unions, the backbone of the white working class. Clinton and Obama failed to reform labor laws to impose meaningful penalties on companies that violated them, or enable workers to form unions with a simple up-or-down votes.

Robert Reich: Democrats have abandoned the white working class

They never cared about the working class…..they cared about controlling the working class….and they have managed that pretty well…along with minorities….
What does the GOP do for the working class?

This is about what the left doesn't do for the working class. Since we are talking about Democrats in this thread can you add anything or are you here just to divert?

simple DNC parrot. they are the problem in this country. thinking a party and Government is there to MAKE our lives. because I guess they aren't able to make their own

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