Robert Muller appointed special counsel!

Will you accept the conclusions of Mueller's investigation

  • yes

    Votes: 34 89.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 10.5%

  • Total voters
What does the word "special" actually mean in this context?

Outside of and independent of the establishment.

He has full authority to both investigate as well as bring charges if they're warranted.
I hope investigating the trump claim of 3 to 5 million illegal votes is within the framework of his investigation.
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelosi and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully this will be completed fairly and's been FAR too long. Using resources to appease radicals who couldn't accept that anyone wouldn't vote for the "most qualified candidate in history".

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.
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Question was asked about the meaning of "special" in this context.

I believe it's similar to "special" as used in {"Special Education Teacher") - having skills suited to presenting facts to mind-numbed offspring of overprivileged liberals. Those who, these days, none dare call "retards". Of course he's gonna need a ton of towels to wipe the drool off liberal faces when he publishes results. Either that or risk drowning.
Obviously I highly detest Trump and everything he stands for - but I'm now breathing a big sigh of relief. If, in the end, Trump is innocent - so be it. But now it looks like we'll eventually know for sure - with credibility. I couldn't be happier to have a special counsel like Robert Mueller. I give Rod RosenStein a dog biscuit for that move.
If he is found innocent would you agree to imprisioning the accusers for fraud on the uS government and the American people?
A special prosecutor doesn't find someone innocent....or guilty.
GREAT! Now Schumer and Schiff can shut the fuck up and we can get healthcare and a tax-cut done. Don't remember much about Mueller but he's got no dog in the hunt which will be a relief. Let's hope he takes a look at the Clinton/Podesta ties to the Kremlin while he's at it. That's your collusion...nothing Trump did.
Question was asked about the meaning of "special" in this context.

I believe it's similar to "special" as used in {"Special Education Teacher") - having skills suited to presenting facts to mind-numbed offspring of overprivileged liberals. Those who, these days, none dare call "retards". Of course he's gonna need a ton of towels to wipe the drool off liberal faces when he publishes results. Either that or risk drowning.
Ah yes...and we know how trumpettes fell about the handicapped:
And the only thing that'll happen is we'll learn so and so wears a dress in private and so and so got a BJ from his secretary.

They always have to find something to justify all the money they got.

"And the only thing that'll happen is we'll learn so and so wears a dress in private and so and so got a BJ from his secretary."

Like J. Edgar Hoover, he wore women's clothing in private and got blow jobs from Clyde Tolson his secretary.

The Mafia installed a secret camera in either Hoover's office or Tolson's office and had photographs of Tolson blowing Hoover, both Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello had copies of those photographs.

Also they had photographs of Hoover wearing women's clothing.
The pressure on him to find grounds for impeachment will be tremendous. He should move his family out of the country.
So former FBI Director Mueller has been appointed Special investigator by the DOJ.

Will you accept the conclusions of his investigation- regardless of whether they support Trump or not?

I will.

Stand up and be counted- so when the time comes and the investigation is complete- you can proudly show you aren't a hypocrite.
Here, here!
Odd how the Democrats never did this for the Clinton investigation.

There appears to be big differences between Conservatives and Democrats.

Whatever issue there is so be it, from all accounts none of it involves Trump himself and none of it affected the vote. There has been no evidence as suggested by Clapper, Pelos and a number of government officials to date. It has become a circus and witch hunt, hopefully completed fairly and's been FAR too long.

Finally. My guess is if Flynn is found guilty of something, Trump will pardon him and life will go on. After this long a period of time this needs to be put to rest and the focus back on improving America.

Believe me, if Hillary had won the turd knockers would not be screaming Russian collusion now would they?
This is why I'm not worried. If there was anything there she would not be going so crazy. this is getting fun to watch.


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